Sweetness! I was SO excited about my first one. I had it done in one night, granted I was up really late and it could've been a lot better, I...
but we just got done catching Luxord up!!
Demy- heeheehee.... Vexen- what? Demy- I'm imagining zenes full form in diapers...
Demy- is it like xemnas or marluxias final form?
Demy- *head spinning* so... much... knowelege... Vexen- poor Demyx. His mullet takes up too much room in his head for him to comprehend any of this. Demy- is that how it works? Vexen- if you understand it, then sure.
Demy- Luxord! You remember what happened? All the other nobodies had their memories erased! Vexen- curious. Very curious. Demy- don't you recognize the castle, Lux? Were in it!
You should post it on my groups page. Its called amv share. You should join, its for people who make amvs.
Vexen- that dog looks delighted to see you Luxord.
Cool! I would love to see it sometime.
Harly- missed me missed me! Now someones gotta kiss me!
Leon- my back is not in love with anything because love is something you set your mind to. And by the way, you are just as antisocial.
I've had trouble with that one, but its the only one I use. I have less problems with KH amvs, but I tried a final fantasy one and the clips...
Update: my computer has been having a fight with the internet for a very long time. I have been having a hard time uploading videos and even creating them. While in the past I basically had a new anvil every week, I've gone through a whole bunch of months without even editing any. I apologize for this and hope that it will change soon.
Are you using a specific program or something?
Well what are you trying to do? Perhaps I can be of assistance.
Dr. Grove? Know anything about the use of internet? Ha! That's absurd!
Vexen- I merely set the time backwards so we could all be back at this castle using a machine since you were too drunk to help, and in doing so all memories were erased. It was if anything, unintentional.
Yours will probably be cool. My next concert is all church music, but there's some REALLY awesome sounding stuff. Dr. Grove, my voice instructor...
Speaking of choir, I have a concert Sunday. I'm pretty excited.
I was writing my book, but now I'm laying in bed trying to sleep and I can't.