when i check it there, there's no dl link to the video.
sorry if i placed this in the wrong spot but i need a link to a download of the twilight thorn boss battle vid from KH2.if anybody can send me or post the link, that wuld be very appreciative.
i think it wuld either be that or Xehanort himself.imo
the manga version sounds like the best
i liked both the story and the gameplay, and they just made it better in KH2.overall, i can't decide!
all they do is recruit nobodies whose hearts are strong enough to have a human form.then they give an educator at the start when they first join to see if they're good enough.like how roxas's educator was Axel.
well, Nomura said that the strength of their keyblades rely on the strgength of their spirit, not their heart.so maybe it was keychainless keyblades in the past.
Marluxia was hella easy for me. Ansem took me about 5-7 tries to beat him until i remembered i had "0" cards lol
well, Kairi has a grandma(probly dead) Sora has a mom, and Riku...well...he's just a loner, but the story is just revolving about them(Sora, Riku, and Kairi) so i don't think it doesn't really matter unless the parents have major parts.
he's not a jerk. i'm sure that he knew that when the island was destroyed his friends and mom were gone with it.Riku left the islands and Kairi just disappeared, so i'm sure he was worried about wat happened to them.Also, since in KH2, he knew that his family and friends were safe at the islands and was only worried about finding Riku and King Mickey since they might be in danger.....well, until Kairi got kidnapped, then he started worrying about Kairi again. that, or they're just minor characters!:P
my fave KH2 Limits is the limit with Auron and the limit with Riku.
thanx, and yes, i am lucky to have Sony Vegas and Photoshop.i got them both 4 free.i got CS2 from one of my teachers.
i think the 4 best disney songs are: 1.This Is Halloween 2.Opening theme for Lion King 3.this song that Aladdin sung at the beginning of the "Aladdin" movie.i forgot.... 4.Under The Sea!
it culd be that.thats the most probable reason right now.imo i don't really think it culd be the present Xehanort.since in the secret ending(this is MY opinion, just letting people who read this kno), i think that Xehanort sacrificed his keyblade powers to create Kingdom Hearts.then he somehow loses his memory to Kingdom Hearts, same as his apprentice.but thats my opinion so it's probly wrong.
The only thing I hated in KH1 was that the camera was placed on the shoulder buttons!I got so confused in the beginning since i was used to using the right analog stick for camera.@____@
harlequin- i like the effects u did.it looked like like a very cool smudge. Shades- i like ur style.simple and good Laplace- i like the stock u used.
well, to start off, name is KHEnigmatic+.I found out about this place months ago but was too lazy to register :/ lolz.I make AMVs and just started making them with Sony Vegas 7.I also make signatures with Adobe Photoshop CS2.(PS addict.:D) I hope to have a great time and get along with everybody.:)