whoa, for using Gimp, these are some really good sigs.Great Job.^_^
omg, yes, I would love to see a tutorial on how to make these.I must learn how to make avatars like these!!!!8D Thank You, Misty.<3
I'll be taking this one plz and thank you.^_^ btw, could you maybe bring the avis into a second row since it's kinda stretching out the page a bit?
thanks for the CnC. currently, I cropped out the subtitles, and I'll try to make the visual effects better.(whatever that means...xp)
your avatars are so awesome and pretty!I just wish I could do that, it seems so easy but is there a certain technique to it? XP
oh ok, I knew about the new adjustment layer stuff, I just thought there were other methods to coloring.thanks.^_^
I think the final boss battle will be like a 3-part battle. for example: part1-Roxas fights army of Neoshadows part2-Roxas fights Riku(in normal form) part3-Roxas fights Riku(in Xehanort's heartless)
lol but its all about Roxas x Namine =D I actually thought that Marluxia wasn't gay since hes like another Byakuya(from Bleach) with the petals and awesome weapon(scythe). I also liked his confidence in thinking he could take down Organization XIII. He might've won if it wasn't for Axel ruining the plan and betraying him.
I need to know how to smudge better and use coloring because I don't know how to do color with PS at all.
I need a smudging and coloring tutorial used with Photoshop.Can somebody plz help me on where to get these two kinds of tutorials?
My favorite keyblades are: -Oathkeeper -Oblivion -Kingdom Key -Way To The Dawn and -Ultima Weapon(KH2)
nice, I like the flow and color in this graphics.=D
Thats pretty cool. What program did you use to make this?
@Misty: yeah, maybe, but at first, when i looked at it before it was sharpened, i thought it was still dull. Oh, and yeah, i think that the style used is hawt too.:3 @Mail Jeevas:thanks.^_^
this is pretty good, but its missing something, i just don't know what.anyways, good job.
these can be used possibly, depending on what kind of equipment system the game is gonna have.
I beat Kurt Zisa at level 88. It was hard.
@Xephos:thank you @Rawr:thanks, and yes, I can put your name on the second one and give it to you tomorrow, so wait, plz.^_^ and the first one is about Roxas in the Deep Dive secret ending. @Pepto:thanks I will.=D
I kinda messed up on some but w/e anyways, here it is: Signatures: Avatars EDIT ALL SIGNATURES AND AVATARS MADE WITH PHOTOSHOP CS2. *will update more soon*
He is cool for his personality and attitude since it's unike such a high ranked person to act like that, which is awesome by the way. :D I also like his weapon.