-Food: Pretty much anything that tastes good and isn't healthy Song: This Movie: the Re:coded cinematic (that counts as a movie, right?) -Way too many to list (Disney songs from my childhood certainly come to mind) -Saïx, because he is the biggest jerk in the series (yes, even counting Master Xehanort). -Yes, Arabic -Japanese. I'd also like to relearn French after not using it ever since my French 2 class in high school -This is a bit of tough one, can't say there was one I related to 100%, but there have been plenty of characters that certainly related to a lot. Characters that come into mind include Riley Andersen (Inside Out), Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed III), and Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), just to name a few... -Pistachio Because I like him. Read my answer above. The sky Not bad. Not bad at all. -Don't know you well enough to make an impression. Sorry... -Yeah, it's pretty good. -Summer -Maybe / I'd rather not say -Sweet -I really can't think of anything that happened to me that I would consider "weird" -Umm, a dragon... I guess... -Mind Control -No -Simply saying "Goodbye"
Giving up already? Come on, (insert name here). I thought you were stronger than that.
Updated OP with a statement by a GameFaqs user contacting SE support. Either this was intentional, or the guy who replied to the GameFaqs user is clueless to this whole issue.
It has been brought to our attention by @Hayabusa that after unlocking one of three themes that are supposed to be free in the just released 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue', you will be charged $2.99 to download the theme rather than being able to download it for free: View attachment 46283 To make things even more confusing, KHInsider stated: Most likely, this appears to be an error that'll hopefully be resolved soon. In the meantime, we'll be waiting for a response from Square-Enix. EDIT: A GameFaqs user appears to have contacted Square-Enix regarding this issue, stating the following: EDIT 2: The same user, domnu, also posted a screenshot of the email. We'll let you know if we hear anything else about this story. Thanks to @Hayabusa for letting us know! EDIT 3: According to Churro, a long time figure in the KH community, it seems like the themes are now free. As soon as we hear anything else (or if anyone in NA wants to give us a screenshot of this), we'll update this story more!
-You're an awesome reporter, a quick learner, and a very good friend. Couldn't be prouder of having shown you the ropes to become the Reporter you are today. -Axel/Lea, got it memorized? ;) -Aladdin -Blue -If we're talking Utada, Passion/Sanctuary. But if we're talking Yoko Shimomura... then it becomes a really tough choice (because there are just so many good themes). Songs that come to mind include Dearly Beloved, Roxas, Musique pour la tristesse de Xion, Darkness of the Unknown... just to name a few -I've only played the first five Final Fantasies (and the original Dissidia), so my favorite may be a bit obscure, but... Final Fantasy II -Again, a bit obscure because of what I said above, but... Leila from Final Fantasy II
Just a rumor for now, but it appears that Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen will be played by Noah Gray-Cabey and Debby Ryan, respectively.
Pokemon S/M is now compatible with Pokemon Bank! Make sure you update Pokemon Bank before transferring your Pokemon.
With Mickey, Donald, and Goofy getting the Funko treatment, hopefully it won't be long before original KH characters get their turn.
The official Kingdom Hearts website has just received a massive update, such as dividing the series into four games (Unchained χ[chi], HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix, HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and of course KH3), new character summaries, worlds being listed with the movie they are based off of, as well as the addition of images and past trailers. Interesting things to note in the updated website include the following timeline: View attachment 46275 Also, the area usually referred to as the Dark Margin now appears to have an official name: View attachment 46276
~Tokyo - Highway Above River~ Arriving to his injured Charizard on the side of the highway, Alan quickly tended to his Pokemon's injury. "There, there," Alan told his Charizard as it whimpered, placing bandage on the Pokemon's left wing where it was injured by Tuxedo Mask's rose. Looking up, Alan noticed a couple of J.I.A. helicopters arrive, conducting a manhunt for Darien/Tuxedo Mask. Pretty soon, Alan also saw John Garret arrive, driving a different vehicle than he was when chasing Shining Armor and the others... "I heard Chiba is swimming in the river right now," Garret joked as he parked next to Alan and Charizard, stepping out of the vehicle, "I didn't have much luck with Fury and the others. Got a bump on the head, and the Winter Soldier's pretty pissed." "Don't worry, we'll find every last one of them... dead or alive," Alan replied as he watched the J.I.A. helicopters continuing with their manhunt around the river below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tokyo - River Below Highway~ Swimming back up and gasping for air, Darien watched as J.I.A. helicopters arrived to try and look for him. Quickly swimming to one of the highway pillars, Darien hid so that he wouldn't be noticed by the helicopters' searchlights. But as he hid, Darien felt intense pain in his left shoulder, caused by a gunshot wound when Alan shot him during the chase in the highway. 