Search Results

  1. NeoRoxas
  2. NeoRoxas
  3. NeoRoxas
  4. NeoRoxas
  5. NeoRoxas
  6. NeoRoxas
  7. NeoRoxas
  8. NeoRoxas
    Profile Post

    finished your sig

    finished your sig
    Profile Post by NeoRoxas for tSG1, Oct 7, 2009
  9. NeoRoxas
  10. NeoRoxas
    Hey Guys,

    i want to ask if someone have armax codes for BBB 2nd or the Game ID for the Game.

    It would be great if someone can help and find Ar Max Codes.

    Thanks ya so much :) (the one who will help me get lots of rep points)

    All codes which i have . please gimme the game ID:
    M Code (CB/GS)
    9010bbf8 0c042ea6

    Skip FMV
    20107920 24020001

    Player 1 HP
    10815dc8 00000xxx
    3e8 = max health

    Player 1 EX
    10815dca 00000xxx
    384 = max ex

    Player 1 Bankai
    10815dcc 00000xxx
    384 = max bankai

    Player 1 has unlimited HP, bankai, and EX
    20815dc8 038403e8
    10815dcc 00000384

    player 1 lives
    00389c16 0000000x
    0 = none
    1 = 1
    2 = 2
    3 = 3
    4 = 4

    20388124 000xxxxx
    270F = 9999
    1869f = 99999
    F423F = 999999

    Time mod
    10817ab8 00000xxx

    battlers mode main character mod
    00388148 000000xx

    battlers mode support character mod
    0038814c 000000xx

    0 = Ichigo
    1 = Byakuya
    2 = Ichimaru
    3 = Kenpachi
    4 = Tousen
    5 = Renji
    6 = Urahara
    7 = Sajin
    8 = Yoruichi
    9 = Soi Fong
    A = Ikkaku
    B = Kon
    C = Hitsugaya
    D = Rukia
    E = Chad
    F = Oriheme
    10 = Uryuu
    11 = Aizen
    12 = Mayuri
    13 = Rangiku
    14 = Ururu
    15 = Momo
    16 = Hollow Ichigo
    17 = Ulquiorra
    18 = Grimmjow
    19 = Yammy
    1A = Luppi
    1B = Shinji
    1C = Hiyori
    1D = Yamamoto
    1E = Juushirou
    1F = Yachiru
    20 = Kaien
    21 = Izuru
    22 = Yumichika
    23 = Shunsui

    have no main character
    20388148 ffffffff

    have no supporting character
    2038814c ffffffff

    player 1 character mod
    (mods who you will be in battle in every match)
    00389C01 000000xx

    player 2/enemy 2 character mod
    (mods who you/the enemy will be in battle in this slot in every match)
    00389c03 000000xx

    Player 3/enemy 3 character mod
    (mods who you/the enemy will be in battle in this slot in every match)
    00389c05 000000xx

    Player 4/enemy 4 character mod
    (mods who you/the enemy will be in battle in this slot in every match)
    00389c07 000000xx

    00 = ichigo
    01 = byakuya
    02 = ichimaru
    03 = kenpachi
    04 = tousen
    05 = renji
    06 = urahara
    07 = sajin
    08 = Yoruichi
    09 = Soi Fong
    0A = Ikkaku
    0B = Kon
    0C = Hitsugaya
    0D = Rukia
    0E = Chad
    0F = Oriheme
    10 = Uryuu
    11 = Aizen
    12 = Mayuri
    13 = Rangiku
    14 = Ururu
    15 = Momo
    16 = Hollow Ichigo
    17 = Shinigami 1
    18 = Hollow 1
    19 = Hollow 2
    1A = Hollow 3
    1B = Shinigami 2
    1C = Shinigami 3
    1D = Shinigami 4
    1E = Shinigami 5
    1F = Rukia (doesn't work)
    20 = Nothing
    21 = Kon (doesn't work)
    22 = Nothing
    23 = Nothing
    24 = Ulquiorra
    25 = Grimmjow
    26 = Yammy
    27 = Luppi
    28 = Shinji
    29 = Hiyori
    2A = Yamamoto
    2B = Juushirou
    2C = Yachiru
    2D = Kaien
    2E = Izuru
    2F = Yumichika
    30 = Shunsui
    31 = Ikkaku (doesn't work)
    32 = Yamamoto (doesn't work)
    33 = Ururu (doesn't work)

    urahara sells all items
    203882c8 ffffffff
    203882cc ffffffff
    203882d0 ffffffff

    have all items
    203882bc ffffffff
    203882c0 ffffffff
    203882c4 ffffffff
    203882c8 ffffffff

