I like it, but the shiny thing is too bright. @____@ Good job, RiS. <3
I like this new graffiti style. This is better than the other ones you've made. 9/10.
Haha thanks dude! XP Thanks you guys(and girls xD). I'm really appreciated all of you(so far..... >.>') like the signature/tag overall =D Anybody else??
This is pretty good. =D I just have to say that the text just doesn't feel right in this signature. :/ Maybe lower the opacity a bit??
I give it a 10/10, and I'll pm you some vector brushes later, but for now, you have a fair amount. =D
Very nice Sadden. Not only that, but the quality of this picture somehow looks even better than before.(don't know how THAT happened lolz) Anyways, overall, it's a great job for your 3rd attempt. =D
Thank you Misty. <3 And I agree with you, the text was a hard choice sine I have thousands of fonts in my computer yet I do't have the patience to go through all of them....(at least it doesn't distract from the focal....I think.....>.<) Oh Well! XDDD Thank you once more. :D
This is an even better improvement from your last attempts. :D As I said before, there's that weird line, try to take that off. Overall, a great improvement. 9.5/10
honestly, it's not that good. It's a little too blurry and it just feels really plain. I posted that vector tutorial btw.
@coco: ohhhh lulz thanks. @J.D.:Thanks. =) @Xephos: I'll do that lol.xD Thank you =D @RiS: Thank you, RiS. <3
Updated the thread. =D
First of all, I would like to say that THIS TUTORIAL WAS NOT MADE BY ME!!!! Now that I've got that out of the way, this tutorial is very good for people who wanna make vector signatures. ;) If you liked this, give kudos to the person who made this. =D Now here's the tutorial: EDIT Had problems with the size, so here's the link: PS Users http://duzyourfacehurt.deviantart.com/art/L-Tag-Tutorial-50947538 Check out his/her page for their other works. ;) GIMP Users http://cobragfx.deviantart.com/art/Vector-Style-Sig-Tutorial-81614336 Again, comment, and check out his/her page. =D I hope you guys find these tutorials very helpful. ^_^
I just have to know, do you use Photoshop or Gimp?(I'm guessing Gimp lolz) Reason why is because the tutorial is meant for Photoshop users.
This is okay for your first vector attempt.....7.5/10 I have a tutorial that I'll upload that tells how to make a good vector sig. ;)
Thanks. =D
Whoa thanks everybody! :) @Bareri-San: Yes, Bareri, that's Repliku from the KH:CoM manga. @Coco:Thank you <3 (What's CMYK Colors? XD) @Everybody else: Thanks! =D
Here is the completed version. =D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIpLjsW7oEg&fmt=18 Need even Higher Quality? http://video.kh-vids.net/video/3a35d0b4-39b2-4978-b958-9b5800ecba5a.htm I hope you guys like the video. I look forward to making more videos and improving along the way. =D
The result I was making out of this was something colorful from the use of several textures and wallpapers. =D Anyways, CnC plz.=DDD
This is good, but what I really don't like is that pen tool line in the lower. That one looks too rigid and kinda disrupts flow and what-not imo. Remove that, and it's perfect. =D
Seriously entrants.....vote!!!!!