'I gotta get out of here,' Darien thought to himself as he continued hiding. Once he saw the helicopters fly to a different area to check, Darien immediately took the opportunity to swim away, hoping to find a place to hide from the J.I.A. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Alleyway~ After parking in an alleyway to try and hide from the J.I.A., Nick Fury and the others had been trying to collect their thoughts on the revelation that the J.I.A., an organization they were a part of and trusted, had deep connections to the Crystal Order. "All those years... and we never saw it coming..." Fury commented while leaning against the side of a building. "None of us could have saw it coming," May responded. "May's right," Shining Armor added, "Let's face it... the Crystal Order outsmarted us big. Now we don't even know if there's anyone we can trust in the J.I.A." Sighing, Skye tried to change the subject, commenting, "I wonder what happened to Darien..." "I wish I could give you an answer," Fury replied to Skye, "But seeing as how we can't even try calling him to avoid getting detected by the J.I.A., his fate is up in the air." Inside one of the SUVs, Fitz and Simmons were trying to get over the fact that not only was the J.I.A. part of the Crystal Order, but that Alan, someone they considered a good friend ever since he became a part of their team, turned out to be a member of the Crystal Order as well. "Must be some reason why Alan did it," Fitz commented, "Maybe they brainwashed him." "Don't know," Simmons replied, "Some individuals are just evil." "I'd rather not believe that," Fitz said. "It's true," Simmons replied, "I just assumed we'd be better at spotting it." After nearly a minute of silence, Fitz told Simmons, "Tell me that you're not with the Crystal Order." Looking at her science partner with a weird look, Simmons replied, "What?!" "I know that it's ridiculous, but I just need to hear you say it," Fitz said. Deciding to go along with what Fitz asked her to do, Simmons replied, "I'm not with the Crystal Order." "Yeah, good. Good," Fitz said, "And I... 'cause I'm not, either." "Of course not," Simmons replied. "Yeah," Fitz said, "Because if... if you ever did..." "I wouldn't," Simmons interrupted him. "I don't know what I would do," Fitz continued with his interrupted sentence. Smiling at Fitz and putting her hand on his shoulder, Simmons replied, "You'll never have to find out." Meanwhile, Hiro was walking back and forth in the alleyway, trying to think. "Is this a new form of exercise you're trying out?" Baymax questioned Hiro. "No, Baymax... I'm just thinking..." Hiro replied, trying to think of where he and the others could go. Eventually, Hiro finally got an idea, and turned around to face the group, saying, "Guys, I have an idea." "What is it, Hiro?" Skye asked. "Well, I might know someone who could hopefully help us," Hiro replied, "We gotta go to Tokyo University." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Conference Room~ As some J.I.A. agents were gathered for an emergency meeting, with the images of Nick Fury and the other escapees on display in a large monitor on the wall, Brock Rumlow stormed in the room to address the agents... "Eyes here," Rumlow ordered the agents, "Whatever your op is, bury it. This is level one. Contact the Ministry of Transportation. Multiple traffic lights in the city must go red. Shut all runways at Tokyo International. All security cameras in the city go through this monitor, right here. Scan all open sources. Phones, computers, PDA's, whatever. If someone Tweets about these guys, I want to know about it." "With all due respect, if the J.I.A. is conducting a manhunt for fellow agents, we deserve to know why," Maya replied. "Because Darien Chiba lied to us, and his friends are protecting him," Alexander Pierce answered Maya as he entered the room... "Darien Chiba has information regarding the death of Director Stewart, refuses to share it, and got a couple of his friends to turn their backs against us. This has unfortunately led to the killing of Agent Osgood a short while ago," Pierce continued as some agents gasped after hearing Osgood was dead as well, "As difficult as this is to accept, the agents you see on the monitor are all fugitives from the J.I.A." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Gym~ "Pardon me for a moment," Al Mualim told Kimberly, Thomas, and Tommy as he approached them, "I just wanted to congratulate Tommy and Kimberly on their engagement." Taking out an envelope from his pocket containing both a congratulatory letter he wrote and a JCPenny gift card, Al Mualim handed it to Tommy, smiling as he said, "Congratulations." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Hallway~ As he was looking for Mario, Hiccup finally found him inside the classroom where the Cooking Club was meeting, but realized he looked busy. "Guess I can't talk to him now," Hiccup said to himself, also noticing Fujiko, remembering when she shoved him aside that one night outside Gaston's home to check on her sons. Opening his backpack, Hiccup ripped a sheet of paper from one of his notebooks, and wrote a quick note on it: Call me when you're done. There's something I need to talk to you about. -Hiccup P.S. My phone number is 555-2368 "Now to get someone to give it to him," Hiccup said to himself as he folded the note, noticing the Swedish Chef whistling as he was heading to the Cooking Club meeting... "Hey, mind doing me a favor?" Hiccup told the Swedish Chef, handing him the note, "Could ya give this to Mario?" "Nu prublem," the Swedish Chef replied as he took Hiccup's note. "Thanks," Hiccup thanked the Swedish Chef as he headed to his dorm. As for the Swedish Chef, he walked inside and handed Mario the note, saying, "Sume-a gooy vunted me-a tu geefe-a thees tu yuu. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ "He certainly is," Saphir concurred with Elsa after she commented on Regis being a wise and fair ruler, "He's almost like an uncle to Demande and myself." "Noctis, on the other hand... while he was a good friend during our childhood... I can't say I feel the same nowadays," Demande added, "As I mentioned... he is rebellious. Perhaps a bit too rebellious for my tastes." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household~ "Hi Mom, hi Dad!" Sammy said as he arrived home, where Ikuko was cleaning dishes and Kenji was taking a short nap on the couch after a really busy day at work, "Rini said she was gonna spend some time with her friends again, so she'll be a bit late." "Alright. Serena is at the mall with her friends," Ikuko replied, "We'll get ready for the concert once both Serena and Rini return." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~ After the Millennium Falcon returned to Cid's home, Kanan and Finn exited the ship as both were yawning, with Kanan saying, "It's time for Finn and I to call it a day. See ya guys tomorrow." "Later," Finn added as he and Kanan headed to his car. "Come on, guys! No one wanna stay an' watch some football?" Cid asked. "I'll stay," Nick replied. Sighing, Cid said, "Fine. But no beer for ya." "Fair enough," Nick replied as he and BB-8 followed him. "Hey, Cindy... the game's about to start. You wanna watch?" Cid asked his granddaughter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tokyo Streets: Scrooge McDuck's Ice Cream Shoppe~ As Scrooge McDuck was humming to himself, reading a newspaper while his three Moogles were working, Thor and his friends arrived as usual... "Hello, Mr. McDuck," Thor greeted Scrooge, "We'll have the usual." "Of course, Thor," McDuck replied as he turned to face his Moogle employees, "Moogles, five sea-salts!" "On the way, kupo!" one of the Moogles responded. "125 yen," McDuck told Thor. But before Thor could even take out his wallet to pay, Luna quickly gave the 125 yen he was owed, surprising Thor, who told Luna, "You didn't have to do that." "Don't worry about it," Luna replied, winking at him. "Well, anyway... here are yer ice-creams," Scrooge said, handing Thor and his friends five sea-salt ice-creams. "Thanks as always, Mr. McDuck," Xion thanked Scrooge. "Ah, no problem lass," Scrooge happily replied as the group left and headed to the A.I.M. building. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Alps Mountain Range - Outside Castle Oblivion~ As Mewtwo teleported himself, Rini, and Celestia to the snowy Alps mountain range, Celestia (still in shock) was able to recognize Mewtwo as a Crystal Order member, screaming, "Rini, get behind me!" As Celestia glared at Mewtwo, Rini cried, "Celestia, no! He's my friend!" "What he is is a member of the Crystal Order, as well as a failed and dangerous experiment!" Celestia retorted. "No, you don't understand!" Rini cried, "Yes, he was with the Crystal Order, but he left them! He wants to help! And I... trust him!" "Celestia, whether you choose to trust me or not is your choice," Mewtwo added, "But know this. In that castle over there is a friend who needs your help." While still suspicious of Mewtwo, Celestia turned around, and saw Castle Oblivion. "What's going on here?" Celestia questioned, "What is this place?" "That is Castle Oblivion," Mewtwo answered, "Inside, you will meet an old friend." "Old friend?" Celestia wondered aloud. "Celestia... you know Discord, don't you?" Rini asked. Gasping in shock upon hearing Discord's name, Celestia questioned, "What did you say?" "Discord," Rini answered, "You were friends with him a long time ago, right? He and Mewtwo left the Crystal Order together, but ever since, Discord just wants to stay in this castle alone. He needs help, Celestia... and Mewtwo thinks you're the only one who could help." As many thoughts filled her head, Celestia looked at Mewtwo and Rini, who pleaded to her once more, "Please Celestia... they're my friends, and they need your help." Sighing, Celestia headed towards the entrance to Castle Oblivion while followed by Mewtwo and Rini.
