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  1. Meilin Lee
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Meilin Lee
    I'm good. You?
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Meilin Lee
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Meilin Lee
  5. Meilin Lee
    ~Nintendo High School - Music Class~


    "Break time's over," Yen Sid announced, "Back to practicing for tonight." The students then proceeded in playing the following song:

    "Good!" Yen Sid commended the students once they finished playing 'The Nutcracker Suite,' "And now, for the final musical piece we'll be practicing together before the festival tonight, 'Night on Bald Mountain.'"


    ~Nintendo High School - Gym Class~


    As Eddy joined with Tommy's team while Ed joined Fang's team, Eddy grinned as he thought to himself, 'Hehe... Fang may be good, but personally, I don't think she could hold a candle to Tommy!' "Hi Eddy!" Ed called out to Eddy from the other side of the gym, waving towards him, "Are we gonna play a game?" "Grr, just ignore him, Eddy," Eddy whispered to himself as the game began.


    ~Arendelle - Prince Demande's Ship~


    "And here we are," Demande said as the group reached Demande's ship on the dock, where Nephrite silently bowed down to them. "Hey, Nephrite!" Olaf called out to Nephrite as he ran up the ramp to the ship. "Hello, Olaf," Nephrite replied, "Let me show you to your cabin." "Sweet!" Olaf cheered as Nephrite led Olaf to his cabin in the ship. "Hans, Anna, Candy, allow me to show you three to your cabins," Demande said, "Won't be long before we start on our journey." "Ooh, I look forward to it," King Candy/Turbo responded. Looking at Elsa while he blushed, Saphir shyly said, "I, umm, could show you to your cabin if you want, Elsa."


    ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus - Ramp~


    Arriving to the Bus for his internship with the J.I.A., Hiro Hamada walked up the plane's ramp with his robot, Baymax, and noticed Fitz and Simmons walking around with troubling looks on their faces...


    "Fitz, Simmons..." Hiro greeted the two as he and Baymax approached them, "What's going on with the commotion outside?" "Something... terrible has happened," Simmons replied. "Director Stewart was killed," Fitz added. "What?!" Hiro questioned, shocked by what he was just told, "D-do they know who did it?" Fitz and Simmons both shook their heads in response, with Fitz saying, "No solid leads. It's a bit chaotic right now throughout the J.I.A." "Yeah, I can understand," Hiro commented, still trying to make sense of what just happened, "Where's Skye?" "Said she wanted to meet someone at the Triskelion," Simmons replied, "She'll be back soon." "Right," Hiro said, nodding his head.


    ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~


    Knocking on the door to Cid's warehouse, Judy Hopps intended to speak to Cid about complaints from neighbors about being too loud with the work he does with ships. "Wow, that's one big warehouse," Nick commented, joining Judy for the day simply because he had nothing better to do, "Isn't this Cid guy supposed to be a wiz when it comes to ships?" "Yup," Judy replied, "Unfortunately, all the work he does with his ships causes a commotion that annoys his neighbors, who then call the police to complain about him. Every. Single. Time." "Yikes... that's gotta be tiresome for the department," Nick said. "You have no idea," Judy replied as Cid opened the door, steeping out of the warehouse with BB-8, Kanan, and Finn...


    "May I help you?" Cid asked. "Well, isn't this a coincidence," Judy commented after noticing Finn and Kanan. "It sure is," Kanan concurred, "Lemme guess, Finn causing trouble again?" "Shut up, man," Finn playfully told Kanan. "Surprisingly, no," Judy replied to Kanan, "As a matter of fact, Finn already paid his ticket fine in the morning. I'm just here because of 'Mr. Commotion' here. Ain't that right, Cid?" "What? Is it old man Jenkins again?" Cid complained, "Come on, how bad can it be?" BB-8 then beeped in agreement with Cid. "He could hear loud noises from your warehouse... without even using his hearing aids," Judy replied. "Oooh, that's pretty bad," Nick added. "Just tone it down, Cid," Judy continued, "We're really tired of having to knock on your door every time we get a complaint." "Yeah, yeah, sure," Cid replied. Just then, a voice was coming from Judy's police radio on her motorcycle, saying, "Attention all units, we have reports of a biker gang committing several robberies across the city and on the run." "Ugh, I gotta take this," Judy said as she rushed to her motorcycle, "Come on, Nick." Nodding, Nick followed her, only for Judy to notice that her motorcycle had no fuel. "Darn it! I forgot to fill it up!" Judy complained. Noticing Judy's predicament, Cid began to have some thoughts. Once he had an idea, he walked over to Judy, saying, "Hmm, seems like you're in a tough situation. If only someone had a vehicle you could use to catch those crooks. Oh, hang on a sec... I got one that could do just the job. As a matter of fact, I'll happily give you a ride. No charge!" Curious, Judy asked Cid, "What's the catch?" "Heh, no catch, Officer. Just trying to do my duty as a model citizen," Cid replied. Meanwhile, Kanan and Finn giggled as they heard what Cid was offering Officer Hopps, knowing exactly what Cid was trying to achieve. "Oh man... you really think Hopps will start going easy on him if he helps her with this?" Kana asked Finn. "No idea," Finn replied. "Alright, Cid... show me," Hopps told Cid. "Great!" Cid replied as he turned around and headed to his warehouse, "Follow me. The Millennium Falcon is in the back." Nodding in reply, Nick and Judy started following Cid. "Woah, wait... Cid, you're seriously gonna use the Falcon?!" Kanan questioned Cid. "Uh-huh," Cid replied as BB-8 started following him as well. As Finn and Kanan looked at each other for a bit, wondering if it was good idea for Cid to pilot the Millennium Falcon after only just being able to check out its interior the prior day. Shrugging, the two followed the others.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Meilin Lee
  7. Meilin Lee
    *Disclaimer: Keyblade not required to physically open the Loot Crate
    Hey guys! Remember the 'Kingdom Hearts' themed Loot Crate from a month ago? A few members in staff got their hands on it, and we've got pictures to show you the contents of this Loot Crate courtesy of @Heart ❤ :

    As you can see, the Loot Crate simply included a single KH-themed scarf. Nothing else. As to what those of us in staff who bought the Loot Crate think of it:

    @Heart ❤ :
    @Calxiyn :
    @cstar :
    Did any of you guys purchase the KH-themed Loot Crate as well? If so, be sure to leave us your comments and let us know what you thought of it!
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 2, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Meilin Lee
    I really hope Noctis or some other FFXV characters make it into KH3 so that Nomura can be able to portray them the way he wanted to after getting booted from directorial duties in FFXV.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 1, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Meilin Lee
    Yeah, there were a couple of people reporting that the ad included with Final Fantasy XV incorrectly lists the old December release date. Guess someone at Square-Enix didn't get the notice lol
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 30, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Meilin Lee
  11. Meilin Lee
    With less than two months to go before the release of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue', Square-Enix has begun advertising the game through various media. Attached with copies of the recently released 'Final Fantasy XV' is an ad with a banner of 2.8 that was revealed months ago:
    In addition to that, Square-Enix is also running the following paid ad on Twitter:
    'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' will be released in Japan on January 12, 2017, and will be released to the rest of the world on January 24, 2017.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 29, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Meilin Lee
  13. Meilin Lee
    Ignoring the fact that the only reason Donald Trump will be president despite getting two million less votes is because of an outdated system called the Electoral College... I have to wonder... why is the Trump team freaking out about this? If they're absolutely sure that they won in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, then I don't see why a recount would hurt.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 28, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  14. Meilin Lee
    View attachment 45826
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 28, 2016, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Meilin Lee
    According to the Amazon Germany listing of 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue', the cinematic title in the game, 'Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Back Cover' is mentioned to be 80 minutes long, putting it at around half the runtime of the '358/2 Days' and 'Re:coded cinematics.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 28, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Meilin Lee
  17. Meilin Lee
  18. Meilin Lee
    ~Outskirts of Aleppo, Syria - Free Syrian Army Base~


    "When did this happen?!" leader of the Free Syrian Army, Riad Mousa al-Asaad, questioned as he and Yusuf Tazim were having a video call with new J.I.A. director, Alexander Pierce, on an iPad carried by Juhani Otso Berg. "Not too long ago," Pierce answered, "We're still trying to figure out who killed Stewart, and why. But don't worry, Riad. As the new J.I.A. director, I give you my word, this will not affect our operations in Syria. The J.I.A. will continue supporting the Free Syrian Army." Sighing, Riad nodded as he said, "Very well." Once the video call ended, Berg walked away while Tazim wondered out loud, "This is troubling." "I agree," Riad concurred with Yusuf.




    Kate Stewart's dead body was laid out in a room, where Darien, Nick, and Osgood came to see the deceased J.I.A. director one last time. As Osgood was looking at Stewart's body with tears running down her face, Sergeant Calhoun entered the room and joined the group...


    "We need to take her," Calhoun told Nick and Darien, indicating it was time to take Stewart's body to the morgue. Nodding, Fury walked over to Osgood, placing his hand on her shoulder, telling her, "Osgood... it's time." Without responding, the tearful Osgood tenderly touched Stewart's head before turning and and walking out. "Osgood!" Darien called out to her as he followed her to the hallway outside. "Why was Stewart in your apartment?" Osgood angrily questioned Darien as he caught up with her. "I don't know," Darien responded as he and Osgood noticed Brock Rumlow and other J.I.A. agents approaching them...


    "Chiba, they want you back at the Triskelion," Rumlow told Darien. "Yeah, give me a second," Darien replied. "They want you now," Rumlow said. "Okay," Darien replied as he sighed. "You know... you're a terrible liar," Osgood told Darien as she turned and walked away, wanting to head back to the Triskelion. As he watched Osgood walk away, Darien joined Rumlow and the other J.I.A. agents as they escorted him out of the hospital.


    ~Nintendo High School - Music Class~


    The class proceeded to play the following musical piece:

    "Good, very good," Yen Sid commented once the students finished playing the 'Pastoral Symphony', drinking a glass of water, "Everyone, take a quick two minute break. After that, we will be moving on to the 'Nutcracker Suite.'"


    ~Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe~


    "Y-Yeah..." Ikuko replied to Hayley, still shocked form the whole incident. Noticing two of the thieves that Luke Cage knocked out still lying on the floor without moving, Ikuko told Hayley, "You might want to call the cops. See you later, Hayley." Ikuko then headed to the exit, noticing the thief who broke his hand trying to punch Luke Cage and got thrown out, lying on the ground as well. Looking away, Ikuko rushed towards her car, and drove away from the area.


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    As he was walking down the street, Arno felt his phone vibrate. Taking it out, he noticed that he was getting a call from an unknown number. Curious, he answered, "Hello?" "Arno. It's me... Élise," Élise's voice replied...


    "I need to talk to you," Élise continued. "Where are you?" Arno questioned.




    "Oh, don't you worry about that, Queen Elsa," King Candy/Turbo replied. "Anyway, since we are all gathered, how about we start our journey now?" Demande suggested, "My ship is in the dock, ready to set sail for America."


    ~Nintendo High School - Gym Class~


    "Fang versus Tommy Oliver, hah, this should be interesting, right, Ed?" Eddy asked Ed. In response, Ed simply stared blankly at Eddy before taking out a pickle from his pocket, telling Eddy, "Want a pickle?" Eddy then facepalmed and groaned in response.


    ~Nintendo High School - Advanced Calculus Class~


    "Sir," Loki said as he raised his hand, "Any formulas we need to memorize?" "Good question, Loki," Sully replied, "I'll send you all an e-mail tonight with an attachment of the reference sheet I'll give you during the test. If a formula is not included in the sheet, then it's a safe bet that you'll need to memorize it."


    ~Nintendo High School - Modern History Class~


    As Riku was taking notes on the lesson based on what Billy was writing on the board, he began to think about the homeless girl, Emma, and her Espurr, Mimi, deciding to see if they were doing well at Tokyo Cathedral after school.


    ~The Banks Household~


    "Dead?" Geoffrey questioned as he vacuumed the Banks residence living room while talking to M on his phone. "Yes. Unknown assailant," M responded, "I'll be speaking with the new J.I.A. director soon to offer my condolences as well as to offer the MI6's full support." "Sounds sensible," Geoffrey said. "I only ask you remain vigilant. Who knows what's happening," M replied. "Of course, ma'am," Geoffrey assured M as he hung up. "Oh, who was that Geoffrey?" Vivian asked as she entered the living room...


    "Oh, just an old friend from England," Geoffrey answered. "I see," Vivian said, "Is my dress for tonight ready?" "Yes. I hung it in your closet," Geoffrey replied. "Thank you, Geoffrey," Vivian thanked her butler, "I wonder what we'd do without you." As she went up the stairs to her room, Geoffrey quietly and snarkily replied, "Not much apparently."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Meilin Lee
    I'm about to start Mallow's trial on the second island. Oh, and this just happened:

    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Meilin Lee
    I never even cared about Hamilton... until what happened last night. Now, I wanna check it out the moment I get the chance to show my support.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone