i feel sorry for you
breaks your face in and takes it "stupid Trace000222 kh is for kids"
im sorry but that song sucks
how about capcom (seeing megaman X and ZERO kick heartless ***,lets hope they dont suck like they do now) or sega (sonic kickass)
well i've only played PSU,so i wouldnt know about PSO
as the title says its called phantasy star universe: Ambition of Illuminus dose any one know anything about it? all i know is its release date 11-20-07 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNXuqJEc0Cw (is this the right place for this thread)
combination of tv and my friend talking about it.
id say last samurai,the story was really good,the fight scenes were cool,and i cried at the end.back to the future was also good,very funny how the characters keept repeting themselfs in each movie.potc was good to.
well Re:CoM has kh2 graphics and voice actors
thats funny,i hit goofy once
tank-top and banana camo
the part when dumbledor died(i think i spelled his name wrong) but i just got a little teary-eyed
that sounds right
its not,but if it was it would look so much better.
your never to old!! if you go with your friends its ok,if you go by yourself its creepy
thats funny where did you get that
i wouldnt know who would win for info on beowulf go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf
no,hes in a comletely different square universe.
she could be the enemy kh3
that is the only ice cream