Is a Beer Drinker =]
Hey >_> =] Soo.... whatca doing guys?
Larxene bent back into a bridge dodging them and fliped her foot up goign for Roxas's jaw.
Okay.... o.o
Angel stode there alone, lost. She most likely walked at least 1 1/2 from the school by now. She decided to walk on and not try to get back to her nest or the school. Zen wouldnt care... He has Elaine..
OOC- sorry i never got to posting back x.x IC- Koian walked out of her dorm and locked it. Walkign to Just's room she made sure she had the disk and such. When she got there she knocked on the door and waited. Koian had also brought a few apples for Ryuk.
OOC- OMG IT WORKED! im doing this on the wii IC- Koian looked at them and said, "I do it for myself." The shadow beasts were getting closer to Reji, Sky and Vash.
Xion walks out and into a hall. "Whats this?" She asked herself. She was new to the castle, and she didnt know much.
OOC- Oh yeah! and i know xD IC- Larxene formed a lighting bolt in her hand.(Like Zeus xD) She made it larger and threw it at Roxas. While it is going she shoots lighting at it to make it more powerful and faster. It went as fast as... Lighting!
3. .-. Xd >_>
140. Throw a computer onto someones head!
"Im pretty sure they are.." She said darknening her hood more.
138. Spit on everyone you see(in the face)
Hm i read a theory saying sometihng to do with if someone is powerful enough and can weild a keyblade then they can make a key chain to a weapon nonkeyblade like. xD
Morning Guys! =]
"Hey." She said looking though the shadow of her hood to look at Demyx with her eyes.
Yeah, but we dotn know.
Or does she!?!?! *plays dramatic music* =]
"And Sky, then i must be expecting Vash and Rikku to arrive soon too!" She said smiling and petting a shadow beast by her. "Dont you just LOVE my pets?" She inqured while she petted a shadow beast.
"Ok." She said to Just as she heard the bell ring for class. "Well see ya later." Koian said getting up and throwing away her trash. She walked down the hall to her first class. The day went by the same as all the other days. When the final bell rang she walked down to her dorm. Koian opened it and shut it. She didnt need to lock it because she was leaving soon. Koian changed clothing and got the disk into her bag.