ill be fine... just annoyed by my dad n trying to get past issues with my parents
lovely .
watchin wolf's rain n procrastinating from homework
ohai *waves*
i gtg we're gonna watch a movie ill talk to ya laters
not really, fell kinda hard
*is surprised by tickle n falls backwards onto floor* owie ;~;
nyeh *hides face in back*
i dunno *lays chin on shoulder*
yayz !
no i iz a koala *holds tight cuz iz afraid of falling*
*jumps on your back like a koala* :P
*tickles* :}
*squishes stomach* squish :P
*smiles back n pokes cheek* I pokeded you :P
its his soul encased in what LOOKS like a gun xD
*is squished in glomp* xP
violence! :O
*sits up* im not really dead *scratches back of head with a "oh-jeeze-im-stupid" look*
*falls over n made dying noise*