Mario kart wii Super smash bros. brawl legend of zelda: twilight princess that new sonic game with the knights and swords ...... ya ... ... ... :D
so how are you today!! ^.^
T2 judgement day. It kicks butt!!!
oh dang, that doesn't sound so good.... So what are your plans for the summer!!!!! :D
i love japanese songs!!!!!!! here are my favorite japanese bands 1)Uverworkd 2)Flow 3)Kelun 4)Aqua Timez 5)sambomaster
dang..... well that sucks :(
but you don't have to use the wireless control. you can use the game cube controller which makes things a lot easier ^^
that is one of my favorite animes!!!! ^.^
pokemon 2000, hands down
two words: wii fit
Pokemon cards!!!!! :lolface:
sorry, i'm just bored right now. so i want to know what your favorite anime couple is. Personally my favorite anime couple is Tai and Sora, from digimon season 1. Although they didn't end up with each other, i still think they are the best couple :3
Ello there!!! How you doin :china:
Hello Unmei :) How is life going for you??? :D
Well during this week, my cousin gave me mario kart wii for a present. At first the game sucked balls, but as i continued to play i realized that i became more addicted to that game ._. So anyway, what do you guys think of that game??(your opinions are important) "opinions are like butts, everyone has one and they all stink ^_^"
Code Geass.... sorry but there is no anime that can beat it :)
Have any of you guys seen this amazing anime!?!? honestly, it is one of the best animes in the U.S. ^-^
i think the best animes are: Bleach, Black Cat, D.N.angel, yu yu hakusho, and code geass :D
so why is your ex acting like that???
just working my butt off :D ...... hehe