...... who wants a burrito??? anyone!?!? ... going once.... going twice.... sold!!!!! to the kid with the master ball ^_^
I feel awesome!!!!!! :D ...... but i don't know why..... :sweatdrop:
Ya that's true!!!! :D might move their next year, my parents are making me live with my cousins over there ^ - ^
Ya me too ..... but now i have no money T~T
Nice!!!! good luck on getting your ps3 !!!! :D
We all party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Ya i love case closed .... it's awesome !!!!! :) ... so what up???
hey it's been a while since we talked ^ ^
Ello there!!!! how are you!!!!! :D
okay. well i went to California for like two weeks. then when i got back home, my computer totally crashed on me :( ..... so i had to buy another...
Princess!!!!!!!! it's been forever since i talked to you!!!!!!!!!
Hello there!!!!! how is you!!!! :D
Ya it does sound like a perverted group Lol!!!! ^ ^ but don't worry, it's not...... just some of the members are :)
Hey it's been awhile since we talked, How are you !!!! :D
Ya, i'm just tired of school though..... hate school. Always have, always will
Hey Chirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :lol2:
I'm good.... a little tired from school, but good ^ ^
Hey whats up??? How are you!!!! :D
i'm pretty much tired like all the time hehehe :D
Oh have you guys seen the Bleach the moive 2: Dimond Dust Rebellion????? It is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D