"Because they wont know ur working for me! Plus ur a social butterfly. And the reason is Nobodys cant love! Now go and break them up somehow!" Larxene said pushing him more. "And dotn be a big baby!" She said lastly.
Really? ._. I never knew that!
Koian was nearing the bathroom area. She need to do something. When she saw the foutain in teh middle of the boys and girls bathroom, koian went to the drinking foutain for a drink. When she leaned down to take a sip while pressing the button, she heard a strange loud laugh coming from the boys bathroom. What the heck was that!?!?! It didnt sound normal.. When done drinking she raised her head and walked into the girls bathroom.
"Your not goign anywhere!" Larxene said scouping Demyx up and pushing him torwards where the couple ran too. "Go after them! Unless you dont wanna get hurt even more later.." She said smiling.
"Yes sir." Angel said almost depressed. Lookign around she skipped away to Art class.
Koian follows John silently. "Hey there!" She says in a friendly voice.
OOC- how about Ryuk sneaks out of ur room and goes to the girls bathroom to be intertained? x3 IC- Koian bit her lip as she raised her hand for the teacher. "May I be exscused?" She said getting up and leaving the room. She heads down the hall torwards the girls bathroom.
Angel looked shocked at there teacher. "How YOU known about that stuff!?!?" She said still shocked.
i agree :]
:o oh yea i remember that xD
Angel didnt liek the feeling of this but did what she was told. She followed the coach.
OOC- Hmmmm.... Ok.. IC- Koian looks around and hears some sounds coming from a place. Taking out a katana koian slices teh air and walks into a portal thing she made. Koian pops up behind Sakura. OOC- Random popping up! x3
>_> Hmmmmmmm...
Angel smiled and said back, "Awesome! Im one too!" She said letting little bit of her nose turn into a Tucan beak. She then turned it back before someone saw.
There we go x3
lol maybe x3 Anyway... my rpg is going downhill no one will join. v_v can any of you join? its in teh Fantasy area of Role Playing area. Its called: The Phantom: Last Stand
"What you mean? Just liek you?" Angel asked a bit confused, helping him up.
Read this if ur a girl: So ur bleeding liek bloody murder? O_o
O_O Hmmmm... so u mean...?
OOC- ._. i need idea's of what to do next.. D: