no my dad made it worse
hai *waves*
I dont care if you almost died you didnt get to ride a dinosaur! wait what the hell does the guy in they gray sweater have a boner?!?!?!?!?! xD
"Alrighty then, here we...go." Sinder pulled out twin double edged blades tipped with gold. "Picked up these babies on the way down." She took off in the direction of the hostages, moving with incredible speed and agility.
Sinder remained stiff as Demetrio hugged her. "Am I going to have to get used to hugs?" She looked in the direction of where the sound of soldiers came. "You guys can get em. I've got a while of butt-kicking to get out of my system."
okies dokie artichokie have fun
*punches shoulder playfully* chin up
i tough it out, stubborness ya know
ill be fine, dont worry bout me
Sinder got all stiff when Mya hugged her. "Aye... still not used to hugs..." She looked up at the girl, "Nice to meetcha newbie."
*wipes eyes* i iz tired
*pokes cheek n hugglez*
haha yeah
The girl shook some debri off and looked up at Mya. "Hey, long time no see partner in crime," she smirked jokingly as she sat upright and rested her arm on her knee. Sinder looked at Keelina, "I thought I heard somethin' 'bout new recruits." She shot her wings open and ran her hand through her brown hair.
yeah i know, ive always been like screw you im my own person
he wants me to change me. I wont
A bright light crossed the sky. It was Sinder returning from the heavens. Her wings were wrapped around her and she seemed to be sleeping. But she was fully aware of where she was heading: Redfog. As the girl came close to the town she ran into the makeshift plane, crashing it and herself into the square of the city.
sometimes, i feel like, like i get this akward glance from him. the glance that he says change, the password he makes me type everyday to get into...
he just didnt want us to talk much anymore. its a personal problem
its just that ive grown close to one of my peeps n we're like two peas in a pod. because of this my dad put a limited number of txts n calls on my...