Laguna- that's terrible! Are you feeling light-headed at all? Maybe you should lie down.
Laguna- Hey! It's you! Hi Tifa! What happened to your head?
Demy- I DONT WANNA GO TO PORT ROYAL!!!!!!! WAAAAHHH!!!! Wait! I still have one more wish left, right?
Vexen- anything. Demy- don't kill it! Why don't you just set him free?
Vexen- I concur. The dog must go.
Demy- Puppy! Don't hurt Larxene!!! She WILL kill you.
Demy- dang! you guys must read minds or something!
Demy- yessss... and now I have to change it again.
Demy- Marluxia! Its not any of those! Vexen- is it 1234? Demy- ok Vexens in the club, but now I have to change the password.
Demy- why are you here?!!!! My room is a private club, guys, not just anyone can get in. You have to know the password.
Demy- where'er you guys going? And whatcha doing in my room?
@cloud<3 What chu talkin bout? Those are good amvs! You should be proud.I use windows movie maker as well, and while its not very extreme, it works well and you can still make good videos.
Post it on anvil share so I can find it easily when I get internet access
Actually, I'm a junior, so next year will be my last
I was shopping for a prom dress. It literally took me this many hours.
Demy- *sings* we built this city on rock and ro-o-oll
Vexen- in any case, I don't want your dna anymore. You're too much of a brat for me to use it anyway. Demy- that didn't sound very scientific. Vexen- that would be because it isn't. But I'm not going to attempt to get her dna for any less of a reason than to save us all.
Vexen- look who's back... Demy- *sings* when ya comin home dad I don't know when. We'll be together then. I know we'll have a good time then.
That's good! How exciting!
Demy- that rhymes.