O_O I leave for nine days, and you become an admin!? How did this happen? :lolface:
:lolface: Wow you poor son of a *****. I can be more than your friend Rissy. In fact...... Spoiler I could be your bestest buddy on the whole damn internetz
http://www.flickr.com/photos/batty_grim/2397488165/ I'm back from my cruise! http://www.pixiedust-travel.com/sitebuilder/images/Map_DCL_7_West_preview-247x219.jpg So what did I miss? :B
Oh :lolface: Well I go to be goin to bed now, see you guys later. I'll miss yall. Bye bye. =[ :=D:
:=D: Just wanted to say this is the awsomest sig I have ever had.
I don't think I will be seeing this movie, but it does encourage me to go read that alice in wonderland book. I really like that book, it was so indescribeable.
I worship nature. :=D:
If I remeber correctly you are allowed to edit the charecters behavior, so that they don't do dumb stuff like that lol.
Who the hell is dethspnk? I don't think we have a user named dethspnk. :lolface:
Lol I think he was joking.
sailor moon?
So much that not even a picture of a fat man with the word 'anime' stamped on his belly could describe how much anime we consume.
:lolface: I did the same thing. Only I watched online instead.
Say what? :B|:
My girlfriend made those sounds last night. :=D: Only they were more like OH YES!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! HARDER!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!! MMMM!!!!! My reaction: What the **** are you doing?!! Why are you screaming? You are seriously creeping me out. For some reason she left, and never called me back.:B|:
Edit: "this is illegal you know"
Holy snikeys cam is back! ----- :lolface:
I have to agree with most of my colleagues Syndrome was one of the smartest villains in the Disney universe. I mean he many backup plans to fulfill his goals. Goals: Kill a majority of superheroes: That I would say was a major success. Gain revenge on Mr. Incredible: I believe Syndrome should have killed the ice dude before he went to take out Mr. Incredible. Also I don't understand why he allowed all the Incredibles to live. I mean he could have killed them instantly if he wanted, but then there would be no story. Be known as a hero: Obvious fail, the robot was just too dang smart. Spoiler All in all Syndrome's fault was his dumb cape.
That was truly epic. Repliku stop being so damn awsome all the time! :/gasp:
Visit you? Wait your on the ship? *feels slow*