Pokémon Moon - 3DS
For those of you planning to buy the next entry in the 'Kingdom Hearts' series digitally, you may now pre-order the game on the US Playstation Network (link), which will come with an exclusive PS4 theme. Also listed on the PSN page is 2.8 FCP's file size, which will be 27.6 GB.
View attachment 45774 The latest issue of Famitsu has included a section focusing on Aqua's portion of the upcoming game, 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue', giving us mostly images we've already seen, but we do get two new gameplay images as well as a new render of King Mickey from the game. Credit to KHInsider for the magazine scan!
And it looks like Elijah Wood won't be buying it anytime soon.
I have to admit, I haven't shown much interest in Disney's recent trend of live action remakes of their animated classics. But this may be an exception, as both today's new trailer (as well as the teaser from months ago) have caught my attention and got me interested. Was it the heavy nostalgia that the trailers provided? I don't know, but I know I'll definitely be seeing it. Now where's my gritty live action reboot of Bambi?! Come on, Disney!
~Nintendo High School - Music Class~ Once the students were ready, Yen Sid conducted them as they played the following musical piece: Spoiler: Music that the students played "Excellent work," Yen Sid said once the students finished playing 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice', "I look forward to seeing you all perform just as well tonight. Now let's move on to our next musical piece, the 'Pastoral Symphony.'" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Advanced Calculus Class~ Sully proceeded in writing out material on the board that would be on tomorrow's test, while the students in class wrote down what he wrote. 'Ugh, really wished that wasn't on the test,' Luna thought to herself as she noticed one of the things that the students would be tested on was something she struggled with. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Gym Class~ "Yay! Dodgeball!" Ed cheered, incorrectly thinking that the cones and footballs indicated they were going to play dodgeball. "Ed, you moron... since when do we play dodgeball with footballs? Know the difference!" Eddy berated Ed for his foolishness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hospital~ Rushing towards the hospital as soon as she got the call that Kate Stewart was shot, Osgood arrived to the room where she found Darien joined by Nick Fury and Sergeant Calhoun, watching doctors operating on Kate to try and save her life... "Is she going to make it?" Osgood questioned. "I don't know," Darien replied. After a brief moment of silence, Fury told Darien, "Tell me about the shooter." "He's fast and strong," Darien replied, "He had a metallic arm." "Ballistics?" Fury asked. "Three slugs. Soviet made. No rifling and completely untraceable," Calhoun answered Fury. Suddenly the four watched in shock as Kate's state began to deteriorate. "She's dropping!" Doctor Hu cried as he noticed Stewart flatlining. "Crash cart coming in," a nurse responded. "Nurse, help me with the gauzes, please! BP is dropping! Defibrillator!" Hu yelled, "Charge to one hundred." Darien and the others anxiously watched as the doctors inside the operating room got a defibrillator to try and save Kare Stewart's life. "Don't do this to me, Ma'am," Osgood silently said to herself, trying keep hope within herself that Stewart would survive. "Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Doctor Hu announced as Stewart was given a shock with the defibrillator, "Pulse?" "No pulse," a nurse replied. "Okay. Charge to two hundred, please. Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" Hu announced as Kate was given another shock with the defibrillator, "Give me epinephrine! Pulse?" "Negative," a nurse replied. "Please don't die, Ma'am, please..." Osgood whispered to herself as her eyes began to tear up. The doctors tried giving Kate Stewart one more shock with the defibrillator, but unfortunately, Stewart was still flatlining. It was at that point the doctors shook their head and figured there was no point in continuing. Kate Stewart, director of the J.I.A., was officially dead. As the doctors took note of what time it was to record the time of death, Darien was stunned as he stared at the operating room, not being able to believe that Kate Stewart was really dead. Fury sorrowfully covered his face, while Osgood broke down in tears, sobbing as Calhoun tried