Give up everything? Give up atheism?? Uh Idk.... Is it even possible to feel that deeply in love that you would give up your entire Identity? I don't want to change myself if thats what your saying, and how am I supposed to channel my love to someone else?
I am not sure. Ever since november I believe. Why?
It will never go away. Don't lie to me. Its impossible to ignore somthing for ever. Its like trying to win the game. Noone can ever win the game, because humans don't have a delete button. My pain will be as a Raven on the bust over my main chamber door crying Nevermore. I know I need to get out in the world, its just that, Idk it seems pointless, there are billions of humans on the earth, whats the possibility of me finding someone that will work for me? (also the christian girl has never called me back ever since I explained to her what an atheist was.)
(I'm an atheist, plus that gf doesn't ever talk to me anymore ) Well heres the real problem he has already visited her this summer, and now she is going to visit him in a couple weeks! They have been together for years. She even knows how to speak Danish. :/gasp:
Okay listen I am in love with my best friend, but she had a boyfriend in Denmark. Yeah in Denmark, 10 years older than me too. I tried to stay happy for her, but I just want to cut her boyfriend in half. I have confesed my feeling for her multiple times, and everytime I get turned down because she has a boyfriend. At some times I think my life would be better without her. Which is not true since she is the one who helped me come over my bigotry. I have never loved someone like Sierra in my whole life! She is so smart, and pretty and intelligent. Its not fair, why couldn't I have me her before she had her damn boyfriend? Why does her boyfriend even have to exist? I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave her, because she is the only person who truley understands me, but I don't want to keep getting hurt. I tried datting other people, but one turned out to be a bigot, and the other one hasn't talked to me ever since I told he I was an atheist. I don't think there is anyone who I will love as much as I do Sierra... What should I do?
That was disturbing......
blow up doll? :lolface:
I could, but it might do your brain some good to think once in awhile. :lolface: ____
The bodies who****** me off!!!
*raises eye brow*
*is unable to see the image*
Yay?????? P_P
I smell an erotic post. :lolface:
No one ever wins the game.
lets go for round three!
Oxygen, congradulations.
I have been ignored by rayku yup -_- __