    Unlock all characters
    2038824c ffffffff
    20388250 ffffffff

    Unlock all levels
    1038825c 0000ffff

    Unlock all episodes in story mode
    1038825e 0000ffff
    20388260 00ffffff

    all episodes in story mode are complete
    00388263 000000ff
    20388264 0fffffff

    story mode is complete
    1038825e 0000ffff
    20388260 ffffffff
    20388264 0fffffff

    stage modifier
    (mods where you will always battle)
    00389c10 0000000x
    0 = kurosaki hospital
    1 = High School courtyard
    2 = place where the pig runs by
    3 = Shinigami room
    4 = Soul Society
    5 = Zangetsu's Training Ground
    6 = Forest
    7 = Execution Grounds
    8 = Bounto Gate
    9 = Soujins Bankai Room
    A = Kurosaki Hospital Roof
    B = Arrancar Desert
    C = Vizard Warehouse
    D = Soul Society's Hallway
    E = Outside rukia's jail cell
    F = Between the human world and soul society
    10 = Ichigo's Mental World
    11 = Outside the City (Kons Bankai Room)

    Enemies stats

    Enemy HP
    10816aa8 00000xxx
    10816ac8 00000xxx
    3e8 = max health

    Enemy EX
    10816aaa 00000xxx
    10816aca 00000xxx
    384 = max ex

    Enemy Bankai
    10816aac 00000xxx
    10816acc 00000xxx
    384 = max bankai

    Character Codes
    Start Battle as bankai rukia
    (you must be playing as rukia for this to work)
    20325e74 0033ce80
    20325e78 02680000
    20325e7c 02680000
    20325e80 00000000
    20325e84 02680001
    20325e88 02680002
    20325e8c 02680005
    20325e90 00000000
    20325e94 00000000
    20325e98 00000000
    20325e9c 02680004
    20325ea0 02680003
    20325ea4 02680006
    20325ea8 00000000
    20325eac 0c05ffff
    20325eb0 0000001a
    20325eb4 00000020
    20325eb8 005c008f
    20325ebc 008bffff
    20325ec0 0000008a
    20325ec4 00000000
    20325ec8 015e0001
    Thread by: NeoRoxas, Oct 7, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  11. NeoRoxas
    both done ;) ^^ -> Front Page​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  12. NeoRoxas
    okay thanks for testing :)

    Do you have Terra Boss Stats Mod?​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. NeoRoxas
    in the UCM Digits :D​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  14. NeoRoxas
    i want to know what this code do :) but i can't convert it to armax and it's very long too ^^​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. NeoRoxas
    done -> front page ;)​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 5, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  16. NeoRoxas
  17. NeoRoxas
    hey Guys i found that code:

