Nice pictures! <3 cant wait for the game to come out!
26. Kissing the manager even if ur a guy. xD
"Oh shut it Demy! We have to get these fans away! There annoying like you." Larxene said makign clones of herself.
21. Take guns from the gun section and start to load and shoot the roof =]
18. Use pennies to pay ur stuff =]
"Yea sure." Larxene said dragging the grinning Demyx off.
>_> <_< Alone ._.
o.o; Ill battle someone next! ;]
"Just read it!" She said puting it to his face. "Please.." She said almost unable to say it but smiled.
Larxene was being swarmed by people, all were asking for a "autograph". She did what she had to do. Raising her hand, a large lighting bolt comes down fomr inside the building. It hits all of the fans. Whuile they were stunned. Larxene grabs Demyx's arm and drags him off away form them.
"Your not gettign awya that easy!" Koian said pullign out her katana and slicign the air. A portal was opened as she walked in and it toke her to John. "Happy to see me again?" She asked standing by him.
Angel was sitting down in a seat with a easel infront of her and paints. "Welcome class!" Said the teacher. "Today we will be having free-time!" The teacher said using her hand to show all the stuff in the room. "Please enjoy!" The teacher sat down in her chair. Angel went ahead to get into the paint. She was goign to paint a bird.
Koian started to laugh. "You think you can trick me?" She said knowing she never sinned for anything. Koian smiled and wispered to Ryuk, "You just go run along back to Just and tell him, I know." She said turning back to her bed. "Oh and by the way! Tell him not to worry, i wont tell." She said almost in a cute but naughty way. Koian giggled and toke a random fruit from a bowl she had. She tossed it behind her to Ryuk, it was a Apple. "Go on." She said sitting back on her bed.
Koian's beasts go into the dark hole. As her beast enters it she wispers many dark words under her breath. As the hole closes she appears in a town nearby. Koian spins out her katanas. Her eyes flash with rage as she slices the air at a building. A dark wave goes out of the katana and hit the building making it fall and crumble. Screams soar into the sky. Koian laughs a little and smiles. As she walks to another building.
Koi felt a slight chill as she looked up and saw what she saw before. A shinigami? ..... It must be! Koian glared at it then stood up leaving her book on her bed. "What do you want?" She said in a bad mood tone. She looked at it angry.
Larxene got close enough to the Amusement Park that teh same man ran up to her and told her she was needed in the Nobody World Ride. Larxene was confused and didnt know what to think. She glared at Demyx almost saying like, Get your Ass over here now! She was being pushed to a castle like thing. It looked like theirs only smaller.
Koian heard teh voice of Just then she walked to the door red hot mad. "Pervert!" She screamed kicking his face knocking him back a bit or more. She stomped off when she heard the bell ring. She smiled and knew she had enough time for anything. Ill go see if i could find any books on what i saw.. Koian walked down the hall with her bag. When she got to the Libary she returned her book she was done with and went ahead with checking out Volume 2. Going over to the computer she searched it on teh school computer. When no results were found on 'Beast Spirts' and 'Air Monkeys'. Koian searched up 'Old Japan Legends' , she found a bit on that. She toke the number and walked down to where it would be. Taking the book she sat down and began to read it. She found many interesting storys and folk lore in it. Many were about Dragon, Warriors, and the Koi Fish as spirts of the moon and sun. When she was about done with the book, Koian found a interesting chapter. The Death God? Hmmmmm.... She read on and learned that the Shinigami were the gods or creatures that descide when people die and how. The book fasinated her very much. Gettign tired of beign in the libary, she checked it out and walked to her dorm room. OOC- g2g ill post back tommorow.
idk suddenly all dark blues and reds turned teal! ._.
"No! Now go!" She said kiking him into the crowd where he landed face first infront of them. Larxene smirked as she slowly followed.
Koian was finishing the final touches on her hair taht she was fixing. She washed her hands and moved teh door open a little. She gasped in horor and fear of what she saw! Koian saw a beast floating in mid-air flying quickly torwards the dorm areas. She moved back inside and shut the door quickly yet quietly. She couldnt belive what she had seen!