I guess so, as Shakespeare said, "Nothing is good or evil, but thinking makes it so." It is also true that they had to use those methods because there was really no other possible way for them, it was the only way for the desperation of survival. So yeah, well said, Repliku. ^_^ (And very detailed @___@)
Well yeah, you could say they are not evil, but the methods they used to obtain their hearts were considered evil. They would use heartless to wreak havoc in the worlds, which they expected Sora to destroy them, and they didn't really care if some members took the fall(In other words, died) and if innocent people were hurt since they, of course, have no hearts. So I guess you could say that they weren't evil but they used evil and selfish(meaning only for the organization's benefits and nobody elses) methods to reach their goal.
Well, I read KH manga and CoM manga and I didn't like any of the two. First of all, the fights are WAY too short. It's as if they got bored and decided to make the fights only 1-2 pages! D:< Secondly, most characters seemed so out of character, with the expressions and stupid things they said. Really, they even made the organization seem so stupid at times, it gets me irritated But I read KH2 manga, and so far, it's pretty okay imo.
imo Hiei is the best. =D just get a better font for his wallpaper. xD
Is there any difference between the KH2 Novel and Manga?(Ex: plot, characters, fights, etc.) I wanna know because I'm thinking of buying the novel but I don't wanna buy it if it's just several chapters of the manga in one book.
Hi Hazzlie ^^
??? that's weird. Then I gotta change it. :/ brb EDIT there we go. that takes care of that problem. ^_^
The 7th one is your best. The smudging is just perfect and makes a good flow. 8D what settings did you use for it and what brush??
Yes, you make it black and white and then you add 1 COLOR to it like the other signatures already posted. But remember, ask for advice in the designated discussion thread next time since this thread is only for submitting entries: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=66443 hope that helps. ^_^
well, yeah, but I'm too busy with school so I really can't. I would like to, but I don't think I would be able to take in so many requests...
here's my entry, and I'm pretty okay with the result. =D
yeah I also like to chat here sometimes
I like making AMVs and signatures here.
Laplace- At first I didn't know what the hell that was in your sig XDDD but then I realized that it was the guy from Soul Calibur I think. Anyways, I like the effects done with it. ^_^ Wabba- I like it, it's nice, but it needs a little more color. VGN- a little too much contrast, but still, 'tis good. =D
welcome to KHV Mike, and I live in Florida too! XP
Well, I don't think we'll se any Pixar movies in KH. Why? well, they have not shown even ONE Pixar movie in the whole series,(not even as a summon!) so I think they would need to have permission from Pixar also to use their characters.(i.e.: permission to use Buzz, Mr.Incredible, Sully, etc.) Anyways, I would love to see a KH version of Vincent and have him as my ally, also Stitch, Wilbur Robinson, and best of all, Noctis Lucius Caelum from FFVersusXIII. =D
Yes, I've also been waiting and I really want a new SOTW to start already, so please end this already so I have another reason to go to this section.
I use Adobe Photoshop CS2 but I used to use Gimp.=D
Yes this style is similar to TWEWY, so I like it. only minor thing about it is, yes, the keychain, and the rounded corners of the keyblade are a little choppy also. But still, I liek.=D Also, could you give a link to the original stock plz?(if there is one)
ok, thanks, Misty and Wabba.^_^ EDIT my 100th post! hooray!=DDD