comforting her. Stepping out of the operating room, Doctor Hu approached Darien and the others, saying, "I'm so sorry... we tried our best, but... we couldn't save her." "Thank you, Doctor," Fury replied. As for Darien, he took out the flash drive Kate gave him, wondering if it contained clues about who killed her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus~ While the Bus was docked in a J.I.A. airfield after last night's mission to rescue a J.I.A. ship in the Mediterranean Sea, Skye and Alan were relaxing inside the plane, with the two playing a game of 'Battleship'. "Every decision you make from here on out has consequences. So be warned... the kiddie gloves are off," Alan with his competitive nature warned Skye. "G7," Skye said. "Hit," Alan replied, indicating Skye successfully sunk one of his destroyers. "Yes! Ha!" Skye cheered, "So, explain to me again what this has to do with my training." "It's important for every S.O. to evaluate their student's thought process," Alan replied, "And I like board games. B10." "Nope," Skye said, indicating that Alan didn't sink any of Skye's ships, "This isn't thinking. This is stabbing in the dark, but it's nice to take a break from the workouts, especially after that mission in the Mediterranean." "Well... you deserve a break," Alan replied, "I got to give Shining Armor credit. I would have never pegged a Rising Tide hacker as a good fit, but... you're picking things up pretty fast." "Did you just give me a compliment?" Skye asked. "I... no, I made a comment," Alan retorted. "A kind one. Did it physically hurt to do that? Do you need an ice pack?" Skye teased Alan as he smiled and the two laughed, "Wow. A compliment and a smile." "Comment," Alan corrected Skye. "I don't want to ruin the moment, but I'm gonna have to respond with... G4," Skye responded, noticing a disappointed look in Alan's face as he looked at his side of the board, realizing it could only mean one thing, "Say it, Alan. Say it." Sighing, Alan said, "You sunk my battleship." "Yes!" Skye cheered. "All right, best 2 out of 3," Alan replied. "I beat you!" Skye continued. "Best 2 out of 3," Alan repeated, wanting a rematch. "Best I just won out of nothing," Skye retorted. Meanwhile, Shining Armor and Melinda May were watching the two play 'Battleship' close by, enjoying the growing friendship of the two... "She's fitting in nicely," General Shining Armor commented. "Gloating?" May asked him. "A little," the pony responded. "You didn't get much sleep after the mission," May said, "Heard you puttering around early morning even before I started Tai Chi. Having trouble sleeping?" "No, I feel great. Just have a little extra energy to burn," Shining Armor replied. "If you want, I could lay out the mats downstairs. We could go a few rounds, like the old days?" May suggested. Chuckling, Shining Armor was about to respond before hearing his phone ring. "Saved by the bell," May commented as Shining Armor took out his phone. "Hello?" Shining Armor answered his phone as he was listening to what the caller was telling him, with the expression on his face suddenly changing to one of worry, "WHAT?! When?? I... alright, alright..." As he hung up, May worriedly asked, "Shining, what is it?" "It's Director Stewart," Shining Armor responded, "She's dead." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Calcutta, India~ As he was looking out from the balcony of the apartment provided to him by the J.I.A., Severus Snape was enjoying a cup of tea, sitting on a chair as he watched a nearby building where Dr. Bruce Banner would frequently visit. "Mr. Snape," an Indian J.I.A. agent said as he entered Snape's apartment and walked towards the balcony, handing Snape a letter, "Message from the Triskelion." "Thank you," Snape replied as the agent nodded and left. As he was drinking his tea, Snape opened the letter, and read the contents. Shocked by what he had read in the letter, Snape dropped his cup of tea, still trying to make sense of what he just read in the letter, which stated that director of the J.I.A. Kate Stewart died. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Command Center~ Spoiler: BGM Entering the Command Center, Gideon Malick, a member of the J.I.A. World Security Council, walked over to Zordon to deliver the tragic news on Kate Stewart. "Zordon," Malick greeted Zordon. "Gideon Malick, how may I be of service?" Zordon asked. "I have some terrible news," Malick responded, "Kate Stewart has been killed. Alexander Pierce is now the director of the J.I.A." Shocked to hear the news of Stewart's death, Zordon replied, "I am terribly sorry to hear that, Malick. How was she killed?" "Unidentified shooter," Malick answered, "But I'm sure we'll find out who was responsible soon." "And if the J.I.A. will require help, I can provide it by contacting the Rangers and Riders that I am familiar with," Zordon replied. "Thank you, Zordon," Malick thanked Zordon, "The J.I.A. owes you a debt of gratitude for your help over the years." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe~ "Thanks, ma'am," Luke replied as he took a seat, and picked up a newspaper to read. While he and Ikuko continued with their drinks, four men entered the cafe, with one of them pointing a gun at Hayley and giving her a bag, saying, "Hey you, fill this bag with all the money in the cash register!" Ikuko gasped at the sight of the four thieves, staring at the one with a gun, and at another thief holding a baseball bat. "Hey, you move a muscle, you die," one of the thieves also threatened Ikuko. "Now then... give us the money," the thief with the gun ordered Hayley once more. Seeing at what just happened, Luke Cage got up from his seat, telling the thieves, "Yo... I don't like your tone." "Excuse me?" the thief who was threatening Hayley replied. "You're being disrespectful," Luke Cage continued, "It's unnecessary." The four thieves then started to laugh at Luke Cage, with one of them ordering Luke, "You need to step off, n***a." "I also don't like you using words like that," Luke replied after the thief used a racial slur. "I mean, what you think you gonna do, Trayvon Martin?" the thief continued, removing Luke's hoodie himself to reveal his face, "Think we're scared of your sorry black a**?" The thieves laughed once more, with one of them commenting, "I think he thinks he's gonna bring it." As the chuckling between the thieves continued, Luke replied, "I can. Not the way I want to. I'd kill you." "Oooooh," the thief threatening Hayley mocked Luke as he chuckled, "I like this cat. Yo, Amos. Show the man what you're famous for." One of the thieves then walked towards Luke Cage, and attempted a knockout punch to his face, only to result in something like this: As the thief's hand broke with the inside bones getting crunched after the attempted punch on Luke's bulletproof skin, he cried in pain, and was grabbed by Luke Cage and thrown out the door. Another thief rushed towards Luke, smashing him with his baseball bat, which broke upon impact without even affecting Luke. Luke then grabbed the thief, smashing him to the floor and knocking him out. The thief who threatened Hayley then pointed his gun at Cage, who retaliated by grabbing the gun with his hand. The thief then fired his gun, but didn't seem to affect Luke's hand. As for Luke, he headbutted the thief, knocking him out. Once there was one thief left, Luke opened the hand he grabbed the gun with, showing him the bullet that was shot, but couldn't penetrate his skin. As Luke dropped the bullet to the floor and frightened the remaining thief, he asked, "You want some?" "Hey, I don't even like these guys, man," the frightened thief replied as he rushed to the exit. Spoiler: BGM "I'm sorry about the commotion, ma'am," Luke told Hayley. "That was... amazing," Ikuko told Luke Cage, "Anyone ever tell you that you should be a hero for hire?" "I'm not for hire," Luke responded, "But you two have my word. If I'm ever around and see punks like these, I've got you." Shifting his attention towards Hayley, Luke said, "Thanks again for the coffee." Putting his hoodie back on, Luke exited Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe while drinking his coffee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - English Class~ "Alright, class, assuming each one of you read Chapter 2 of 'To Kill a Mockingbird', it's time to start with Chapter 3. So open your books, and let's start," John Smith instructed his class as the students did as they were told, "Any volunteers to start us off?" Noticing Xion raise her hand, Smith said, "Very well, Xion, go ahead and start with the third chapter." Nodding, Xion started to read the third chapter of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' out loud. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Pokemon Battling Class~ "The Pokemon mega evolution I studied about was Mega Charizard X," Ritchie spoke to the class as he started his presentation, "This mega evolution, along with Mega Charizard Y, are unique in that no other Pokemon is known to have two different mega evolutions other than Charizard. As Mega Charizard X, a Charizard's body and legs appear more physically fit, though its arms remain thin. Its skin turns black with a sky blue underside extending from the lower jaw to the tip of the tail. Two spikes with blue tips curve upward from the front and back of each shoulder, while the tips of its horns sharpen, turn blue, and curve slightly upward. Its brow and claws are larger, its snout is shorter, and its eyes are now red with white pupils. It has two small, fin-like spikes under each horn and two more down its lower neck. The lower trims of its wings are divided into large, rounded points and each third joint is adorned with a claw-like spike. Mega Charizard X breathes blue flames out the sides of its mouth, and the flame on its tail now burns blue with increased heat. As far as stats go, meg evolving into Mega Charizard X will give Charizard a higher attack, defense, and special attack stats. As for type effectiveness, a Charizard that evolves to Mega Charizard X will no longer be weak to electric attacks, and actually be resistant to it, as well as being more resistant to fire, and less weak to fire and water. On the downside, Mega Charizard X would be less resistant ot bug-type attacks, weaker to fairy and fighting type attacks, and really weak against ground-type attacks. And that is all I have to say." "Well done, Ritchie," Professor Oak commended Ritchie as he and the rest of the class applauded him. "Thank you," Ritchie replied as he bowed down, and handed his report to Professor Oak before going back to his seat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Arendelle~ "Ah, Anna, Elsa, there you are," Hans greeted the two sisters. "Oh, don't worry, your highness, I completely understand," Demande replied to Elsa, while Saphir smiled at Elsa while blushing. "Umm, anyway, Demande and Saphir here need no introduction considering we met them yesterday," Hans said, "But I'd like to introduce you to King Candy of the nation of Kuwait. I'm not sure if you remember him, but he was at the banquet in Tokyo when Elsa and I signed that free trade agreement." "Ohohohoho, Princess Anna and Queen Elsa, how do you do?" King Candy/Turbo asked Elsa and Anna. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~MI6 Headquarters (M's Office) - London, U.K.~ As the head of the MI6 was going through some important e-mails, Eugene entered the office with a very important letter to M... "M, important message from Tokyo," Eugene told M as he handed her the letter. "Tokyo? Whatever for?" M wondered out loud as she read the letter. Her heart suddenly sank as she finished reading, with the letter meant to inform her on the death of the J.I.A. director Kate Stewart (now replaced by Alexander Pierce). "Eugene, get me on the line with Tokyo," M ordered Eugene. "Yes, ma'am," Eugene replied as he left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Prime Minister Harriet Jones's Office~ Entering Prime Minster Harriet Jones's office, her secretary, Michael Scott wanted to deliver a very important letter to her, but noticed she was very busy on the phone. "Umm, ma'am? You have a very important letter," Scott told Jones. "Michael, can't you see I'm busy with this phone call?" Jones replied, "Can't it wait?" "No, it can't," Michael said as he placed the letter on Harriet Jones's desk, "I'm serious." Sighing, Harriet Jones read the letter, and was immediately shocked upon reading it. "I-I'll call you back..." Jones told the individual she was talking to on the phone and hung up. The letter was informing Harriet that Kate Stewart was killed, and that Alexander Pierce now took her place as J.I.A. director. "Kate Stewart is... dead, ma'am," Michael told the Japanese prime minister. "Dear God..." Harriet Jones said to herself, unable to believe what just happened.
Utada Hikaru, known to Kingdom Hearts fans as the voice behind the songs "Hikari/Simple & Clean" and "Passion/Sanctuary", will be holding a half-hour live-stream event on December 9th from 9 to 9:30 p.m. JST (7 to 7:30 a.m. EST). During the event, Utada will talk with fans and answer any questions they might have, after which she'll give a performance. While this isn't strictly KH-related, it could be a chance for Kingdom Hearts fans to interact with her, and ask her about potentially working on something for Kingdom Hearts III.
Oh no, 3D is still very much around, at least here in America. A couple of movies I've seen over the past few years were in 3D.