No Man's Sky - PS4
The sales numbers for 'Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' are in, and it looks like the collection is a success, selling 137,797 copies of the game during its first week in Japan. By comparison, this is a better number than the previous two collections, which during their first week in Japan sold 128,414 (1.5) and 84,935 (2.5). Source: 4Gamer.net
OOC: Events at Nintendo High School have been skipped ahead to the end of the school day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Outside the Main Entrance~ "See you tonight, Hiccup!" Manon told Hiccup as she hurried down the stairs with Harry on her shoulder. "Leemo!" Harry waved goodbye at Clemont and Hiccup, who happily waved back. "You two enjoy the concert," Clemont told Hiccup. "Thanks, man," Hiccup replied, "Really wish you could've come too." "Me too," Clemont concurred as he shrugged, "Anyway, I'll see you both tomorrow." "Take care!" Hiccup told Clemont as he left. Once he was alone, Hiccup went back inside, thinking to himself, 'Now to find Mario...' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Outside the Main Entrance (Again)~ "So, you guys gonna study for the English quiz tomorrow?" Riku asked "Yeah," Roxas replied. "Otherwise, we might've went to that concert tonight," Sora added. "Alright. Well, let me know if you guys need help with it," Riku said as he got on his motorcycle and started it, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to church." As Riku drove off, Sora asked Roxas, "Did... you know he goes to church?" "Nope," Roxas replied, shaking his head as he and his brother headed home. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ "I would be happy to introduce you to him," Saphir responded to Elsa after she commented that it would be an honor to meet King Regis, "And I am sure he would be honored to met you as well." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School: Principal's Office~ Spoiler: BGM "I trust you are ready for tonight?" Al Mualim asked Xehanort after closing the office's door so no one hears them. "Yes," Xehanort replied. "Good," Al Mualim said as he went back to his seat, "Once Harriet Jones is gone, the real work begins. However, there may be an obstacle in achieving our goal." "What is it?" Xehanort asked. "Even if Harold becomes the new prime minister tonight by completely legal means... there will be those who question such legitimacy," Al Mualim responded, "It proves my very point from the beginning. Our enemies will do whatever it takes to keep the world as it is... even if it means abandoning their very own ideals." "I see," Xehanort commented. "Be wary of them, Xehanort. And never let your guard down," Al Mualim said. Nodding in response, Xehanort then asked, "Will you be attending the concert tonight?" "No, I'm afraid not," Al Mualim replied, "I have some matters to take care of at our headquarters. But I will be watching it live on television. I look forward to seeing how you successfully deal with dear Harriet Jones." "Alright. I should get going," Xehanort said as he got up. "Very well, Xehanort. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to write a letter of congratulations for Tommy and Kimberly. Young Oliver has just proposed to her today," Al Mualim replied, sighing, "Such a shame that they won't live to see their wedding day." Nodding, Xehanort left Al Mualim's office as the principal began writing a letter for Tommy and Kimberly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Outside the Main Entrance (Again x2)~ "So, ice-cream?" Vanellope suggested to her friends as they left school. "Don't we have to study for our English quiz tomorrow?" Xion asked Vanellope. "We could study while we have ice-cream," Loki suggested, "I have a big Advanced Calculus test tomorrow AND I have to perform tonight. So as long as we study while having ice-cream at the usual place, I don't see much of an issue." "He has a point," Thor told Xion. "Alright, fair enough," Xion replied with a smile. "Plus, we could consider it a mini-celebration for Loki's concert tonight," Luna added. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo High School - Outside the Main Entrance (Again x3)~ "Later, guys!" Dick told his friends as he left to go home. "See you tomorrow!" Ritchie added as he left as well. "Pikachu!" Sparky added while on Ritchie's shoulder, waving goodbye. As Connor, Katniss, and Rue waved goodbye back, Rue looked at Connor and Katniss before saying, "Umm, I'll see you in District 12, Katniss." "Okay, Rue," Katniss replied as Rue left, "Well, see you tomorrow, Connor." "Y-yeah," Connor responded as they both turned away to head home. But before he started walking, Connor quickly turned around and ran to Katniss, saying, "Katniss, wait!" "What is it, Connor?" Katniss asked. "I just wanted to ask if... you could..." Connor replied, struggling to articulate what he wanted to say. "Go on a date?" Katniss attempted to finish his sentence, smiling at him. "Y-yes, that's it," Connor happily responded, "There's a great place by the harbor Achilles and I usually go to. I'm sure you'll love it." "Okay. I can do Friday," Katniss said. "Sounds good," Connor said, "Haymitch can come too if he wants." "Pikapika!" Haymitch happily concurred. "Sounds like a plan," Katniss said as she kissed Connor on his cheek, "I'll see you later." "Okay," Connor replied as Katniss walked away with Haymitch. Happily sighing, Connor walked to his apartment, excited to finally have a date with Katniss. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside Nintendo Elementary~ Arriving outside Nintendo Elementary like the letter she received earlier asked her to, Celestia looked around to see anyone was looking for her. "You made it!" a little girl's voice said behind Celestia. Turning around, the pony found Rini looking at her... "Why hello there," Celestia greeted Rini, showing her the letter she got earlier, "Tell me, were you the one who sent me this letter?" "Well, I wrote it. But my friend was the one who sent it," Rini replied, "By the way, name's Rini. And I really needed to see you." "Me? How come?" a confused Celestia questioned. "I have to take you to someone who needs your help, Celestia," Rini replied, holding out her hand, "Give me your hoof. And my friend will take us to go see him." "Umm, alright," Celestia hesitantly said as she held out her right hoof for Rini to hold, "Who is this 'friend' of yours anyway?" "You'll see," Rini replied as she held Celestia's hoof. Just then, Mewtwo appeared right next to Celestia and Rini... Gasping, Celstia was about to say something before Mewtwo teleported himself, Rini, and Celestia away from the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus~ Spoiler: BGM Slowly opening her eyes, the wounded Osgood watched as her friends were marching towards the exit against their own will. 'Oh no!' she thought to herself, still feeling painful from being shot at, 'I must help them! But how?' Remembering that she kept smoke bombs in her pocket in case of an emergency, Osgood slowly tried reaching into her pocket while attempting to remain quiet by not making a noise of any kind, as hard as it was, especially since she had to yell in pain from her gunshot wounds. Eventually, Osgood successfully grabbed a small smoke bomb, and was ready to help her friends. "RUN!" Osgood yelled as she threw the smoke bomb, with the bomb creating a dense, black smoke upon exploding. "Osgood?!" Simmons cried as she and the others were coughing from the smoke, surprised that she was alive. "We can't stay here, Jemma, we have to run!" Fitz replied, taking advantage of the situation as he grabbed her hand and ran outside while followed by Darien and the others. "Smoke can be harmful to one's lungs," Baymax commented as Hiro dragged him outside to escape as well. As the smoke cleared, Alan and his fellow Crystal Order members noticed that the captors had escaped. Noticing the injured Osgood, Alan glared at her as he quickly took out his gun, and shot her in the forehead, killing her for good as Pierce ordered him, "Never mind her. Get them!" The Japanese Intelligence Agency (J.I.A.) ~The Enemy Within~ Meanwhile, outside in the airfield, Nick, May, Fitz, and Simmons rushed towards an SUV (with May driving), while Shining Armor, Skye, Hiro, and Baymax quickly getting into a second SUV (with Skye driving). As for Darien (having transformed to his Tuxedo Mask alter ego), he quickly grabbed a motorcycle, and once the others started their SUVs, he drove his motorcycle, leading the the two SUVs towards the exit. As Tuxedo Mask and the others were racing to get out of the J.I.A's sights, they noticed a J.I.A. checkpoint up ahead, with the guards over there pointing their guns towards them while a boom barrier was blocking the way. "Hold on tight!" Tuxedo Mask yelled to his fellow escapees as he summoned two of his trusty sharp stemmed roses and sent both flying right into the guards, injuring them before they could attempt to shoot the escapees. Opening her window as she continued driving, May yelled out to Tuxedo Mask, "Darien, get behind us! Skye and I will take care of the barrier ahead." Nodding, Tuxedo Mask slowed his motorcycle so that the two SUVs passed ahead of him in order to ram the barrier ahead. "Wait, we're gonna ram into the boom barrier?!" Hiro cried. "Hell yeah," Skye replied as she and May both sped towards the barrier. "We're not going to make it!" Simmons cried. Eventually, both