if my friends go trick or treating i will and im 18,the old Disney movies are better than todays.
can i be a judge?
i wasnt mad,and my mind was somewhere else when i type that.(feels stupid)
bye man,see ya later,good luck.
guess what tardhead,ive seen death note and it is about as exciting watching grass grass,you get more excitement by plucking your nose hair.by the way i have an iq of 140.
a bit more oginization couldnt hurt
bleach,end of discussion!!!!
What position do you lie in: on my side What kind of bed do you have, single or double:single queen size How many pillows:2 Do you like to lie-in late:id like 10:00,but 3:00 Do you snore:sometimes Do you dream:rarely Do you wear pyjamas:banana camo Do you sleep with teddy bears (you lame-asz):he's on my shelf watch my back as i sleep,blueberry(he is a blue bear)has had my back since i was 8
i remember getting fenrir for the first time,i thought it was funny as hell
same here four times
i have seasonal allergies its a pain in the ***
tabby from .hack.G.U.or aqua from bbs everyone go here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=31279
well they could be somewhat related to the keyblades in away everyone go here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=31279
i only found one(sky2high)
im merlins house keeper,dang. kicks a stack of books and falls over on me