Sucking ass is not a pretty picture.:B|:
Then.... I quit writing the damn book.
Then one of the writers of this book stuffed a rubber chicken down The Graceful Assassin's throat.
The f'n end.
:=D: You are too kind.
What?! _______
:B|::why?: Enough my ship sails *shot*
I live in ohio, so it is a while away especially since I will be driving half of the time:/gasp:, but I need to get in my driving hours so I can get my license before school starts. :=D:
You can share all your dirty thoughts with me. :=D:
Tommorow me, and my faimly are gonna drive down to Florida, so that we can go on a Disney cruise in the carribean (on the Disney Magic to be precise). I am gonna go swimming with rays, and all that jazz. Anyway I am going to be gone for nine days, so don't try to miss me too much. :lolface:
Now that you mention it, he doesn't look too straight to me.... :/gasp: If Disney ever tried to make a homosexual couple in a movie, we all know that about 40-50% of the American population would refuse to watch it; which is pretty sad. I guess everyone just likes it when the story revolves around the goal of getting tube A into slot B. :lolface:
*country accent* Why the hell would you fall over for a thread?
Buenas noches.
I meant your money. :lolface: Anyway I got to be hitting the hay. Night.
Alright give me five!
:O :why?:
Pedofile quote, or fatherly love? O_O