Howdy partner! What yah doin' on this side of town?
It's easier to see the splinter in your neighbor's eyes, than the log in your own. -Jesus The survey was probably done repeatedly to get more accurate results; since they use the scientific method. Besides why would you lie about yourself anyway? I think you can't accept anything other than what your church tells you to do. You, good sir have no proof to the claim that all homosexuals are lying, nor have I seen any proof that any of them are lying. I believe you are just making up excuses so you don't have to believe documented evidence. She could be bisexual, or possibly she could bi-curious, or maybe she is in the state of confusion that all people go through when thinking about their sexuality. But she is defianitly not a real lesbian. That is very true. The identical twin theory is hard one to grasp, because of its small flaws. Some say that if one twin is gay that it would be gay 100% of time. Why they say 70% I don’t know.
Both quotes were from the American Physiological Association!!! You're in Denial. Also who would know better about homosexuality than a homosexual? Certainly not a straight person. 30 percent of the time the twins might be two different genders, so the idea that one is a gay male and one is a straight female would make perfect sense. We got a winner!
Sierra? She is 17 and a half. Big difference I know. =p
Wow so you are saying you used the exact same source as I did so that you could prove me wrong, and you knew full well that the source was reliable, but when I use it against you then you suddenly think that the source is wrong. I got it! You are in denial!!!! Actually there is proof. Watch this.
most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.
you missed one
1. Do children of lesbian and gay parents have more problems with sexual identity than do children of heterosexual parents? For instance, do these children develop problems in gender identity and/or in gender role behavior? The answer from research is clear: sexual and gender identities (including gender identity, gender-role behavior, and sexual orientation) develop in much the same way among children of lesbian mothers as they do among children of heterosexual parents. Few studies are available regarding children of gay fathers.
Thats not how it works. Thats like saying growing up two dissabled parents will make you disabled. Being gay is not a virus. Also your quote from the APA says that " no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors." Also can you please provide the link to this quote? I never said I judge all christians; although it would be alot easier. Anyway, I judge homophobes, and people who don't believe in evolution. Actually judge is the wrong word, what I meant to say is I like to help them clear their mind; then again that is pretty much impossible.
I like almost everything you said except for the word 'choice'. It isn't a choice, it is somthing you are born with. It's no more a choice to be gay than it is to be left handed. Yah know?
Ouch, and sorry I didn't mean to put it that way. The second girlfriend was a christian, and she hasn't talked to me ever since I told her I was an atheist. I have tried calling her, and stuff, but she never awnsers, so I guess she doesn't want to date me anymore. Then again I may be over reacting, and she might just be very forgetfull. Anyway sorry if I sounded Elitist. *fix* Also who said I was going to make them break up? >_> <_<
Are you scared that he might get hurt, because of his sexuallity? If I had a gay son I would be afraid for him, but I would do everything in my power to keep him safe from homophobic people. After all he is my son. =)
What do you mean you wouldn't like it?
I feel the same way man. That's the same reason why I didn't want to be a christian anymore.
God I love you all. I just wish more people were like you guys. :'{ Its really sad to see people disowning their children because they are gay. :{ And what's even more sad is how brainwashed some people are into hating gay people. It's impossible to deal with people who are sexually prejudice.
So then what do I do just sit and wait? Satanist? Satnaism: the worship of Satan/the devil. I don't believe in Satan, or God. I already told everyone that I was an atheist. Atheist: a person who does not believe in any supreme creator/creatorss, or a supreme power.
lol I knew what you meant by pants.... come to think of it she is pretty dominant, but she isn't mean like other girls who would hit you if you did somthing wrong. Most of the time she likes to take the lead, but somtimes I take the lead, it just depends on the day. I am not sure if I would take a bullet for her, my heart says yes I would do anything I could to save her, so I would take a bullet for her.
The pants? That sounds like a type of love I don't want to get into. I have already changed my identity for her already. She helped me become an atheist, it took me awhile, but then I was finnally able to grasp the concept of it; although I wasn't that easy to convert. :/gasp:
June 21st Longest day of the year.
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