SUVs successfully rammed through the barrier, continuing their escape while followed by Tuxedo Mask from behind as they went towards the nearby highway. "Heh, we did it," Fitz commented, relieved that they were able to get through the checkpoint. "It's not over yet," Fury replied, pointing to a J.I.A. Quinjet that was flying above them until turning around and hovering above the highway ahead of them to face the escapees approaching. "I'll take care of this, guys!" Tuxedo Mask announced as he sped forward, passing by the two SUVs as he raced towards the Quinjet. "Stand down, Agent Chiba," a pilot inside the Quinjet ordered Tuxedo Mask through a speaker as the Quinjet lowered its machine gun, "I repeat, stand down!" As Tuxedo Mask doesn't stop, the Quinjet's machine gun starts shooting at him. Summoning two roses with sharp stems, Tuxedo Mask threw them towards the Quinjet's pilots, with both roses able to penetrate the window protecting them, instantly killing the two of them. The Quinjet then started to wobble as it continued hovering above the highway. Taking advantage of the situation, Tuxedo Mask hopped from his motorcycle to the top of the Quinjet, damaging its propellers with his sharp stemmed roses, and then doing a somersault to jump back at his motorcycle and continue driving it while the Quinjet crashed off the highway. With the two SUVs following Tuxedo Mask through the highway, the escapees got close to downtown Tokyo. But as they continued with their escape, the escapees noticed something shocking in one of the digital billboards on top of one the skyscrapers in Tokyo. It was a PSA warning citizens about each of the escapees. Darien, Shining Armor, Skye, Fury, May, Fitz, Simmons, Hiro, and even Baymax were all listed as wanted by the authorities for crimes against Japan. "That is not good..." Shining Armor commented after seeing the billboard. "Guys... we've got company!" Hiro cried, pointing to the back as he noticed Alan following them on his motorcycle while accompanied by an armored J.I.A. van being driven by John Garret with the Winter Soldier sitting next to him with a rifle in his hands... Noticing the J.I.A. approaching them from behind, Tuxedo Mask tried to quickly think of a plan. Just then, he noticed a fork in the road ahead, and instantly got an idea. "Let's split up!" Tuxedo Mask yelled to both May and Skye, "You guys go to the right, I'll go to the left!" Nodding, both May and Skye headed to the right side of the highway while Tuxedo Mask took the left side that would lead to a bridge over a river. Noticing what the escapees did, Alan yelled to Garret, "Darien's mine! You go after the others!" "Got it!" Garett replied as he started following the SUVs while Alan followed Tuxedo Mask while summoning his Charizard from its Pokeball... "What about Darien?!" Fitz questioned May and Nick Fury as they and Skye's SUV took the fork's right turn and continued driving. "Darien can take care of himself. We need to worry about not getting killed!" Fury responded. "Guys... they're fast approaching!" Simmons cried as she watched the armored J.I.A. van Garret was driving fast approach them and Skye's SUV. May quickly began speeding as she bypassed car after car, constantly going from one lane to another as the Winter Soldier started shooting at the SUVs with his rifle. "Good idea, May," Skye said to herself as she did just as May did, trying to shake Garrett and the Winter Soldier off their tails. Seeing what they were doing, the Winter Soldier resorted to a new strategy, grabbing a grenade, and throwing it far into the highway ahead of them, exploding as it landed close to Skye's SUV. "Woah!" Hiro cried, startled by the grenade's explosion, "They're using grenades against us?!" "Yes... yes they are," Shining Armor replied as he held on while Skye was trying hard to evade Garret and the Winter Soldier. "Ugh, we can't keep dodging them like this!" May complained as another grenade thrown by the Winter Soldier exploded and barely missed her SUV. As the chase continued, Hiro thought of a plan, telling Baymax, "Baymax, open your window!" "Alright," Baymax replied as he opened the window next to him. As Hiro looked back and saw the Winter Soldier about to throw another grenade, Hiro pushed Baymax out the window so that only Baymax's upper half was sticking out the window, telling his robot, "Bounce the grenade back to them, Baymax!" "Bounce wha-?" Baymax questioned before the grenade that was aimed at them hit Baymax's belly, and bounced right back to Garret and the Winter Soldier, with the resulting explosion causing Garret to lose control of his vehicle and crash onto the side of the highway, "Oh..." "We did it!" Hiro cheered. "Great job, guys!" Skye told Baymax and Hiro. "Well, guess that takes care of that," May commented after witnessing what happened, and continued driving with Skye to continue with their escape. As for Tuxedo Mask, he had been trying to evade Alan's Charizard as it tried to hit him with a Flamethrower attack while gliding above him. "Give it up, Chiba!" Alan yelled from behind, trying to shoot Tuxedo Mask while also chasing him with his motorcycle. 