you lost me at the second mean after erasing parts of the color layers, make more color layers, and then do the render clouds thing?are there any blending modes I need to know?
how do you put several colors that still flow in a signature like this one: Plz anyone help, I've been trying to find a tutorial on this but can't find one, so yeah, plz help.=D
I actually just thought of all the main characters from each show since I can't really put my faves or it would be my own banner, not for the site. trust me, I hate some of the main characters that are on here, but w/e.
one question, what program did you use to make this signature?
I made it with Photoshop CS2
it's for a forum thats gonna be dead in November. I've been with it since the beginning, but its time has come. oh well.xD Very simple, I know. This was done less than 30 min. so not my best.-_-'
good job. This signature works out imo.^_^
do you know where to get the English audio of Crisis Core?
it's very nice, but too much red eyes. from what I learned to make a good red eye, make a new layer, get a soft brush and brush over the eyes you want to color red. After that, duplicate that layer. Finally, set the top to Hue 20% and the second one to color 19%. That's how I color eyes with PhotoShop. Hope that helped.^.^
I'd say Digimon for the shows, and Pokemon for its games.
If Coded wasn't for the phone, then I would so get the game since the story is actually a important and the story happens after KH2. But I'm most excited for Birth By Sleep.I'm also excited for 358/2 Days, but I'm more excited for BBS
yeah, Cartoon Network sucks now.Thats why I never watch it anymore, besides TDI.(that's actually a good show.) Toonami used to be good back then, where they had my favorite shows that I thought were really good. Transformers, Reboot, Ronin Warriors, DBZ, and many more shows. but still, I'm gonna vaguely miss Toonami and Spike Spei- I mean Tom, the host.:)
I've been a KH fan ever since the first game came out, and I'm glad to be a KH fan for that long(that's 2002, baby!).=D
Is this what you use to make your KH screenshots, because I'm also having the same problem here.
I don't think every boss fight, only the really major boss fights. Either that, or he'll probably have a light meter that's like a drive meter. Or, like I have said before, maybe he can only use this when he is cornered and nowhere to go such as during his fight with Axel and his fight with riku and the 1000 Neoshadow.
well, since i saw screenshots first, I wasn't skeptical.I actually thought this game was gonna be really original and be the first great game to bring two unrelated universes, Disney and Final Fantasy, together.
replied. anyways,hope to see your tutorial, Misty.
well, if you mean going fast and doing combos all out is, then I'm more of a berserk type, and I'm an agile type, because I use fast yet good combos and if I get interrupted, I use aerial recovery and start again, or aerial recovery, and then heal/ reflect
did you load it straight from your computer or did you use a link?
well, lets just let Misty decide if she wants to make a tutorial or not.