    Very,very Long o.O
    Roxas w/ Terra data
    2186F414 65646F6D
    2186F418 7665725F
    2186F41C 65676E65
    2186F420 736F625F
    2186F424 656C0073
    2186F428 77207466
    2186F42C 006C6C61
    2186F430 7466656C
    2186F434 67697220
    2186F438 00007468
    2186F43C 7478656E
    2186F440 6D61645F
    2186F444 5F656761
    2186F448 65746172
    2186F44C 6C610000
    2186F450 61685F67
    2186F454 00216472
    2186F458 65646F6D
    2186F45C 7461625F
    2186F460 5F656C74
    2186F464 73736F62
    2186F468 6C610000
    2186F46C 75735F67
    2186F470 5F726570
    2186F474 64726168
    2186F478 76650021
    2186F47C 00746E65
    2186F480 656C6469
    2186F484 6D69745F
    2186F488 6F660065
    2186F48C 6F77746F
    2186F490 00006B72
    2186F494 63656863
    2186F498 61775F6B
    2186F49C 695F7072
    2186F4A0 6863006E
    2186F4A4 5F6B6365
    2186F4A8 70726177
    2186F4AC 74756F5F
    2186F4B0 69610000
    2186F4B4 696D0072
    2186F4B8 6F697373
    2186F4BC 6E695F6E
    2186F4C0 735F6F66
    2186F4C4 6B636F68
    2186F4C8 61740000
    2186F4CC 00006B6C
    2186F4D0 7373696D
    2186F4D4 5F6E6F69
    2186F4D8 6F666E69
    2186F4DC 6F68735F
    2186F4E0 655F6B63
    2186F4E4 0000646E
    2186F4E8 5F676C61
    2186F4EC 6D726F6E
    2186F4F0 00006C61
    2186F4F4 7373696D
    2186F4F8 5F6E6F69
    2186F4FC 6F666E69
    2186F500 6165735F
    2186F504 6C61006C
    2186F508 61685F67
    2186F50C 00006472
    2186F510 7373696D
    2186F514 5F6E6F69
    2186F518 6F666E69
    2186F51C 6165735F
    2186F520 6E655F6C
    2186F524 6C610064
    2186F528 75735F67
    2186F52C 5F726570
    2186F530 64726168
    2186F534 74610000
    2186F538 6F625F6B
    2186F53C 69735F77
    2186F540 656C676E
    2186F544 6E750000
    2186F548 776F6E6B
    2186F54C 6C615F6E
    2186F550 65740067
    2186F554 635F7473
    2186F558 75747061
    2186F55C 625F6572
    2186F560 0000776F
    2186F564 00544E49
    2186F568 63656863
    2186F56C 6F725F6B
    2186F570 65740064
    2186F574 775F7473
    2186F578 5F706968
    2186F57C 626D6F63
    2186F580 6574006F
    2186F584 775F7473
    2186F588 5F706968
    2186F58C 626D6F63
    2186F590 0000326F
    2186F594 65707573
    2186F598 61685F72
    2186F59C 6C5F6472
    2186F5A0 6C657665
    2186F5A4 65720000
    2186F5A8 676E6576
    2186F5AC 6E6B5F65
    2186F5B0 6C6B6375
    2186F5B4 65740065
    2186F5B8 775F7473
    2186F5BC 5F657661
    2186F5C0 65646972
    2186F5C4 00615F72
    2186F5C8 74736574
    2186F5CC 7661775F
    2186F5D0 69725F65
    2186F5D4 5F726564
    2186F5D8 74610062
    2186F5DC 61775F6B
    2186F5E0 725F6576
    2186F5E4 72656469
    2186F5E8 0000615F
    2186F5EC 5F6B7461
    2186F5F0 65766177
    2186F5F4 6469725F
    2186F5F8 625F7265
    2186F5FC 74610000
    2186F600 69625F6B
    2186F604 735F656B
    2186F608 74726F68
    2186F60C 65740000
    2186F610 625F7473
    2186F614 5F656B69
    2186F618 726F7773
    2186F61C 6F635F64
    2186F620 006F626D
    2186F624 00000000
    2186F628 00000000
    2186F62C 00000000
    2186F630 00000000
    2186F634 00000000
    2186F638 00000000
    2186F63C 00000000
    0586F580 6574006F
    0586F584 775F7473
    0586F588 5F706968
    0586F58C 626D6F63
    0586F590 0000326F
    0586F594 65707573
    0586F598 61685F72
    0586F59C 6C5F6472
    0586F5A0 6C657665
    0586F5A4 65720000
    0586F5A8 676E6576
    0586F5AC 6E6B5F65
    0586F5B0 6C6B6375
    0586F5B4 65740065
    0586F5B8 775F7473
    0586F5BC 5F657661
    0586F5C0 65646972
    0586F5C4 00615F72
    0586F5C8 74736574
    0586F5CC 7661775F
    0586F5D0 69725F65
    0586F5D4 5F726564
    0586F5D8 74610062
    0586F5DC 61775F6B
    0586F5E0 725F6576
    0586F5E4 72656469
    0586F5E8 0000615F
    0586F5EC 5F6B7461
    0586F5F0 65766177
    0586F5F4 6469725F
    0586F5F8 625F7265
    0586F5FC 74610000
    0586F600 69625F6B
    0586F604 735F656B
    0586F608 74726F68
    0586F60C 65740000
    0586F610 625F7473
    0586F614 5F656B69
    0586F618 726F7773
    0586F61C 6F635F64
    0586F620 006F626D
    0586F624 00000000
    0586F628 00000000
    0586F62C 00000000
    0586F630 00000000
    0586F634 00000000
    0586F638 00000000
    0586F63C 00000000

    can someone tell me what it do?

    Is there a staus mod for terra? like HP etc.​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. NeoRoxas
    Profile Post

    thanks for rep me ^^

    thanks for rep me ^^
    Profile Post by NeoRoxas for tSG1, Oct 4, 2009
  19. NeoRoxas
    hey Guys i found that code:

