i want to know what panda cheese tastes like now xD
*pokes side*
no. it will result in many weird questions and sometimes you just want to put things on there that parents shouldnt see like the convos you have with friends
no problem *playfully punches arm*
Sinder awoke to the sound of echoing gunshots. "Oh look they left without me. Such a surprise." She smirked at her joke and made her way to stand. The dragon girl unfurled her wings and stretched. "Well, I guess I'll just have to follow where the echoes came from... Hmm... Fifteen miles East, not a problem." She eased her way through the bush and trees, like if she had all the time in the world, and stopped to smell every flower as she made her way to the others.
oh no his head asploded *takes cuteness away*
damnit *puts money in jar*
creeper status. how bout this?:[IMG]
thats lovely xD
you shouldnt feel bad. chin up n show a smile! :} *grabs chin n pushes it up*
its alright. like i said, its not your fault
first of all there is very good colors being used. the clearness is very...well...clear 1st batch: love the variations of blue. second and third pic on the top row, personally, look too painted-like to me. third row middle: i dont like how the picture cuts off at the end of his sleeve 2nd batch: love the different poses the characters are in. third row fist picture: i think this one looks a little too much like a coloring book page overall: great job n keep it up ^-^
no ive been pretty optimistic, just havent been very hungry. i have to force myself to eat breakfast in the morning before school, which isnt very...
1st one: i think it is very well done. but i think the shadows could be improved. the one on the nose and under the lip doesnt look right to me 2nd one: I love the colors. very great job on the lighting, but i think the light in the right side could be a little dimmer
probably not cuz ive been less and less hungry lately
I really like it. I just think its too brightened up. Kinda messed with my eyes xP
but i had a headache n felt very weak
muahahahaha i got first post! Welcome to KH-Vids n enjoy yourself!
yeah me either. just was in that zone waiting to pass out but it never happened
*hugglez back* so how was your day?