hmhm i play heavy storm [IMG] thus detyoing your face downs and i play te aspada magic card! [IMG] so i can summon! Aaroniero Arruruerie! [IMG]...
mkay take your time
lol i said shall u go first
mkay go as u ready
:d hey a moogle!
XD just beat him
XD ha i just beat cloud...O_O OH **** BIG DOG!
very concitwering its the only one i havent beaten
KH1 XD lol
hmhm shall u go first?
guess what im playing
traveling mostly
lol whatever u say XD
well i alomst quit te site
meow! =^^=
actuly yes...i made it al the way to the finals in my last tordiment...i lost to some pro...i alost became a pro that day sigh
cool lol i still use the season 1 cards
mkay ill show it to ya tomarow
also freinds are forever so no matter what your always strong im makeing a new card maybe itl beat you :D
*chuckles* well its true my frinds are my long as i have them im the strongest boy in the world.