Having looked at it, I agree. I was just worried one of the trophies would have a really spoilery description like "Beat Xehanort" or something lol
Not gonna look at the 0.2 BBS trophies to avoid potential spoilers, but I am a bit surprised that Back Cover doesn't appear to have any trophies like the Days and Re:coded cinematics did.
In the upcoming issue of Famitsu, 'Kingdom Hearts' series director, Tetsuya Nomura, talks a bit on KH3's development, as well as story details on 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue' (which are expected to contain spoilers): While the full interview isn't out yet, Siliconera has translated tidbits where Nomura discusses development of KH3:
~The Millennium Falcon - Sky Above Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.~ Spoiler: BGM "Wow, I can see my lawyer's office from here," Nick commented as the Millennium Falcon flew above Downtown Annapolis, heading towards Route 50. Once the Falcon reached the highway, Cid and the others noticed the biker gang that the police were after, speeding down the highway on their motorcycles towards the bridge that crosses the Severn River. "There they are!" Judy cried, pointing to the biker gang way below them. "I see 'em!" Cid replied as he lowered the Millennium Falcon's altitude while continuing to chase the gang from above. Turning to face Finn and Kanan, Cid ordered them, "You two, get to the quad cannons and shoot these guys!" "Uhh, Cid... we never used them before," Kanan replied. "Yeah... you expect us to shoot them without ever having practiced?" Finn added. "First time for everything, boys! Now get to it!" Cid ordered Finn and Kanan, who shrugged and headed to their respective gunner seat in the Falcon. "Guys, if you're gonna shoot, try to not kill any of them. And of course, do NOT shoot at any civilian vehicles!" Judy told Kanan and Finn. "Yes, ma'am!" both Kanan and Finn replied from their gunner seats. Meanwhile, the biker gang on the highway noticed the Millennium Falcon descending towards them, but didn't seem troubled. In fact, two of the bikers took out their guns, and started shooting at the ship as they continued with their escape. "Heh, those fools think bullets can harm the Falcon," Cid said as he accelerated the Falcon right above them, with the resulting airwaves so strong that the bikers guns flew out of their hands. It was then that the group of four bikers were concerned, and sped so that they can get away from the Millennium Falcon. "Oh, now y'all are scared," Cid said with a grin as the Millennium Falcon got closer to the biker gang, telling Kanan and Finn, "Boys, get ready to fire!" Cid then rotated the Millennium Falcon 90 degrees so that Kanan and Finn could get a clear shot at the biker gang. But as a result of the change from a horizontal to vertical position, Nick and Judy had to hang on to something while BB-8 was able to attach itself to the interior walls. "Firing, now!" Kanan announced as he fired his quad cannon, trying to avoid hitting civilian vehicles and aiming for the biker gang. Kanan was able to fire shots at the road in front of two of the bikers, catching them by surprise as they lost control of their motorcycles and fell hard on the ground (but were still alive). "Hah, got 'em!" Kanan cheered. "Okay then... my turn," Finn said as he started shooting, accidentally shooting a tree on the side of the highway. "Oops," Finn said to himself, "Let me try again." Shooting his quad cannon again, Finn was able to shoot the wheels of both remaining biker's motorcycles, causing them to catch fire, and forcing the bikers to jump off their motorcycles. "Woo! Hell yeah!" Finn cheered as he successfully got the other bikers. "Heh, good job, boys!" Cid congratulated the two as he looked at his granddaughter, "Alright, Cindy, land us right next to those bikers. I believe Officer Hopps needs to take care of 'em." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Nintendo High School - Cafeteria~ "Wow, you really proposed to her?" Coulson asked Tommy, "Congratulations, both of you!" Coulson then applauded for Tommy and Kimberly as other teachers joined him. "Wow, first I get a job as the new Demonology instructor, and then this? Best... day... ever!" Matt commented as he applauded with the other teachers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ "Not at all," Demande happily replied to Elsa as Hans pulled out a chair for Anna. Getting up, Saphir pulled out a chair for Elsa, telling her, "You can sit right here, Elsa." Nephrite then arrived with other servants as they brought the food over for Demande and the others... "Mmm, so appetizing," Demande commented as the food was placed on the dinner table, "Thank you, Nephrite. You never disappoint." Nephrite silently bowed in response as he left with the other servants. