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  1. pipedownandlisten
  2. pipedownandlisten
    but we just got done catching Luxord up!!
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. pipedownandlisten
    Demy- heeheehee....
    Vexen- what?
    Demy- I'm imagining zenes full form in diapers...
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. pipedownandlisten
    Demy- is it like xemnas or marluxias final form?
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. pipedownandlisten
    Demy- *head spinning* so... much... knowelege...
    Vexen- poor Demyx. His mullet takes up too much room in his head for him to comprehend any of this.
    Demy- is that how it works?
    Vexen- if you understand it, then sure.
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. pipedownandlisten
    Demy- Luxord! You remember what happened? All the other nobodies had their memories erased!
    Vexen- curious. Very curious.
    Demy- don't you recognize the castle, Lux? Were in it!
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. pipedownandlisten
  8. pipedownandlisten
    Vexen- that dog looks delighted to see you Luxord.
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  9. pipedownandlisten
  10. pipedownandlisten
    Harly- missed me missed me! Now someones gotta kiss me!
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  11. pipedownandlisten
    Leon- my back is not in love with anything because love is something you set your mind to. And by the way, you are just as antisocial.
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. pipedownandlisten
  13. pipedownandlisten
    Update: my computer has been having a fight with the internet for a very long time. I have been having a hard time uploading videos and even creating them. While in the past I basically had a new anvil every week, I've gone through a whole bunch of months without even editing any. I apologize for this and hope that it will change soon.
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. pipedownandlisten
  15. pipedownandlisten
  16. pipedownandlisten
  17. pipedownandlisten
    Vexen- I merely set the time backwards so we could all be back at this castle using a machine since you were too drunk to help, and in doing so all memories were erased. It was if anything, unintentional.
    Post by: pipedownandlisten, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  18. pipedownandlisten
  19. pipedownandlisten
  20. pipedownandlisten