9/10 funny and cool mmmh cookies
it would be creepy or cool or fun or bad
how do u do those
welcome to kh-vids
if watch tv,play video games,read books,and you think u can do the **** you read or watched,you should be banned from life
riku.im more of a one hand guy what swords do you like to use? me,ether a katana or a scimitar
they should be called laserblades
This is one of my brothers, saysyou should only try this one if you know the person for some time: Poems are tricky flowers are sticky but wine that's red gets you in my bed. DONT TRY THIS KIDDIES how dare you say no to a free hug,how dare u !!!!!!!1
if i bit my lip would you kiss it better? nice shirt,mind if i talk you out of it?
this is so flippin cool!!!!!!!! i think terra is planing to backstab her
i hope they have the Sword in the Stone world in it,that would be so cool
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1Dfj5iyXLM 7:53-8:27 can you do that one please?
this wont end well
go to http://www.tektek.org/dream/
I Am Santa Clause (Iron Man parody)-cant remember band name The Night Santa Went Crazy-Weird Al Yankovic
chris+x=chrx i have no clue
maybe not,but it would be cool
i like both
has anyone heard about it? its not bad.
which is better?