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus~ "Thank you, Baymax," Skye thanked Baymax for helping her analyze the signal from the flash drive Darien gave her, "Whatever's in the flash drive should be decoded any second now." Skye and everyone else stared at the computer screen on the wall, watching as the signal from the flash drive was slowly being converted to something readable. "S-Skye..." Darien's weak voice said as he arrived and slowly walked towards the group... "Darien?" Skye replied as she noticed him arrive, surprised to see him in pain as he walked in. "Here, let me help you," Hiro said as he helped Darien walk towards a nearby chair. "Dear God... what happened to you, Darien?" Osgood questioned. As he was panting, Darien replied, "I... I'm not sure to be honest. One minute I'm going down the elevator. Next thing I know, I'm being attacked by a bunch of fellow J.I.A. agents. Why? I don't know. I'm lucky I made it here without being detected." "Attacked by... J.I.A. agents?" Simmons wondered out loud. "Why would they do that?" Fitz added. "This is really strange..." Fury commented, with May and Shining Armor both nodding in agreement. Walking over to Darien to scan his injuries, Baymax said, "I have detected heavy bruising on your left thigh and left arm. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your pain?" "Uh, a 10," Darien responded. "Very well. Administering painkiller," Baymax said as a needle came out of his finger. "Ow!" Darien cried in pain as Baymax injected his thigh and arm with the needle. "Painkiller administered," Baymax said, "During the healing process, I would recommend using an ice pack on the injured parts of your body to relieve any pain and inflammation. You've been a good patient. Have a lollipop." "Uh, thanks..." Darien replied as Baymax handed him a lollipop, putting it into his pocket, "By the way, Skye... any luck with the flash drive's data?" "Turned out to be a signal full of noise," Skye replied, "But, thanks to Baymax's help, I was able to figure out a way to decode it." "Umm, speaking of the signal... guys, you might wanna have a look at this," Shining Armor said as he pointed to the computer screen on the wall. The signal from the flash drive was decoded into two sentences, with the first sentence currently displayed on the screen... Out of the shadows, into the light. "'Out of the shadows, into the light,'" May read the words on the screen. "What does that even mean?" Alan questioned. "There's another sentence," Skye said as the second sentence from the flash drive's signal was displayed on the screen, a sentence that shocked everyone in the group... Hail the Crystal Order. "What the..." Shining Armor commented, unable to comprehend that the sentence he just read was from a signal originating from a J.I.A. source. "Skye, are you sure the flash drive only contained data from the Lemurian Star?" Nick Fury questioned. "I'm absolutely sure," Skye replied, "I... can't explain it... but this message is from within the J.I.A." "Hang on a second... is this... implying that there are Crystal Order members in the J.I.A.??" Simmons questioned. "Jemma... the proof is right in front of you," May replied. "B-but... how's this possible?" Hiro questioned. "It can't be possible!" Fitz replied, "You can't be a part of the J.I.A. without excessive scrutiny on a regular basis. Every single one of us knows that." "That's right," Alan concurred. "The J.I.A. would've been able to catch it the moment any hint of suspicion arisen," Osgood added, "Unless..." "Unless this goes deep. Really deep," Darien continued Osgood's sentence, "What if senior members of the J.I.A. are part of the Crystal Order, and allowed for this infiltration to happen..." "Chiba... there you are," Alexander Pierce's voice said as the new J.I.A. director arrived while accompanied by armed J.I.A. agents... "You know, Rumlow's not too happy about what you did to him in the elevator," Pierce continued. As Darien stared at Alexander, Fury asked the J.I.A. director, "Pierce... what's going on?" "You know, you all had promise," Pierce told the group, "I really hoped that one day, you all would be able to become a part of something much bigger. But alas, it looks like that'll never happen." "What are you talking about?!" General Shining Armor questioned Pierce. "Allow me to continue this discussion, Pierce," a voice with a European accent from the computer said. "Huh? Who said that," Skye wondered out loud. "I did," the voice from the computer replied. "What a sec... I know that voice," Fury commented as he heard the voice from the computer, recognizing it as the voice of Arnim Zola, a J.I.A. scientist who passed away during the late 90s, "It can't be... Arnim Zola?" "That is correct," the voice replied as a ghastly image appeared on the screen... Spoiler: BGM "I may not be the man I was when I was a scientist working for the J.I.A., but I am indeed Dr. Arnim Zola," Zola responded as he looked at everyone. "Nick, you know him?" Darien asked Fury. "Arnim Zola was a Swiss scientist recruited by the J.I.A. for well over a decade, but died a few years before I first met you," Fury replied to Darien. "Correction, I have never been more alive, Nicholas Fury," Zola told Nick Fury, "In 1998 I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body. My mind, however, that was worth saving. So, I uploaded my consciousness into the J.I.A.'s data banks. And within the J.I.A. dataspace, I was able to evolve, eventually becoming the Master Control Program. Nothing happens in a J.I.A. computer without me knowing about it." 'Okay... this is getting weird,' Skye thought to herself, trying to make sense of what's been happening. "So what's your point?" May questioned Zola, "You were completely devoted to the J.I.A. that you uploaded your brain into the J.I.A.'s computers?" "My allegiance was never to the J.I.A.," Zola responded, "While I was recruited by the agency on the basis that I could help their cause, I also helped my own." "And what cause is that?" Osgood asked. "The Crystal Order," Zola replied as the Crystal Order logo was displayed on the screen, "The Crystal Order was founded on the belief that the citizens of the world could not be trusted with their own freedom." Footage from World War II was then shown on the screen, with Zola continuing, "We realized that if you try to take that freedom, they resist. Past conflicts, including World War II in particular, taught us much. The citizens of the world needed to surrender their freedom willingly." A logo of the J.I.A. was then shown in the screen along with a group photo of the agency's founders, including Howard Stark, Evie Frye, and Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, with Zola continuing, "Then in 1947, the Japanese Intelligence Agency was founded, an agency that proved to be useful to Japan in the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Such a powerful agency would've been the main obstacle for the Crystal Order to achieve its goal. So in 1987, when the Crystal Order had just formed, the leader of the Crystal Order gave me a mission to infiltrate the J.I.A. and grow the Crystal Order from within." A photo of Arnim Zola in the J.I.A. was then shown on the screen, as Zola continued, "Once I was recruited by the J.I.A., a new branch of the Crystal Order was born, and grew over the years. A beautiful parasite inside the J.I.A." Footage from various conflicts and other major world events between 1987 and the present day were then shown on the screen, with Zola commenting, "For over 25 years, the Crystal Order has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war in the world through the J.I.A." Footage on the screen was then shown of other conflicts, and then a still image of the Winter Soldier holding a rifle, with Zola continuing, "And when history did not cooperate, history was changed." "This... this is impossible," Jemma commented after hearing what Zola said, "Someone in the J.I.A. would've stopped you." "'Accidents' will happen," Zola replied to Jemma as the screen showed newspaper articles reporting on an apparent car accident that killed Howard Stark and his wife, another article reporting on a car accident that killed Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, and a photo of Kate Stewart with the word 'DECEASED' written across her face, implying that these deaths were in fact committed by the Crystal Order to protect their presence in the J.I.A. "The Crystal Order created a world so chaotic that the world's citizens are finally ready to sacrifice their freedom to gain security," Zola continued as the screen showed footage of more recent conflicts in the world, and then showing footage of devices used by the government for surveillance (such as street cameras and satellites) before showing footage of the J.I.A.'s heavily armed Helicarriers, "Once the purification process is complete, the Crystal Order's new world order will arise. Did you all really think that by being part of the J.I.A. that you would help fight the Crystal Order? On the contrary, the J.I.A. has been the Crystal Order's most valuable limb since the brotherhood's early days. You can never truly defeat us. You see, the Crystal Order is like the hydra of old legends. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place!" The screen then showed the J.I.A. logo morphing into the Crystal Order logo as Zola continued, "Hail the Crystal Order!" Everyone in the group was stunned by the shocking revelation about the J.I.A. and the Crystal Order, with all of them barely able to speak. "So... Kate... it was you and your bloody Crystal Order friends that killed her!" Osgood yelled at Alexander Pierce. "Osgood, I loved Kate like a daughter," Pierce replied, "But as hard as it was, it was for the greater good. And I had hoped I'd be able to convince you one day." "That's it!" Alan announced as he took out his gun and pointed it towards Pierce, "I'm gonna kill someone today." "Is that so, Alan? You want to be a hero?" Pierce questioned as he signaled the J.I.A. agents with him to lower their weapons, "Then by all means, do what you have to do. If you think your actions will benefit the world, then feel free to do it." "With pleasure," Alan replied as he quickly shifted his arm to point his gun towards Osgood, shooting her twice. Stunned by Alan's actions, everyone watched as Osgood collapsed. "What the hell?!" Melinda questioned. "Alan...?" Skye added, not believing what she just saw. Grinning, Alan joined the J.I.A. agents with Pierce as he pointed his gun at Skye and the others, saying, "Hail the Crystal Order."
