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  1. JedininjaZC
    Profile Post

    Manly? :=D:

    Manly? :=D:
    Profile Post by JedininjaZC for Advent, Jul 23, 2009
  2. JedininjaZC
  3. JedininjaZC
  4. JedininjaZC
  5. JedininjaZC



    You just lost the game.
    Thread by: JedininjaZC, Jul 23, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. JedininjaZC
  7. JedininjaZC
  8. JedininjaZC

    Hi people

    Thanks for not singing that whole song, and the tissue.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. JedininjaZC

    Hi people

    I can't believe it.
    I failed.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. JedininjaZC

    Hi people
    Now at the very bottom of this page there is the introduce yourself area.
    which if you should post if you were trying to introduce yourself.
    You were trying to introduce yourself right?

    Am I?
    I thought I was playing romeo in this play.

    Completly epic......
    >_> <_<
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. JedininjaZC

    Hi people

    Wrong section.
    It's okay it's your first day.
    Anyway hi MM82 welcome to khvids.
    Make sure that you read the rules, and don't get over emotional here, or else you might find your time here short.
    And I hope that you will enjoy your stay here.
    If you have any problems you can ask me if you want, but you would probably be better of to PM one of the staff members.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. JedininjaZC

    Hi people

    There are some things money can't buy, for everything else there is the credit&debt master card.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. JedininjaZC
    Failed Copy and paste.
    Try finding the image again, or better yet save it to your computer, then download it to photobucket. Then get the image code, and copy it here.

    Also what program did you use to make this image?
    Edit: Mybanner? I am sorry but that does not sound like a real photo editer. If you want to post in the graphic art section you need to work with a computer program like gimp, or photoshop.
    We don't except gaias, and junk. If you have any question on how to get one of these programs please click on one of the stickys for this section.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. JedininjaZC
    It's one AM here in the Est.
    you could have voted an hour ago.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. JedininjaZC
    Cause he has an excited snake in his pants.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. JedininjaZC
    Wow you shouldn't be sarcastic around me dude. I am not very good at regonizing it. I guess I got a little emotional, as always.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  17. JedininjaZC
    No beating your child up because he was born as a homosexual is not cool!
    That's like beating up your child because he is left handed!
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  18. JedininjaZC
    So you will threaten your child with your so called
    'God', and then you will beat him up?
    That's child abuse.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  19. JedininjaZC


    Welcome, don't forget to read the forum rules.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. JedininjaZC
    1. Are you suggesting that I am in denial?
    2. Yeah my mom also told me Santa, the easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy were watching too, and it was all a lie, just like God.
    Besides do you have any proof for this God?

    3.Um isn't supposed to be God's job to judge me, and not yours?
    Also it wasn't easy for me to quit being a christian, it took me three years for me to finally see the truth.
    4. She is just a friend!! Aren't christians supposed to be nice, and not *******s?
    5. Spamzone.
    6. What the f? I love myself. There you go again judging others.
    Post by: JedininjaZC, Jul 20, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone