Angel stood up and left the school. "Alright.." She said a bit confused or up set. Angel walked lonley through the forest. She could look away from her feet. Angel was really depressed. When she saw the nest she made earlier, she kept walking on and didnt look at it any longer. She was wondering though thick forest. More she goes in more there is a chance of being attacked. Angel looked up to see where she was. But it all looked the same. Im lost...
OOC- o.o really.... IC- Xion keeping her hood up, was leaning on the wall watching the others bicher and fight. Getting bored seeign two left she walked after Demyx. OOC-Xion is very mysterious o_o
OOC- lol is LArxene able to like throw lighting things from her hand? ._.
Oh ok bye ._.
OOC- HEY! Why am i not in the consulting?!?! xD
Cant wait! ^_^
=] Thats me! <3 Wheres Fawr btw? o.o
OOC- he doesnt HAVE to start it. o_o We can
Larxene was burning hot mad by now. Sparks were goign around her as she and her clones released alot of lighting into the area. Everyones hair stood up like Roxas's. All the lighting bolts redirected at Roxas. The bolts came from the floor, roof, and side. Basicly they came from everywhere. While she had a chance she spun out a Ether and drank it. All her energy came back.
Lol xD Yeah really.
Angel glanced out the window and saw what Zen saw. What the.. She opened her book to page 64. It was the page they needed to go to.
"Alright and ill make sure ill bring some apples to keep your 'Room mate' quiet." She said eating a bagual with butter and jam.
"Oh look! Its Reji. Like what I did to this boring place?" She asked smiling. "The population of this town is now 0!" Koian added in happily.
OOC-Ok Thx x] IC- "Hey." Koian said sittign down. "It went good." She said making sure not to put a suspicious word in.
Lol sure... xD
Yeah but there are alot of better theorys i read.
"Most likely..." She said lookign at him with a smirk.
Angel replyed with simpley saying, "Cool." She walked with him to Math and sat down in a seat near the back.
OOC- ._. didnt i say it was already on? bc i think i did IC- Koian got dressed tired and headed to the cafeteria. When there she spoted Just and sat down with him. "Hey." She said tired and yawned. I wish i could get away with sleeping..
OOC- lol xD