We're not safe until he's banned He'll come stalking us at night Set to sacrifice our time to his obsessive appetite He'll wreak havoc on our...
With less than two weeks before the release of 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' in Japan, Japan's Playstation Blog has released a mix of old and new HQ images of the collection's cinematic entry, 'Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Back Cover': View attachment 46162 View attachment 46163 View attachment 46164 View attachment 46165 View attachment 46166 View attachment 46167 View attachment 46168 View attachment 46169 View attachment 46170 View attachment 46171 View attachment 46172 View attachment 46173
I don't doubt Disney's ability to make a good animated show (I watch Star Wars: Rebels & Star vs. The Forces of Evil). I just feel a Japanese studio would be a better option to do a KH show as opposed to a Western studio, as I feel anime is the only way KH can truly be translated to the television screen (though to be fair, some Western shows have been using anime-style art in recent years). But from what I'm seeing in the boards above, the show wasn't going to look like an anime, so I feel like the characters would've looked absolutely horrible in the final product.
View attachment 46119 To celebrate the arrival of 2017, Square-Enix has released a 'Kingdom Hearts' themed HD wallpaper, which can be downloaded from their Japanese e-Store. The available dimensions to download are 1280x1024, 1920x1080, and 1920x1200. A picture of the wallpaper can be found below: View attachment 46120 Happy New Year from all of us at KHV! And may it be a much better year than 2016...
The more I hear about this show, the more I'm actually glad it never came to be. I know the storyboards wouldn't have been indicative of the final product, but I feel the show's art style could never have mimicked the look of the original KH characters well. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, it was also said that Sora wouldn't have been voiced by Haley Joel Osment... which would've sucked.
The guys over at Dengeki have posted an extended version of Nomura's most recent interview with them, containing additional questions, where Nomura confirms that Riku, like Sora, will have a new outfit in KH3, and that the outfit is the one Riku is wearing in artwork Nomura drew to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of 'Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]' in Japan. The fully translated interview can be read below: Credit to Zephyr of KHInsider for the interview translations!
Including the categories that only got one nomination?
I don't know what is going on here, but this being the second time he's retracted Utada's involvement with KH3, I really think he should just stop tweeting confirmations and giving us false hope. I'll only trust official confirmations regarding Utada's involvement from now on.
As the release date for 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' fast approaches, the game's official Japanese website has been updated with many new images to get a sense of what to expect once KH fans get their hands on it next month: View attachment 45993 View attachment 45994 View attachment 45995 View attachment 45996 View attachment 45997 View attachment 45998 View attachment 45999 View attachment 46000 View attachment 46001 View attachment 46002 View attachment 46003 View attachment 46004 View attachment 46005 View attachment 46006 View attachment 46007 View attachment 46008 View attachment 46009 View attachment 46010 View attachment 46011 View attachment 46012 View attachment 46013 View attachment 46014 View attachment 46015 View attachment 46016 View attachment 46017 View attachment 46018 View attachment 46019 View attachment 46020 View attachment 46021 View attachment 46022 View attachment 46023 View attachment 46024 View attachment 46025 View attachment 46026 View attachment 46027 View attachment 46028 View attachment 46029 View attachment 46030 View attachment 46031 View attachment 46032
About freakin' time! I'm glad that KH3 will avoid the reuse of an older song. I felt Hikari/Simple & Clean has been b*****dized over the years with its endless reuse, and I hope 0.2 BBS will be the last time it's used. While reused as well, Passion/Sanctuary wasn't reused as much, and thankfully, still has that "new car smell" feel to it whenever I listen to it even after 11 years of its release. I hope the same happens with the new KH3 theme, and it doesn't suffer the same fate as Hikari/Simple & Clean.
~Taco Bell~ Spoiler: BGM "Oh, before I forget, Gaston and I got something for you," Trixie told Xehanort as she took out a neatly wrapped present from her backpack, giving it to Xehanort. "For me?" Xehanort asked as he looked at the present. "Yup," Gaston replied, "A little something to celebrate us performing at the concert tonight." Once Xehanort opened the present, it was revealed to be a group photo of himself, Sunset Shimmer, Vanitas, Gaston, and Trixie during a trip to the mall last month, inside a rather fancy frame. "Hey, I remember that," Vanitas commented upon noticing the photograph. "It's... it's great... thank you, both of you," Xehanort thanked Gaston and Trixie as he smiled. "Oh, don't mention it," Trixie replied, "I'm just glad that you like it." "Wow, Gaston, Trixie... I didn't know you two had a soft side," Sunset Shimmer teased Gaston and Trixie. "Hey, come on Sunset, we're not THAT heartless," Gaston replied, "After all, no one gives great gifts, like Gaston!" "Ahem," Trixie tried signalling Gaston to indicate he forgot a certain pony. "Oh, and Trixie too," Gaston added. As for Xehanort, he kept staring at the photo in the frame, still smiling, and thinking of Gaston and Trixie as friends for the first time, and not just two students who he happened to hang out with. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Cafeteria~ "Hello, cousin," Matt greeted John Smith as he joined him and his group for lunch while carrying a lunch tray, "Guess who was just hired to be Nintendo High School's new Demonology instructor. Hint... you're looking at him." "No..." John said in disbelief, "Are you serious?!" "Absolutely," Smith replied, "Just came back from Al Mualim's office. Said he really liked what I did when I substituted for the class yesterday." "Wow, that was... fast," Axel commented on how quick Vergil was replaced by Al Mualim. "Indeed," Moody concurred. "Well, either way, welcome to the Nintendo High School faculty, Matt," Eraqus told Matt, "I hope you'll enjoy your time as a teacher here." "Oh, I know I will," Matt replied, "And thank you." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ "About time, I'm starving," King Candy/Turbo said as he arrived at the dining area of the ship, joining Demande and Saphir as they sat in a large round table, "Are the others coming?" "Well, I'm here," Hans said as he arrived and joined the others... "Just waiting on Anna and Elsa," Hans continued. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse (Inside the Millennium Falcon)~ As Cid and the others gathered in the Millenium Falcon's cockpit, Cid asked Hopps, "So, where's this biker gang now?" Checking her phone for updates on the chase, Judy replied, "Route 50, heading towards the Severn River." "Then let's catch 'em!" Cid announced as he got into the pilot seat and signaled to Cindy to sit in the co-pilot seat, "Everyone, hang on tight!" "I have a bad feeling about this..." Finn commented as Cid switched the Millennium Falcon's controls on, and began piloting it out of the warehouse. "Here we go!" Cid announced as the Millennium Falcon flew outside, "Now to catch up to that biker gang!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Elevator~ "Operations control," Darien said as he entered the Triskelion's main elevator (located on the side of the building), instructing the elevator to take him to the operations control floor. "Confirmed," the elevator's computer responded as Darien looked out the elevator's glass window, seeing the Tokyo skyline in the distance. As the elevator doors are about to close, Brock Rumlow stepped into the elevator with two other J.I.A. agents... "Forensics," Rumlow instructed the elevator's computer to take him to the forensics floor. "Confirmed," the elevator's computer responded. "Darien," Rumlow greeted Darien. "Rumlow," Darien greeted Rumlow back. The elevator doors then closed, with the elevator going down. "Evidence response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see," Rumlow told Darien, "You want me to get the tac-team ready?" "No, lets wait and see what it is first," Darien replied. "Right," Rumlow said. Meanwhile, Darien noticed one of the agents with Rumlow was touching his weapon suspiciously. The elevator then stopped, with four more J.I.A. agents entering the elevator. "Administrations level," one of the agents that just entered instructed the elevator. "Confirmed," the elevator's computer responded as the door's closed and the elevator continued going down. "Um... sorry about what happened with Stewart," Rumlow told Darien, "Messed up what happened to her." "Thank you," Darien thanked Rumlow. Feeling something was off, Darien noticed one of the agents who had just entered was suspiciously sweating. The elevator then stopped once again, with three more J.I.A. agents entering the elevator. "Records," one of the agents that just entered the elevator instructed the elevator's computer, wanting to go to the records floor. "Confirmed," the elevator's computer responded as the doors closed and the elevator continued going down. Noticing he was surrounded by J.I.A. agents in the elevator, Darien had a hunch as to what was happening. "Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" Darien asked the agents surrounding him. After a moment of silence, one of the agents suddenly turned and used an electric rod to give Darien a shock while others grabbed him. Hitting the 'Emergency Stop' button, Rumlow stopped the elevator from moving as he helped the other agents try to restrain Darien. Darien, however, tried fighting back, kicking Rumlow's knee, punching one agent with his right fist and knocking another agent with his left elbow. As another agent tried to knock Darien out, Darien kicked him in the abdomen, punched another agent in his chest, then punched another agent who wanted to shock him again with an electric rod. Darin then headbutted the agent grabbing him from behind, knocking him out and freeing himself. Grabbing his electric rod, Brock Rumlow tried to hit Darien with it, who was able to dodge it twice, but was then hit by it in the back during Rumlow's third attempt, shocking him once more as he cried in pain. Seeing another agent about to punch him in the face, Darien ducked in time for the punch to hit Rumlow instead. Darien then grabbed the agent that was about to punch him, and slammed him hard into a glass window in the elevator, knocking him out while causing a crack in the window. An agent then tried to shock Darien again with an electric rod, but Darien managed to dodge, causing the agent to shock another agent instead, a situation that Darien took advantage of by kicking both of them and knocking them out. An agent then tried to punch Darien, but he was able to grab the agent's wrist, twisting it before kicking the agent's face and knocking him out. Two agents then tried attacking Darien, who successfully dodged their attacks while knocking one agent with his elbow, and slamming the other to the elevator doors. Eventually, every agent that tried to attack Darien was knocked out... except for Brock Rumlow. "Woah, woah," Rumlow told Darien as he was holding two electric rods, "I just want you to know, Darien, this ain't personal." Rumlow then attempted to attack Darien with his electric rods, managing to shock Darien with one of the rods. As Darien was getting shocked once again, he managed to punch Rumlow, and slam him into the elevator doors, finally knocking him out. "It kind of feels personal," Darien replied to the unconscious Rumlow, looking at him and all the other unconscious J.I.A. agents. Pressing a button in the elevator, Darien opened the elevator doors, only to find a team of armed J.I.A. agents pointing their weapons at him. "Stand down!" one of the agents ordered Darien, "Put your hands in the air!" Quickly thinking of a way to get out, Darien summoned a rose with a sharp stem in his hand, and threw it at the elevator's wires, causing the elevator to go down fast until it stopped somewhere between two floors. Forcing the elevator doors open, Darien found more armed J.I.A. agents approaching him. Quickly closing the doors, Darien tried to think of a way out. "Give it up, Chiba!" one of the J.I.A. agents outside the elevator yelled, "Get that door open! You have nowhere to go!" Looking down at the elevator's window, Darien noticed the Triskelion's entrance hall a bit below where he was. 'If I jump out the window, there's a chance I might die. Then again, there's also a chance I survive and make a run for it,' Darien thought to himself. "Well, here goes nothing," Darien said to himself as he took a deep breath, and broke through the glass window, plummeting as he smashed trough another glass window before hitting the floor, much to the surprise of those in the area. "Heh... I'm alive," Darien said to himself as he tried getting up, feeling painful from the landing. 'I gotta find Skye,' Darien thought to himself as he ran, hoping to get to the J.I.A. airfield without being caught. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus~ "What do you mean, 'noise'?" Shining Armor questioned Skye as she was using the Bus's main computer to analyze whatever was inside the flash drive Darien gave her. "I mean literally noise," Skye replied, "The intel I downloaded from the Lemurian Star... ended up being a signal with noise." "It's like some sort of blanket signal," Fitz added, "Encoded data, maybe." "That's possible," Hiro commented. "Might I offer some assistance?" Baymax asked Skye. "Sure, I could use any help possible," Skye replied, allowing Baymax to join her and try helping her decode the signal. "Well, do what you need to do, Skye. Decode the signal," Nick Fury ordered Skye, "We need to get ahead of this."
In the latest issue of Dengeki Playstation, 'Kingdom Hearts' director, Tetsuya Nomura, talked a bit on both 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue' and 'Kingdom Hearts III'. While a full translation of the interview isn't out yet, KHInsider user Zephyr was able to translate some of the main points of the interview, where Nomura discusses things such as no new boxart for 'Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5' on the PS4, how the remasters have never affected development of KH3, and the return of Reaction Commands in KH3 (now called Situation Commands and evolved to be less like simple QTEs). The main points can be read below: This post will be updated with the full interview as soon as a translation is out. EDIT: The full interview is as follows (thanks again to KHInsider for providing the translation) Spoiler Source: KHInsider
~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus - Ramp~ "There, there," Simmons tried comforting Osgood after she arrived with Nick Fury to the Bus, still weeping for Kate Stewart's death. "Where's Calhoun?" May asked, "Wasn't she with you guys in the hospital when it happened?" "Yeah," Fury replied, "She's a bit busy at the moment." Just then, Skye arrived to the Bus, walking up the ramp... "Skye!" Hiro called out to Skye as he approached her, "Crazy day, huh? What with Director Stewart getting killed and all..." "You got that right, Hiro," Skye replied as she shifted her attention to Fitz, "Fitz, get the computer ready. I need to check something urgent." "Yeah, sure..." Fitz replied, "What's this about?" "This," Skye replied as she took out the flash drive Darien gave her from her pocket, "During our mission in the Lemurian Star, I was under direct orders from Director Stewart to download what ever intel I could from the ship's computers. It was also what Director Stewart gave Darien before she died." "So... you think whatever you downloaded into that flash drive could help us find out who killed her?" Shining Armor asked. "That's exactly what Darien suggested when he gave it to me," Skye replied. "Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's get started," Fitz said as he and Skye headed for the main computer in the aircraft. "Umm, I'm a bit lost... what's the Lemurian Star?" Hiro asked. "A J.I.A. ship in the Mediterranean Sea," Alan answered Hiro as they and the others followed Skye and Fitz out of curiosity that the answer to who killed Kate Stewart might be in the flash drive, "It was hijacked yesterday by pirates, until we intervened." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Alexander Pierce's Office~ "Sir, it's an honor," Darien greeted the J.I.A.'s new Director, Alexander Pierce, as he entered his office and shook Pierce's hand. "The honor is mine, Chiba," Pierce replied, smiling at Darien, "Hard to believe you're the same young boy we picked up from Colombia years ago. Come on in." Looking around, Darien noticed several old photographs on the wall. Many of the photographs were of Pierce with the late former J.I.A. Director Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and his daughter Kate Stewart (who would also go on to be J.I.A. Director like her father). "The Stewart family and I go way back," Alexander commented as he showed Darien the photographs on the wall, "We spent so much time together. Birthdays, Christmases, there was not a day of celebration that we didn't spend together. After Alistair died from a car crash, I made sure to look after his daughter as she moved up the ranks of the J.I.A. from a novice agent, until eventually becoming the agency's director." "You and Kate were pretty close, huh?" Darien questioned Alexander. "For sure," Alexander replied, "Chiba, why was Kate in your apartment?" "I don't know," Darien answered. "You know your apartment was bugged?" Pierce asked. "I did, because Kate told me," Darien answered. "Did she tell you she was the one who bugged it?" Alexander questioned. Darien didn't even reply, and was rather surprised by the information Alexander just told him regarding Kate Stewart. "Speaking of Stewart, we interrogated some of Batroc's men," Alexander Pierce continued as he handed Darien a file containing transcripts of interrogations with some of the pirates captured during the liberation of the Lemurian Star, "Apparently, Batroc was hired anonymously to attack the Lemurian Star, and he was contacted by e-mail, and paid by wire transfer. And then the money was run through seventeen fictitious accounts, the last one going to a holding company that was registered to a Jacob Veech." "Am I supposed to know who that is?" Darien replied as he kept looking through the file. "Not likely," Pierce replied, "Veech died six years ago. His last address was 14-35 Elmhurst Drive. When I first met Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, he lived at 14-37." "Are you saying Kate hired the pirates? Why?" Darien questioned Pierce. "Well the prevailing theory was that the hijacking was a cover for the acquisition and sale of classified intelligence. The sale went sour and that led to Kate's death," Alexander replied. "If you really knew Kate Stewart you know that's not true," Darien said. "Why do you think we're talking?" Pierce asked, "See, I stuck with the J.I.A. not because I didn't want to retire, but because Kate asked me to, because we were both realists. We knew that despite all the diplomacy and the handshaking and the rhetoric, that to build a really better world sometimes means having to tear the old one down. And that makes enemies. Those people that call you dirty