'This is never gonna end!' Tuxedo Mask thought to himself, 'Gotta do something!' Summoning a sharp stemmed rose, Tuxedo Mask threw it to the back with the intention to hit Alan's motorcycle. However, Alan's Charizard descended between Tuxedo Mask and Alan at that point, getting hit by the rose in its left wing, causing it to roar in pain and crash on the side of the highway. Seeing what happened to his Charizard, Alan angrily yelled, "You're going to pay for what you did, Chiba!" Getting a clear shot at Tuxedo Mask, Alan was able to shoot him in his left shoulder. After getting hit, Tuxedo Mask cried in pain as he lost control of his motorcycle and crashed onto the side of the highway, with the impact causing him to get thrown off the highway and down the river below. Stopping his motorcycle near where Tuxedo Mask's motorcycle crashed, Alan looked down at the river below, noticing ripples from Tuxedo Mask falling. Pointing his gun to the river, Alan fired multiple shots before yelling, "I'm not gonna rest until I can see your cold dead body, Chiba!" However, upon hearing Charizard's whimpering, Alan snapped out of it, and ran back to check on his Charizard. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside the Millennium Falcon - On the Side of the Route 50 Highway - Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.~ After arresting all four members of the biker gang, Judy was congratulated by Kanan, who said, "Good job, Officer." "Glad we could help out," Finn added. "Aww, thanks guys," Hopps replied, "And I am grateful to all of you. Truly, I am." Just then, a bunch of police cars arrived at the scene, with the Annapolis Police Chief, Bogo, stepping out of one of them, looking unimpressed... "Ah, Officer Hopps... mind telling me what on Earth is going on here?!" Bogo demanded. "The biker gang, sir," Hopps responded, "I arrested them." "Yes, I can see that," Bogo said, "But I wanted to know why I am getting dozens of calls about a ship that was flying dangerously low to Route 50!" "You mean the one that helped with the capture of these crooks?" Nick questioned Bogo. "Quiet, fox!" Bogo angrily responded as he walked over to the Millennium Falcon. "I get the feeling he doesn't like me," Nick whispered to Judy. "And who is the owner of this piece of junk?" Bogo questioned, pointing to the Millennium Falcon. "That would be me," Cid replied, "And I'd prefer you don't call it that. Why this baby made the Kessel Run in less than twe-" "Whatever," Bogo interrupted Cid, "Do you even have insurance and registration on this thing?" Taking out a copy of the ship's registration from his pocket, along with an insurance card, Cid handed them to Bogo, who after looking at them, handed them back to Cid, but before he could say something, Judy said, "Chief. I was the one who asked him to use his ship to help me catch these guys. I take full responsibility." Turning around to face Hopps, Bogo said, "That was reckless, Hopps. Not something I'd expect from you. Luckily, there were no reports of damage. So I'll let this slide. But you better not do something like this again. Understood?" "Yes, Chief," Judy replied, nodding. "Good," Bogo said as he told the police officers in the area, "Get these crooks over to HQ. Come on, Hopps!" Nodding, Judy joined the rest of the officers as they prepared to leave. Before she got into a police car, she turned around to look at Cid and the others, happily winking to indicate she's got their back. Once she got into the car and left with the other police officers, Cid commented, "Wow... didn' expect that from her. Especially her." "Heh, that's Judy Hopps for ya. Full of surprises," Nick replied, "But one thing that'll never change... she'll always have her friends' backs." "Really? Well I just hope that means I don't get another ticket from her," Finn commented as he walked back to the Millennium Falcon, "Don't know 'bout you guys, but I'm exhausted." "Yeah, let's go back to Cid's place," Kanan added. "Yeah. Don't wanna miss the Ravens-Bengals game," Cid replied as he followed them, "Hey Cindy, if you don't mind, could ya fly us back home?" "Ooh, Baltimore Ravens versus the Cincinnati Bengals... I love me some football," Nick told BB-8 as they both went to the Millennium Falcon, "Don't you agree, little guy?" BB-8 then responded with the following gesture.
