I had a pb&j sandwhich, and now I am wittnessing the after effects of a sugar rush.... I should of had one of my veggie burggers for breakfest...
lol yes yes it is. So how are you today?
It always takes me 10 full minutes to read your posts. O_O I think someone has a overactive throat chakra.:=D:
:=D: *peep hole*
:B|: Yes, and we have a community hot tub too.
Is noone in the community chat room? :B|:
I just relized I was supposed to read the comic from right to left. :lolface:
once you go black you don't go back! :D
Nobodies want to eat you.
*knock knock*
huh? ...............
I ain't going to tell you if I have done anything illegal, especcially over the internet. If you must know I.. *shot* MISTY! Spoiler
Its like a game of chess against kitty cats! :=D: You play chess?
lol I was thinking about being a little more open about my atheism, but I kept thinking that it might not be the best idea. Because of intolerance...
Debating over your debate? O_O Very suspicous. Oh and just to let you know I skipped to your last paragraph cause I got lazy. xD Are you open...
*sees one of your page long explinations in the disscussion zone* Ever thoughts of writing a book? :=D:
O_O Holy ship I forgot that even existed. That place was total cauos. :lolface:
Lol I asked how, not when, but then again you don't really need a reason, you were awesome ever since you joined! I remeber my first disscusion...
Ever since the dawn of time man kind have always loved to make up stories about events they didn’t understand, for example: http://greek-history.suite101.com/article.cfm/spring You also can't prove, or disprove the boogie man either, but you can calculate the possibiltys that such a person might exists, and unless the boogie man is a stalker who filter feeds I doubt he exists under my bed, especially since I have a bunch of boxes under there. You are right the big bang is a theory, kind of like gravity. A theory is an idea that is supported by facts, and observable pieces of evidence. Since there is no facts, or any pieces of evidence creationism cannot be tested and therefore cannot become a theory. http://www.nicerweb.com/doc/class/med/Scientific_method.jpg