Man... i wish there was... this could help to 100s of coders out there!!
yeah but ain't that called pallette modifier? XD oh and evilman89, it kinda doesn't do anything, so i'm leaving it alone... I tried an attempt to do beast with sora's status, and nothing happened... ...except the weird part that donald was data!!
yeah... it's kind of sad... so far riku doesn't seem to respond with status modification, gaurd to be exact... but here's the working characters i have and special moves Mulan (of course):Yes it works moves: Flametongue (aerial spiral) ground combo no. 2 (Guard) some sort of mushu fire-ish crap that makes no sense at all... (aerial sweep) proof: a 2008 vid made by smartguy05, thanks man!! EDIT: kay another status worker Alladin: works moves:slow trickster (aerial sweep and spiral) ground combo no.2 (Guard) no proof info: whenever using a status mod on a character, delete all of the blue abilities except the designated ability for the special move, for example, ONLY HAVE GUARD, AERIAL SPIRAL, and AERIAL SWEEP, or else you t-stance...
1st questions answer= Yes there's more than one stations, but there typoed as "Station of ________" randomally in the room mod web. 2nd Question's answer= ok, here's the deal, firstly, save a room mod with donald or goofy w/ save point, then get the codes you need, INCLUDING THE ROOM MOD CODE!!, if done, hold the correct button you jokered with while going to the room mod's save, cuz if you don't, you'll probably be warped into a different room that doesn't have characters except you, and no bosses will appear. If needed, I can give you the link of the room mod! Not making anyone angry, I was trying to help out :D EDIT: Crap, wrong idea, sorry for the confusion... question, is status modifier get special moves from other characters, or is there something else, here's a clip... lol donald's voice...
um well, it's kinda kh2fm-ish since of this... heh... the limit isn't from kh2 XD
Ok thank you!! :D
Okay, the final moveset works, since it works with other testing times. i have a feeling this is pesky... antiform weilding oathkeeper... 10340BC4 0000002A is there anything i'm missing, thx in advance
Dangit... I've done EVERYTHING possible enough for duel weild anti-form, sora with ff moveset, antiform, everything. Can someone with a working dw antiform help me out? maybe it's the anti's 2nd weapon code
hey guys i'm back 8D And I was just wondering if some1 would have almost all of the hand mods that've been out, that includes everyone who knows the code or codes and da moderators =D thx in advance!!! :D oh and btw I already know the roxas left hand mod, thx
i have another question... when i use neo's moveset mod...with sora w/ mickey's moves, donald is t stanced, and when i move to a different place, it frezzes... can some1 help me here plz... thx :)
Hey, just a quick question... Has anyone figured out a hall of cornerstone of junkyard mod for ntsc kh2 yet, i'm getting sick of the throne room mod...
ally, just probably add them to the code it's ally yes, but it still needs construction, right now the boss attacks you, but only hurts the heartless :D
deadheart, thx... but most of these buttons don't work...i think cloud and evilman_89 have something, but thx anyway :D
well, they aren't recoloring, and to prove it, test the forms out with this... Shoot replaces X in shortcut 10340E66 0000016D Why I take this out is because it's like a combo master for kh2 :D, and the animations of the form still resign in the code, it's like a V2 version of form switching yea but what are the buttons?
hmm... I have a question. Is there any possible way to have multiple reaction command mods for different reaction digits?
They just did, look in the kh2 ntsc uc code thread for "the riku code v.5"
Do you think that with the riku w/sora palette code would work? Probably since using a reaction command makes a movement like dark aura,maybe with dark aura at the shortcut menu, we can also add a sora palette and make him do his reaction commands... I'm going to try it out soon...
o, well, wow... It'll take us a while to know the digits, but im pretty sure we have found a somewhat party modifier, double modifing to be exact EDIT: also,Darkrequiem0 can you give me da codes, I wanna do the same thing =D, a HUGE freakin world of codes has been made!!!!! XD, It'll be impossible to tell you most of the new codes people made 8D And Roxas_Sora51, so when you put in 11FEC156 00000323, you got sora replacing riku? or is it vice versia?
I noticed that with the riku palette, sora had the ability to use session...AHA!Maybe, with a little help from the moderators, we can find out a riku with dark aura, with different modifications of course, maybe if sora's palette changes the riku palette, from riku of course, we can use reaction commands to have a dark shield or dark aura... who knows... I can't convert, sorry, but you can pm Deadheart to see if he can convert it for you!