Birth by Sleep Hearing it always makes me think of the beautiful secret ending from BBS and those who are calling out to Sora. Though, there really should be an option for all of the above XP
With 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue' having recently been released in Japan, some early English copies of the game appear to have been leaked. YouTube user Cyberman65 has posted the full English version of the Back Cover cinematic, and with the leak, we got information on who voices who in it, confirming previous scoops made in the past year regarding certain voice actors, including Michael Johnston as Ephemer, Karissa Lee Staples as Invi, and Kevin G. Quinn as Gula. The full list can be viewed below: Max Mittelman - Luxu Karissa Lee Staples - Invi Matthew Mercer - Ira Travis Willingham - Aced Isabela Moner - Ava Kevin G. Quinn - Gula Michael Johnston - Ephemer Lara Jill Miller - Chirithy Ray Chase - Master of Masters Source: KHInsider
Updated op with information on the DLC's international release.
~Nintendo High School - Cafeteria~ As Hiccup continued having lunch with his friends, he noticed Mario holding a lockseed, something he didn't expect to see. "What the...?" Hiccup wondered out loud. "What is it, Hiccup?" Manon asked. "Oh, erm... nothing," Hiccup lied as he shook his head. As Manon returned to eating, Hiccup thought to himself, 'Mario with a lockseed... didn't expect that... could he be the Rider Katniss and I fought against... nah, couldn't be. He's too short and sounds nothing like him. But... what about his brother, Luigi? Does he have one too? Either way, might be a good idea to talk to him after school and tell him about Zordon.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ As everyone was eating, Demande commented, "Oh, I almost forgot... I got a front row ticket at a Yankees game for Olaf. A little something for him to enjoy while we take care of diplomatic matters at the U.N. summit." "Heh, he's definitely gonna enjoy that," Hans replied. "Indeed," Demande concurred, "I expect King Regis to talk with Saphir and myself endlessly before the summit begins." "How come?" King Candy/Turbo asked. "He's a very good friend of my father," Demande responded, "I expect him to congratulate me on willing to take over my father in representing Denmark in the U.N., while wishing his rebellious son would do the same for him." "Prince Noctis, right?" Hans asked. "Yes," Saphir replied, "I'm guessing he's spending time with his friends rather than paying attention to events happening in the world." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus~ "Easy..." Director Pierce told the S-type, "You'll get your chance, but I would rather you do it somewhere outside this plane. I do want the interior to remain spotless... well, besides any stains from Osgood's blood over there, hehe." "You... you were the S-type inside Pyrrha," Skye replied to the S-type. "Wow, very good, Skye, you're really catching up," Alan sarcastically told Skye, "By the way, I think my S-type friend should also be thanking Simmons as well, who gave me the vibranium suitcase containing the S-type after she operated on poor ol' Pyrrha, thinking I would place the suitcase somewhere safe, when in reality, I let that very S-type get out free." "Oh, you traitorous b*****d..." Jemma replied, "All this time you were a part of our team... you were secretly against us!" "I can't believe this..." Shining Armor commented. "Can't believe what, my little pony?" John Garret asked Shining Armor as he arrived to the scene with armed J.I.A. agents... "Garret... you too?" a distraught Fury questioned. "Heh, what can I say, Fury... Hail the Crystal Order!" Garret replied. "This is one messed up day..." Hiro commented as he shook his head. "As much as I'd like to continue chatting... hands where I can see them," Pierce told Darien and the others as the armed J.I.A. agents approached each one, pointing their guns to their backs. Sighing, Darien and the others held their hands high, and slowly walked towards the exit. As she walked, Melinda glanced at Osgood, lying on the ground as she was bleeding from the bullet wounds Alan shot at her, assuming she was dead. Saddened, Melinda continued walking slowly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Millennium Falcon - On the Side of the Route 50 Highway - Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.~ "Perfect," Hopps replied to Cindy as she got her radio to contact the Annapolis Police HQ, "Clawhauser, tell Chief Bogo I'm in Route 50, and I am about to apprehend the biker gang." "That was... awesome!" Kanan excitedly said as he and Finn rejoined the group... "I know, right!" Finn concurred. "Heh, I knew you boys wouldn't have any trouble blastin' those crooks!" Cid told Kanan and Finn as he got up from his seat, "Time we escort the officer outside. C'mon, BB-8, Cindy... let's go!" BB-8 did as it was instructed and followed Cid. "So, were the quad cannons fun?" Nick asked Finn and Kanan as they headed out the ship.
This has gotta be one of my favorite scenes from the game
The Sora summon DLC for 'World of Final Fantasy' is now available through an update for free in Japan! To celebrate the DLC's release, Square-Enix released the above trailer. For those of you who play 'World of Final Fantasy', enjoy a bit of KH in the game. EDIT: Square-Enix has also confirmed that the DLC will be released in NA/EU on January 24th, the same day as 2.8's release!