Lightning... Seryk thought, analyzing Heath. He frowned and took a couple steps back, continuing his study of the angel before him. "Good. It would've been disappointing if you were to back down, Sparky," Seryk taunted, jumping on the balls of his feet with his fists at the ready.
Seryk grinned a wolfish grin, letting go of Heath's arm. Seryk shrugged. "Make me? I'd like to see you try... Heath." He sneered, remembering the name as the girl had cried it. "By the end of it all, you will apologize... but, by that time, I may not forgive you."
Seryk continued to walk, ignoring the girl's cry... until Heath and Felicia brushed him. Seryk tried to keep a calm expression and quickly grabbed Heath's arm, his eyes slightly narrowed to show his dislike for disrespect. "Excuse me," Seryk said with a thin, cool voice. "You should apologize when you bump into people. Even if you're in a hurry." The angel kept himself relaxed and refrained himself from using his power. Seryk was always ill-tempered, but he managed to keep himself from flying into a rage. After all, he was strong enough without using his power, so he was quite confident he wouldn't need it anytime soon. And hopefully never will. Seryk preferred to look human, even going so far as hiding his own wings within his person. He had considered, multiple times, to cut the wings off... but something deep inside kept him from doing so. So, he just hid his wings the more natural way. "I'll be honest with you... I do not like you. I do not like people who don't say a word and simply do as they please. And so... I'd like for you to apologize. Now." He went on, his glare deepening.
Banned for having nukes.
...I was just mindraped. Jube, you're amazing. Diabolically insane, definitely, but I still compliment you for this mindrape.