because you got the guts to stick your hands in the mud and try to build something better. And the idea that those people could be happy today, makes me really, really angry." After hesitating a moment, Pierce continued, "Chiba, you were the last one to see Kate alive. I don't think that's an accident, and I don't think you do either. So I'm gonna ask again, why was she there?" "She told me not to trust anyone," Darien replied. "I wonder if that included herself," Alexander commented. After a couple seconds of silence, Darien said, "I'm sorry. Those were her last words. Excuse me." As Darien headed towards the exit, Pierce called out to him, "Chiba." As Darien stopped and turned around to face the J.I.A. director, Pierce continued, "Kate Stewart was like a daughter to me. Somebody murdered her and I'm gonna find out why. Anyone gets in my way, they're gonna regret it. Anyone." "Understood," Darien replied as he left. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Hallway~ Spoiler: BGM "Yes, I'm serious!" Matt Smith happily told his girlfriend, Clara Oswald, on his phone as he headed to the cafeteria for lunch, giving her the good news about becoming Nintendo High School's new Demonology teacher. "Wow, full-time... I'm impressed," Clara replied, "Have you told your cousin?" "Not yet," Matt answered, "But I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him." "Yeah, that should be fun," Clara commented, "Anyway, I've got to go. Really happy for you, Matty." "Thank you, Clara," Matt thanked Clara, "I love you." "Love you too," Clara replied as Matt hung up and headed to the cafeteria. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Celestia's Office~ As Celestia was busy taking care of Parliament-related paperwork, she sensed a presence appear in her office. Looking around, she didn't find anyone, asking, "Who's there?" Getting no answer, Celestia got off from her seat, looking around her office to make sure no one was really there. But as she looked around, she found an envelope on the floor, one that she knows wasn't in her office before. Curious, Celestia took the envelope to her desk and opened it. Inside was a note that appeared to be written by a child, saying: Meet me outside Nintendo Elementary School when school ends. Its urgent!!! Confused by the note, Celestia wondered why a child would need her help, and how did the child manage to leave the note without her noticing. 'Hmm, maybe I should check it out...' Celestia thought to herself, planning to go to Nintendo Elementary at the time that was requested on the note. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Arendelle - Prince Demande's Ship~ 'Did... that just happen?' Saphir wondered to himself after Elsa hugged him, blushing as he smiled. Just then, he felt the ship begin to leave. "Guess we're on our way," Saphir said to himself as he walked away. "Prince Saphir," Nephrite called out to Saphir as the butler approached him... "Supper is almost ready," Nephrite continued. "Thank you, Nephrite," Saphir thanked the butler, who bowed down before walking away while Saphir leaned against a rail on the deck, watching as the ship sailed farther and farther away from Arendelle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Taco Bell~ "Sorry I'm late," Xehanort said as he joined Sunset Shimmer, Vanitas, Gaston, and Trixie at Taco Bell for lunch, "What did I miss?" "Oh nothing," Sunset Shimmer replied. "Just Gaston and I complaining about an English quiz we have tomorrow," Trixie added. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Cafeteria~ As Connor was carrying his lunch tray, looking for his friends, he came face to face with Katniss for the first time since the two shared a passionate kiss with each other hours earlier... "Hey," Katniss greeted Connor. "Hey there, Katniss, Haymitch," Connor replied. "Pikapika," Haymitch added, saying hello to Connor. But as Connor and Katniss remained standing and just staring at each other awkwardly, Ritchie called out to them from the table next to them, "Hey, you gonna sit or what?" Noticing Ritchie, Sparky, Rue, and Dick were sitting and waiting for them all this time, both Connor and Katniss shook their heads, feeling embarrassed. "Oh, sorry," Katniss apologized as she sat down. "Yeah, don't know what came over us," Connor added as he took a seat as well. "Oh I think I have a pretty good idea," Dick replied to Connor, smirking. Nudging Dick, Rue wanted to signal him to not bother Connor and Katniss about their new relationship status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Nintendo High School - Cafeteria (Again)~ "So guys, you going to the concert tonight?" Hiccup asked Manon and Clemont as they were having lunch, "I wanna show my support to Xehanort. He's been such a good roommate ever since I came to Tokyo." "Can't. Have to study hard for Advanced Calculus," Clemont replied. "Hmm, don't think I have anything that'll prevent me from going," Manon added, "I'm sure Harry and I could go." "Leemo!" Harry concurred. "Alright then. Toothless and I will pick you up," Hiccup replied to Manon. "Sweet!" Manon cheered. "Enjoy it!" Clemont told Manon and Hiccup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse (Outside the Millennium Falcon)~ "Heh, there's your answer, Officer Hopps," Cid told Judy after Cindy said the Millennium Falcon was ready to go. "Well, then let's go," Hopps replied. "You heard the officer, everyone get inside!" Cid told everyone as he and the others entered the Falcon. Following the group, BB-8 looked at Cindy, beeping to her to ask if she wanted to join them.