Sorry man, I'm a hacker myself, I was only making a joke, I didn't ment to hurt anybody in anyway Anywho, im pretty glad any kh hacker is in this website, if not why would i be here... oh yeah, lots of kids and kh fans go here, im both! :D Sorry again, im not insulting anyone, ok maybe sora a little... but not too much ok? Sora_101 out :ff10sora:
K, my mistake :P Sora_101 out for a long somewhat time XD :ff10sora:
Oh ok, but thx for telling me Sorry if this disturbes you since im 12, but i know now, I was just looking for the ntsc version of the codebreaker codes, but my mistake! :P
Somehow the "Or Else" text scared me a lil' bit, but im fine, thx WAZZUP!!!!! :roll: Cool thx! I'll be sure to ask you first thing for codes :D Gotcha, I will be respective to! :) Ok, it looks like im done with replying with members right now, I'll keep this thread open so i can see more members :D Anyways, I'd gladly be anyones friend, i'm the helping type so don't worry about asking codes or anything that you need, cuz i will gladly respond, if i know what you're talking about :P Of course I'd be hangin out in the code vault, waiting for new codes, but so then, see ya :action-smiley-030: Sora_101 out, for a while :P :ff10sora:
Ok thx, but i feel sorry for redsonic, a little -.- ok ty, and well i haven't counted my ps1 games, there can be more than that...or less XD, lol pickles :D P.S. Actually going on this website was my goal, I always wanted to find new codes and that's, well, me :P Ok thx dude :ff10sora: Thx I will :D I'll say "joyous" alright! Thx! I've read the following rules, thx :D
Oh, ok but thx anyway btw have you seen the thread about duel weilding antiform you know, this... ...I've been looking for it everywhere and I still couldn't find it, also with a few other who asked but, sadly, broke the rules, if i did the same and/or if it's off topic, im sorry :P Anywho, please respond, thx pal :D Sora_101 out :ff10sora:
good job looking at the problem Kiriplant Razer234, unjumble had made me think of a code that made t-stances go when pressing a button, so far nothing's appearing :(, I really hope for a code to do that, cuz I don't want to shut my ps2 down too quick! I will still look for that code somewhere... Sora_101 out :ff10sora:
Just A Hypothetic question, it may be off topic, but why do you have text as ?????? instead of actual, I can kinda translate, but still why? say when you get the codes antiweapon :) Sora_101 out :ff10sora:
Hey Erkz, I was wondering (anyone else can respond), I have two questions. 1 is that have you found a working Sora = Riku code that riku has dark aura yet? And Two is that the riku code I have one code that had riku with only attack and slasher, if i press slasher, it freezes, and attack is only on the ground and it t stances, do you possibly have a code that has riku with jump, attack, and maybe a working dark aura? i may ask too much, but thx anyway :fftosora: Sora_101 out
Well, with all these hacks, I wonder how would sora feel :ff10sora: I wish I can post the reaction to sora when he finds the kh cheats, but I don't know how to browse and all that :( go to 1:55 of this video and see his reaction! Sora_101 ou- *CRASH* :bangbang: I forgot to unlock the door... sorry if this is off topic
Welcome to the club we've got jackets... wait, we don't? Awww :huh: Anywho, welcome to kh-vids, and I glady like it if you could be my first friend =D See you in da forums :ff10sora:
Yelllo guys I'm , of course, Sora_101, similar to my nick profile, kelp 101, and I hope I'll have a great time with you all I'm trying my best to be friendly, if i snap i'm sorry :rockdover:, I'm planning on to be a coder and I will try my best to be a friend to, I have a ps2 codebreaker, somewhat 30 ps2 games, and over 50 ps1 games! I am also thinking of somewhat helping bizkit047, cloudstrife, antiweapon, redsonic, Evilman_89, and the rest of the cheater crew! It was nice meeting you all and see you in the forums =D And I will keep writing codez!!! :registro5B15D:
I think i've logged on to late cause I've been trying to find something, foum, anything about this link... ... and so far no luck, I'm sorry if i did break the rules, but could somebody give me the link to that video plz? I would be very greatful :) :stupid: