~Tokyo Harbor~ "Are you sure about this, Pisspot?" Pierre Bellec questioned Arno as he and the young solider looked out at the ocean, waiting for Élise de la Serre to meet them, "Trusting a member of the Crystal Order..." "A FORMER member of the Crystal Order," Arno corrected Pierre, "And I do trust her." "Well... that trust better be worth it," Pierre commented. "Arno?" Élise's voice called out from behind... Turning around, Arno and Pierre saw Élise approaching the two. "Ah, Élise... I'd like you to meet Pierre Bellec," Arno told Élise. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Bellec," Élise greeted Pierre. "Hmph, just to let you know, I've had many good friends killed by Crystal Order thugs," Bellec replied. "Well, I assure you, sir, I have no inkling of allegiance left in me towards the group," Élise retorted. "Anyway... you wanted to see me?" Arno asked Élise. "Yes," Élise replied, nodding, "I must tell you something urgent regarding the Crystal Order." "Is it a planned attack?" Bellec questioned. "No... as a matter of fact, I don't think it'll matter for some time... but nevertheless, it is urgent for you to hear it to prepare against them," Élise replied. "Very well. Here's what I'm going to do Élise," Arno said, "We'll meet again tomorrow evening. I'll have some of my NATO friends whose specialties are preparing for threats in advance join us. Then, you'll be able to tell us everything about what we need to prepare for. Hopefully, if we deal with this threat, we'll then be able to help you. Assuming you never harmed anyone during your time with the Crystal Order, we can clear you of any potential charges for being allied with the Crystal Order. You'll be truly free, Élise. And... maybe I can help you with your new life." "Thank you... Arno," Élise thanked Arno, smiling at him. "Anyway, I better be off," Arno said. "And I hope this works out for you, Pisspot," Pierre told Arno, "I have to catch my flight back to France. I'll call you when I'm there to check on any progress you made with the girl's confessions." "Have a safe trip," Arno replied as he and Élise watched Pierre get into a cab to take him to the airport. "Tomorrow then?" Élise asked Arno. Nodding, Arno replied, "Tomorrow." As Arno walked away, Élise sighed as she pondered to herself, 'I do hope it's not too late to stop the Crystal Order's plans with Harold Saxon...' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Chemistry Class~ "And that's it for today, class," Eraqus announced as the school bell rang for lunch, "We may or may not have a pop quiz tomorrow, so it might be a good idea to study today's material." As Connor and Anais both packed their things to head out for lunch, Connor thought about how Anais had been friendly to him ever since he partnered with her on a lab, and thought that maybe he should repay her for her kindness. "Hey, Anais... if you want, you could join my friends for lunch," Connor told the rabbit. "Oh, thanks Connor, but I'm good," Anias replied as she took out her Daisy the Donkey stuffed animal from her backpack, "I'll be having lunch with Daisy the Donkey." "Oh, okay then..." a surprised Connor said, reminding himself that despite being intelligent enough for high school, Anais was still a four year old girl who has yet to mature and still plays with toys, "See you later." "Later," Anais replied as she left, with Connor leaving the Chemistry classroom after her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Pokemon Battling Class~ "And that's enough presentations for the day," Professor Oak said as the bell rang, "We'll continue with the remaining presentations tomorrow. Have a nice day, everyone." "See ya, Professor!" Ritchie told Oak as he and Sparky headed to the cafeteria for lunch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Principal's Office~ "You... wanted to see me, sir?" Matt Smith questioned as he entered Al Mualim's office. "Ah, yes, Mr. Smith. Have a seat," Al Mualim replied. Nodding, Smith did as he was told while wondering what it was that Al Mualim wanted to talk about. "An unfortunate thing happened today," Al Mualim continued, "Vergil, the Demonology instructor, is no longer part of this school's staff." "Oh dear... terribly sorry to hear that, sir," Matt replied. "Eh, I get the feeling he never wanted to be here anyway," Al Mualim said, "Which brings me to my next point. I spoke to some students taking Demonology, and they mentioned how they really enjoyed the class when you were substituting for Vergil yesterday. I was worried that it may take time to find a replacement for Vergil, but I think I may have found one already. Mr. Smith... how would you like to be Nintendo High School's new Demonology instructor." "Y-you mean full-time?" Matt questioned Al Mualim, unable to believe that he was being offered a full-time position at the school. "Yes," Al Mualim answered. Shocked at the fact that this was all happening, Smith said, "A-absolutely, sir. It'd be a privilege!" Smiling, Al Mualim shook Matt's hand, telling him, "Welcome to the Nintendo High School team, Matt Smith." "T-thank you, sir, I-I don't know what to say, really," Smith thanked the principal. "Don't thank me, Mr. Smith. Your own skills in teaching are what got you this job," Al Mualim replied, "Now as far as paperwork goes, we can take care of that tomorrow. For the rest of the day, continue substituting the Algebra 2 class. But starting tomorrow, you'll be teaching Demonology, understood?" Nodding, Matt said, "Yes, sir." "Good. Now go and enjoy lunch," Al Mualim replied as Matt nodded once more and exited Al Mualim's office. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters)~ As Rumlow and other agents escorted Darien to meet with the J.I.A.'s new director, Alexander Pierce, Skye ran towards them, wanting to talk with Darien... "Darien," Skye called out to Darien. Looking at Skye, Darien asked Rumlow, "Can you give me a sec?" "Make it quick," Rumlow replied. "Look, I can't imagine what you must be going through right now," Skye told Darien, "But... why was Director Stewart in your apartment?" "Look, I'm probably just as lost as everyone is about the whole thing, Skye," Darien replied, "But... could you do me a favor?" "Umm, sure," Skye said, feeling a bit surprised. Darien then handed Skye the flash drive Kate gave him, making sure no one saw him give it to Skye. "That's the flash drive that you used in the Lemurian Star to download J.I.A. intel," Darien whispered to Skye, "Kate gave it to me before she died. I don't know kind of intel is inside the flash drive, but I need you to do what you do best, and check it out. Whatever's inside may be the key to finding out who was responsible for Stewart's death." "A-alright, Darien... I'll do what I can," Skye replied as she walked away. Rejoining Rumlow and his agents, Darien continued on his way to meet Director Pierce. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - English Class~ Once the bell rang, John Smith announced, "And that is it for today. We'll be having a short quiz tomorrow on what we've read so far, so be sure to review tonight. Have a nice day!" "Bye!" Xion and Vanellope told Smith as they packed their things and exited the classroom. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Music Class~ As the school bell rang for lunch, Yen Sid said, "It seems we are out of time. I have faith you'll all do terrific in your performances tonight. Farewell, everyone. I'll see you all before the concert starts." Carlton and Will then packed their things and left, while Yen Sid sighed, who couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to transpire. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Advanced Calculus Class~ "And that is all for today, folks," Sully said as the bell rang, "Don't forget to study for tomorrow's test." "Of course, sir," Loki replied as he and Luna packed their things and left the classroom to meet with Xion, Vanellope, and Thor for lunch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tokyo University~ As Brock and Marius were heading to the Student Union for a quick lunch, Brock noticed Iris walking nearby. And as usual whenever around ladies, Brock was instantly attracted to her, leaving Marius as he rushed towards her. "Hi, I'm Brock. I don't think we've met, but it looks to me like you're lost," Brock flirted with Iris, much to Marius's dismay, "Luckily for you, I know this entire campus inside out, and would gladly guide you to where yo- Owowowowow!" Brock's flirting was suddenly interrupted by Marius as he pinched Brock's ear and dragged him aside while sweatdropping. "I apologize for my friend here, but he doesn't seem to be able to control himself around ladies," Marius apologized to Iris. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse (Outside the Millennium Falcon)~ "Nice to meet you, Cindy," Judy replied before turning her attention back to Cid, "I didn't know you had a granddaughter." "There are lots o' things you don't know 'bout me," Cid told Judy, "But don' worry Officer, nothin' illegal." Sighing, Judy took a look at the Millennium Falcon, disappointed by its appearance, saying, "THAT'S the Millenium Falcon?! It's a piece of junk!" "Heh, that's exactly what Kanan and I told him yesterday," Finn told Judy. "And I'll tell you what I told those two boys yesterday," Cid told Judy, "Don't diss the Falcon. Why this baby made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs!" "He's right, Carrots," Nick told Judy, "Looks can be deceiving." Sighing, Judy said, "Alright, alright. Can it fly?" "Cindy, I promised Officer Hopps here a ship that can fly and take care of a biker gang on the run from the cops," Cid told his granddaughter, "Think the Falcon's ready?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle - Prince Demande's Ship~ Though nervous, Saphir kept his cool as he led Elsa to her cabin. "Here we are," Saphir told Elsa as he opened a door to Elsa's cabin, "I hope you'll like it. It's got everything you need. A luxurious bed, a bathroom, a TV, a phone to talk with anyone on the ship, and a laptop on the table over there with full internet access. Username and password are listed on the sheet of paper next to it. Oh, and we'll be starting supper once the ship sets sail. Is there anything else you need, Elsa?" Elsewhere on the ship, Demande had shown Hans, Anna, and King Candy/Turbo their cabins, saying, "I hope our hospitality has met your expectations." "Ohohoho, it certainly has, Demande," Candy/Turbo replied. "No complaints from me," Hans added. "Perfect. I'll speak to the captain," Demande replied, "We'll be leaving soon." Nodding, Hans and Candy/Turbo watched as Demande went to speak with the captain.
Unless I'm mistaken, this news means that Tennant is now the official voice of Scrooge McDuck for all future Disney stuff that involve the character, including Kingdom Hearts. So, yeah...
I really wish you didn't have to leave Stache, but I suppose you gotta do what you gotta do. You were a great part of High School Days these past two years, and I was really looking forward to more of what you would post, but alas, that doesn't seem to be the case any longer. HSD's doors are always open for you if you wish to come back, and I can guarantee that you will be welcomed back instantly should you choose to do so in the future. Thank you for your contributions, and best of luck with your future endeavors. Anyway, have some character sheets to do: Name: Exdeath Description: ??? Occupation: ??? Series Character is from: Final Fantasy V Other: Spoiler: Pic Name: Christine Palmer Description: A doctor residing in Castelia City in the American state of Unova who used to work with Doctor Stephen Strange. Though her relation with Strange has strained, she has warmed up to him and continues to aid him with medical emergencies. Occupation: Doctor Series Character is from: Marvel Other: Spoiler: Pic Name: The Ancient One Description: ??? Occupation: ??? Series Character is from: Marvel Other: Spoiler: Pic Name: Moana Description: A young girl who lives in a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean known as Destiny Islands, generally secluded from the rest of the world. Moana comes from a long line of Keyblade wielders who sought to reconnect the world after the devastation of the Kyblade War a millennium ago. Occupation: None Series Character is from: Disney/Moana Other: Spoiler: Pic Name: Maui Description: A Keyblade Master in charge of a temple located in a lone island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, guarding its secrets from dark forces. Besides being a skilled Keyblade wielder, Maui has the ability to shapeshift into other animals, which leads to increased difficulty for anyone willing to challenge him to a battle. Occupation: None Series Character is from: Disney/Moana Other: Spoiler: Pic And now that's out of the way, reserves: King Regis [Final Fantasy XV] Jyn Erso [Star Wars] Cassian Andor [Star Wars] Saw Gerrera [Star Wars] Orson Krennic [Star Wars] Bodhi Rook [Star Wars]
The voice cast has been announced, with the important announcement of who will be taking over the late Alan Young as the voice of Scrooge McDuck. And the lucky actor is... David Tennant (yes, THAT David Tennant).
Ok, here's some information on my credit card: It's rectangular-shaped with rounded corners.
The official Japanese website has recently been updated in preparation for its release next month. Included in the update were high quality screenshots of the three entries included in the collection: View attachment 45946 View attachment 45947 View attachment 45948 View attachment 45949 View attachment 45950 View attachment 45951 View attachment 45952 View attachment 45953 View attachment 45954 View attachment 45955 View attachment 45956 View attachment 45957 View attachment 45958 View attachment 45959 In addition to the new screenshots, additional updates to the site include information on the worlds of 'Dream Drop Distance', plus character biographies and plot summaries for all three entries in the game.
Guys, I would like to ask that anything involving Unchained X that hasn't been released in the international version be kept in spoiler tags, because there are some (like myself) who didn't watch what transpired in the browser version, and would prefer to not be spoiled. Thank you.
The original KH characters are all owned by Disney, so I highly doubt there are issues with licensing. Either we just coincidentally are getting leaks of the Disney characters first, or they may be purposely saving KH characters for later.
The artwork I posted is from the KH2 manga, not Days. But on the subject of Days, I have seen volumes of the Days manga on sale in the stores I listed.
View attachment 45930 For those of you who read the Kingdom Hearts manga adaptation, you'll be interested to know that Yen Press has released all published volumes of the Shiro Amano series digitally in the following stores: Barnes & Noble Amazon ComiXology iBooks Google Play Kobo Book Walker Each volume is individually priced at $6.99. Source: KHInsider
At this point, I feel she's playing a new character created just for the movie.
First official trailer:
As the title states, Square-Enix has confirmed that the free Sora DLC announced for 'World of Final Fantasy' will be released on January 12, 2017, the same day as 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' is released in Japan. And while this release date appears to be for Japan only, an international release date shouldn't be too far off.
If the customized version of Aqua doesn't appear in cutscenes, I will be a tad bit disappointed.
Instead of making us wait till Jump Festa to see another trailer, Square-Enix went ahead and released the final trailer of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' for us to enjoy, and it sure is gorgeous: In addition to the trailer, series director Tetsuya Nomura also confirmed on Twitter that more news will come tomorrow!
The highly popular Pop Funko figures may finally be adding Kingdom Hearts to their long list of franchises whose characters get the adorable bobble-head treatment, with King Mickey appearing to be the first KH-themed Pop Funko figure. KHInsider user Kupo1121 recently took a picture of a GameStop employee's computer listing upcoming Pop Funko figures, and one of them turned out to be King Mickey: View attachment 45875 In addition to that, KH13 user Power Jusho was able to confirm the authenticity of this listing by pre-ordering the figure from GameStop: View attachment 45876 So for those of you who wish to get their hands on the first (of hopefully many more) KH-themed Pop Funko figure, it is available for pre-order at GameStop. No release date is available at the moment, but we'll be sure to let you know once a release date is available. Source: KH13.com & KHInsider
Hey everyone! Still doing your holiday shopping and would like to get something KH-related (besides pre-ordering 2.8 FCP)? Well look no further than Hot Topic, whose got some pretty neat Kingdom Hearts merchandise right now. Included among their merchandise is the KH-themed blind bag previously reported by us. Another new merchandise added to Hot Topic's list of Kingdom Hearts stuff is a snapback hat featuring Sora and King Mickey: View attachment 45869 You can check out the rest of Hot Topic's KH merchandise over here. Credit to @Heart ❤ for the above image.
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