hey sorry i left you hanging yesterday, computer was acting stupid again!!!
hey you're recently new here..... welcome!!!!!!!!!! :D
it's okay -.-
case closed (detective conan) is one of the best manga/anime in the world!!!!! i'm on volume 19 ^^
are you serious?!?! that's awesome!!!! i wish could ride an elephant ...
ya it's okay, i like the anime better than the manga though
so you like the circus huh?
well i was eating a delicious churro ^^.... ah churros *starts to day dream about food*
lolz!!! nice quote :D Just here hanging out, so hows your summer :)
You don't reply much do you???
remember, ike fights for his friends
working, but still having fun!!!! sorry i couldn't reply earlier
Kairi is not hated, she da bomb!!!!! :P
Nope, nuh-uh, never!!!!!
whats up peoplz!!!!! :D
i went to the midnight show and the early morning show... so in other words i didn't any sleep at all :D
Hey that sounds like a lot of fun!!!!! lucky you... i have to work the whole summer... so ya not much for me ^^
yu yu hakusho. And i must say... ... it was awesome :D
Ya!!! well unless the lovers are only about 4 years apart.... for example my cousin is in! love with a 18 girl, and he is only 13 years old... ... and creepiest part is that the 18 year old girl is in love with my cousin too 0.o
Hey whats up??? :D