Woah big reality changer. *snaps* Okay you have one wish left, so use it wisley. *raises finger* *speechless* *snaps* *raises finger* on number 1 and two you should have been a little more specifc. Because everyone needs money, and what if the gigs on your ipod suck? As for the third wish pretty well done. *snaps*
martion video I mean lol. I liked it so much that I am going to reccomend a Marvin martian sig from someone. lol
I just tottaly danced to the marsion video. :lolface:
You have made me very angry.
I am baffled. *grants both wishes* Just remeber with great power comes great resposibility! 2. you should have said I want one copy of every video game imaginable. 3. Not bad, I hope you are well fit enough to do all of those. Immortality, wow buddy you are going to have a boring life, good thing you can die from injuries though. 2. What part of one wish at a time don't you people understand? read da rules. 3. Infinite power, money, and immortality, well it won't take long for this to go wrong. To bad you didn't save your third wish, so you could get out of it. I have four things to say. 1. There aren't any dogs at school. :lolface: 2. umm. 3. Don't be suprised if you magicly can't eat icecream. 4. I ain't granting your wishes because you forgot to say 'I wish' "I wish ____" :/gasp: Come on people don't you say I wish anymore? Oh, and as I said this won't take long to go wrong. I wish? :/gasp: Period :/gasp: Number two granted. Sorry kid no can do. I ain't allow to kill living things.
Alright! *snaps fingers* there yah go budy, enjoy your fish! I wish my folks would stop smoking too, my mom and older sister smoke pot too. And many other of my relatives just smoke tobacco. It's hard I know. You want a virtual hug with that wish?
Nah, we just broke up. It seems she didn't want a long distance relationship :/gasp: I don't thinks its possible that those two will break up. Especcially since she is going to visit him in 4 days. :nerve: And I pretty much know exactly what there going to do. They are going to go all the way to home base, again. Anyway I guess I have little choice in this matter so I guess I might as well lay around for the time being.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSiRVI1Khx8&feature=related Such sweet memories.... I finally am starting to remeber why I joined this website. :{ more kingdom hearts more more!!!!!!
1. Not bad, except you won't be able to find your dog if he gets lost in the woods. 2. *gives you a thousand Dvd's, each dvd only holds one cartoon on it* :/gasp: 3. *gives you seafood on a plate, but it isn't good sea food, nor is there any silverwair* O_O (You were supposed to post one at a time silly) :lolface: darn you didn't say I wish. I was fooled. 1. You now own every game in the world, and by every game I mean every game! No one else in world no longer has videogames, or a video game system. Good luck with the angry mob there bud. 2. *gives you a cheap *** computer* 3. Hope they don't go to your head. Oh s*** I just gave you all that stuff even though you didn't say I wish! Alright bub no more freebies. 1.*gives you the watch, but it is pretty ugly looking* But all in all not a bad wish, just don't use it to often. Here is your watch, batteries not included. =p 2. I have no idea what that is, nor can I think of a negative. 3. Gr......*gives you the 15 lamps, of the most meanist genies in the land* have fun with them.
I meant to say lets not spam lol.
lets spam in the disscusion area. You may not think it is disscusion material, but I looked up the rules, and as long as it doesn't go of topic,...
You find a genie lamp, you rub it, and a Genie pops out of the lamp. The Genie will grant you three wishes but first there are some ground rules. READ DA RULES 1. No wishing for more wishes 2. No wishing for the deaths of others. 3. No bringing back people from the dead. 4. No wishing for someone to fall in love with you. 5. No wishing for there to be no rules on wishing. (I have seen Aladdin too many times :lolface:) Here are the thread rules: 1. If you make an unclear wish be prepared for the wish to backfire. 2. Even if your wish is specific you must realize that every wish will have a downside. If you are able to find your wish to have more positives than negatives then you should make it. 3. You may not edit your posts after you make a wish. 4. Make one wish per post, and explain why you would make it. 5. After each wish is made another member (or your genie) will examine it, and then grant your wish. The genie will then give CnC on the wish, so that wisher may improve for the next wish. 6. You must say the word 'I wish' when making a wish. Ready, set, wish.
I saw, but whats the theme for the forum? Every good forum needs a theme if you want people to join it yah know?
So this is your website?
I think you just lost the game. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=83752&page=3
Why are you slamming your face? :lolface:
That was the most awesomest parody of a japenese cartoon in the history of ******* parodys of anime!!!!!!!!!!
Which God? :lolface: The one that gives me pancakes, or the one who touches little boys when they are asleep? I personally like the one with pancakes. The other one just creeps me the **** out!:/gasp:
Oh yes she did. :lolface:
lol its almost 1 am over there. What do you sleep fulley consious with your eyes open? :P lol