Yo Guys, i need help with the Font "Times New Roman". Look at this picture: the background of the font is black but the color of the text is white.. how to do this? i only can do this: the color is black and i don't know how to make the background black and the font color white. Please help (i have gimp and photoshop) (sig made with gimp)
uhhh another warrior sora :D cool ^^ but it seems it doesn't work ):
here ya go: R2 to warp to Xigbar's Battle E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 02000A12 2032BAE8 00000002 Donald replaces Xigbar 11CE0B6A 00000622 Goofy replaces Xigbar 11CE0B6C 00000622
here ya go: Donald replaces Saix 11CE0B6A 000006C9 Goofy replaces Saix 11CE0B6C 000006C9
:) do you like my sig waht i've done for you?
can someone give me: Mickey Weapon Mod. Thanks
when it looks cool i will add some effects
xDD yeah i know but u did the most of the part ^^
good work Sora :)
damn this F****ing emulator
any other codes?
don't work by me ):
tyvm ^^ i need the code
:O maybe you can help me :) i search a code which roxas clothes be black like anti-form / or anti-roxas from the 7 things in his story.for fm
i don't like dbz ^^
^^ any new codes?
no much and what's up at you?
Latest Graphic's Avatar: [1] [2] [3] Signature: [1] [2] [3] Sig [1] HTML: [IMG]http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu354/Flegga/Aurangzeb56.png[/IMG] Template for Signature Render: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/index.php Size for the signatures: 400x150 | 325x125 Text: Anything Font: Tell me your favorite Font Stock: Example: Forest, Nebula etc. Border: Yes | No Template for Avatar Any Picture Size for Avatar: 100x100 .jpg | 150x150 .png Text: Only for 150x150 Avatar's Font: Tell me your favorite Font I'll PM you when your Graphic is done. Signature with Stock example
Have 9 Drive Bars TBN6-00Q3-CA1HR 5TDJ-9PKG-Y0UAQ Play as ?RED? Dual Wield Roxas T9EJ-KACF-9EFK7 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F GUJ8-274X-JJ8TA...
i don't think so but you won't be able to use guard ):