Good deal mate! Is that what you're up to now?
Oh. Then you better get a move on! :P
Are you its a good idea to change with such little time left though?
Demy- don't. Fight. There's no point!!!
Uh oh! That's hard!
Laguna- that's awful!!!!
Demy- Marly!!! That's mean!!!!
Demy- it looks sharp.
Demy- Is it gonna hurt me?
Laguna- what do you need?
Demy- *eats donut* I want a cookie.
I wish I had! I thought my mom was going to do it, but she didn't.
Demy- I want a salted donut.
You're welcome! Did you subscribe to me? By the way, I got a 2 on my solo, which means I did average.
Laguna- you're back! You guys should've seen it! Katia and the wolf just fell asleep next to each other it was adorable! I mean.... they seem to be getting along okay...
Demy- lets only say nice things from now on. Unless you're Larxy or Marly, because they aren't capable of being nice. Vexen- fine. We wouldn't want to ruin Demyx's soul or anything
Well! Guess who just finished performing her first actual legit solo? That's right. ME. And I must say, I believe it went really well!
Vexen- yes, but he still talks.
Laguna- awwwww!!!!! :=D:
Vexen- how is this a good thing for us?