    Very,very Long o.O
    Roxas w/ Terra data
    2186F414 65646F6D
    2186F418 7665725F
    2186F41C 65676E65
    2186F420 736F625F
    2186F424 656C0073
    2186F428 77207466
    2186F42C 006C6C61
    2186F430 7466656C
    2186F434 67697220
    2186F438 00007468
    2186F43C 7478656E
    2186F440 6D61645F
    2186F444 5F656761
    2186F448 65746172
    2186F44C 6C610000
    2186F450 61685F67
    2186F454 00216472
    2186F458 65646F6D
    2186F45C 7461625F
    2186F460 5F656C74
    2186F464 73736F62
    2186F468 6C610000
    2186F46C 75735F67
    2186F470 5F726570
    2186F474 64726168
    2186F478 76650021
    2186F47C 00746E65
    2186F480 656C6469
    2186F484 6D69745F
    2186F488 6F660065
    2186F48C 6F77746F
    2186F490 00006B72
    2186F494 63656863
    2186F498 61775F6B
    2186F49C 695F7072
    2186F4A0 6863006E
    2186F4A4 5F6B6365
    2186F4A8 70726177
    2186F4AC 74756F5F
    2186F4B0 69610000
    2186F4B4 696D0072
    2186F4B8 6F697373
    2186F4BC 6E695F6E
    2186F4C0 735F6F66
    2186F4C4 6B636F68
    2186F4C8 61740000
    2186F4CC 00006B6C
    2186F4D0 7373696D
    2186F4D4 5F6E6F69
    2186F4D8 6F666E69
    2186F4DC 6F68735F
    2186F4E0 655F6B63
    2186F4E4 0000646E
    2186F4E8 5F676C61
    2186F4EC 6D726F6E
    2186F4F0 00006C61
    2186F4F4 7373696D
    2186F4F8 5F6E6F69
    2186F4FC 6F666E69
    2186F500 6165735F
    2186F504 6C61006C
    2186F508 61685F67
    2186F50C 00006472
    2186F510 7373696D
    2186F514 5F6E6F69
    2186F518 6F666E69
    2186F51C 6165735F
    2186F520 6E655F6C
    2186F524 6C610064
    2186F528 75735F67
    2186F52C 5F726570
    2186F530 64726168
    2186F534 74610000
    2186F538 6F625F6B
    2186F53C 69735F77
    2186F540 656C676E
    2186F544 6E750000
    2186F548 776F6E6B
    2186F54C 6C615F6E
    2186F550 65740067
    2186F554 635F7473
    2186F558 75747061
    2186F55C 625F6572
    2186F560 0000776F
    2186F564 00544E49
    2186F568 63656863
    2186F56C 6F725F6B
    2186F570 65740064
    2186F574 775F7473
    2186F578 5F706968
    2186F57C 626D6F63
    2186F580 6574006F
    2186F584 775F7473
    2186F588 5F706968
    2186F58C 626D6F63
    2186F590 0000326F
    2186F594 65707573
    2186F598 61685F72
    2186F59C 6C5F6472
    2186F5A0 6C657665
    2186F5A4 65720000
    2186F5A8 676E6576
    2186F5AC 6E6B5F65
    2186F5B0 6C6B6375
    2186F5B4 65740065
    2186F5B8 775F7473
    2186F5BC 5F657661
    2186F5C0 65646972
    2186F5C4 00615F72
    2186F5C8 74736574
    2186F5CC 7661775F
    2186F5D0 69725F65
    2186F5D4 5F726564
    2186F5D8 74610062
    2186F5DC 61775F6B
    2186F5E0 725F6576
    2186F5E4 72656469
    2186F5E8 0000615F
    2186F5EC 5F6B7461
    2186F5F0 65766177
    2186F5F4 6469725F
    2186F5F8 625F7265
    2186F5FC 74610000
    2186F600 69625F6B
    2186F604 735F656B
    2186F608 74726F68
    2186F60C 65740000
    2186F610 625F7473
    2186F614 5F656B69
    2186F618 726F7773
    2186F61C 6F635F64
    2186F620 006F626D
    2186F624 00000000
    2186F628 00000000
    2186F62C 00000000
    2186F630 00000000
    2186F634 00000000
    2186F638 00000000
    2186F63C 00000000
    0586F580 6574006F
    0586F584 775F7473
    0586F588 5F706968
    0586F58C 626D6F63
    0586F590 0000326F
    0586F594 65707573
    0586F598 61685F72
    0586F59C 6C5F6472
    0586F5A0 6C657665
    0586F5A4 65720000
    0586F5A8 676E6576
    0586F5AC 6E6B5F65
    0586F5B0 6C6B6375
    0586F5B4 65740065
    0586F5B8 775F7473
    0586F5BC 5F657661
    0586F5C0 65646972
    0586F5C4 00615F72
    0586F5C8 74736574
    0586F5CC 7661775F
    0586F5D0 69725F65
    0586F5D4 5F726564
    0586F5D8 74610062
    0586F5DC 61775F6B
    0586F5E0 725F6576
    0586F5E4 72656469
    0586F5E8 0000615F
    0586F5EC 5F6B7461
    0586F5F0 65766177
    0586F5F4 6469725F
    0586F5F8 625F7265
    0586F5FC 74610000
    0586F600 69625F6B
    0586F604 735F656B
    0586F608 74726F68
    0586F60C 65740000
    0586F610 625F7473
    0586F614 5F656B69
    0586F618 726F7773
    0586F61C 6F635F64
    0586F620 006F626D
    0586F624 00000000
    0586F628 00000000
    0586F62C 00000000
    0586F630 00000000
    0586F634 00000000
    0586F638 00000000
    0586F63C 00000000

    can someone tell me what it do?

    E: is there a staus mod for terra? like HP etc.​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. NeoRoxas
    you have to tell me what size what signature style etc.

    E: Please look first at the front page before posting​
    Post by: NeoRoxas, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: Art Shop