Interesting... Lucrix thought, willing his weapon away as he walked away. After five paces, he stopped and looked back. "Lucrix..." he told him, willing open the Dark Corridor. "If there is a next time... I will be waiting for you, Keyblade Wielder." With that cryptic note hanging ominously in the air, Lucrix entered the Dark Corridor. It closed immediately. The scattered rose petals, all of them black, began to take shape into Nobodies, appearing like fairies with semi-translucent blue-violet wings, their white bodies similar to Dusks, save for a massive eye on their chests and thorn-like appendages. Their lower bodies were serpentine. They moved eerily. Heartless began to appear.
Not sure. Let's just see how this works out. Alright.
Lucrix was no novice when it came to swordplay. As ferocious as Brady was, he was far from skilled. However, it didn't mean that the Wielder wasn't unpredictable. Lucrix went on the defensive, analyzing each angle of the strike, the force behind it, and the frustration in Brady's eyes. He felt the anger and Lucrix pushed as he deflected each blow with some effort, even dodging at times. "Yes... you're unskilled, as I have thought. Your abilities have no focus. And as I've noticed... you have no strength." Lucrix explained, though the last words of his analysis cost him. The keyblade barely grazed his waist, but the pain was there. Lucrix remained stoic and focused. As Brady continued his barrage, Lucrix finished his analysis on Brady's offensive fighting style. He was done playing with Brady. Lucrix went on the offensive, stepping forward with his single hooksword and batting both keyblades far out wide to the side, and slashing at the youth's stomach as he closed the distance.
Gotcha. Alright. And that sound about right, too. Yes. Chief. Big Boss. Big Cheese. It's your RP, ergo it means you're the boss :P
The last part of it confuses me: "finally feeling a slight hit on the waist."
So how much longer would you like to continue with this Boss Battle, chief? (Also, what are we going to do about Nikki's character?)
Lucrix double-stepped away, spinning again with more grace and vitality as before. As if his body was capable of individual movement, in the midst of his spin, Lucrix swung the whip with Galihad's keyblade in a diagonal slash, black rose petals falling once more. "It seems you're living up to my expectations..." Lucrix murmured, his deep voice at a hollow pitch.
That he was. I love Sesshoumaru and his badass nature.
Lucrix was shocked by the Wielder's counter-attack. Literally. He let out a surprised yelp, something akin to pain, and fell to his knees, static surrounding his body. The Nobody glanced up to notice that the youth had charged forward. He couldn't move as fast as he normally would, being half-numb and disoriented by the spell, but he was still quick-witted enough to roll to the side, summoning a whip of thorns to his free-hand. Black petals rained from it. All in a single-fluid motion, he leaped to his feet, swung the whip of thorns around Galihad's Keyblade (ensnaring the weapon in the process), gave it a sharp pull, and spun into the very inhuman tug, swinging his hooksword at Brady once more.
It's funny... I came up with this name before even knowing what Inuyasha was. So now people start thinking I misspelled Sesshoumaru or got the name from Inuyasha. It's actually kinda annoying x.x
lol, please, call me Sess.
Alright, thanks Cloud. (Also, thanks for editing your post (as in, adding more to it), I was going to make one last response before actually heading to bed, but I was stuck and didn't know what to do). Also, thanks Nikki for solving our conundrum. Most of us didn't know what to put in the Special Abilities slot.
Lucrix's expression remained neutral. He had expected the Keyblade Wielder to have some fighting talent, even if his style was more ferocious than skilled. With a snap of his fingers of his free-hand, the black rose petals began to assimilate. Behind Brady would be a second cloaked figure wearing similar attire as Lucrix himself, also wielding a similar weapon. Lucrix leaped back as the rose-clone charged forward, slashing at Brady's back as Lucrix himself gathered more ground.
Mind if I work on my Special Abilities? Also, I'll respond to your post soon. I have a few things to do (and my internet is out). So give me an hour or two.
Lucrix swung the rose like a sword, its black petals flying everywhere, multiplying until it made a screen hiding the Nobody. Lucrix summoned a single hooksword in his left hand, while with his right he willed the wall of petals to launch towards Brady like bullets.
As Brady ran towards the Dark Corridor, Lucrix stepped out of the shadows. He willed the Dark Corridor shut as he intercepted Brady's path. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave this place just yet," Lucrix said, his deep voice a basso of darkness. It was hollow, like his very being. Lucrix summoned a black rose in his hand, and from a certain standpoint, it seemed as though he was admiring it. "It would be truly unwise to continue on this way."
Lucrix glanced at Iahaxnuys from beneath his hood, but remained still. As his partner walked through the Dark Corridor, Lucrix backpedaled into the shadows, but otherwise remaining in Port Royal. Unlike his partner, Lucrix wasn't going to leave the job half-done. Rather, he was going to watch and study the Wielders as originally planned, to gather the necessary data to form contingencies should things prove sour. Unlike his predecessors, Lucrix was not going to fail.
Lucrix watched as his vine was destroyed, now fading away in a dark mist. The lesser Nobodies and Heartless seemed to occupy the Wielders and so Lucrix watched with a cold detachment, as if he were a scientist analyzing an experiment. Or, to be precise, this was an experiment... but solely to him. He watched and studied the Wielders before him, collecting data. Lucrix took several steps back and recrossed his arms, leaving his companion to the dirty deed.
As Iahaxnuys put on his little show, Lucrix simply watched with folded arms. He considered the best action as to how to manipulate the keyblade wielders into killing Heartless for them at this point. Beneath the shadows of his hood, he gazed at Iahaxnuys for a short moment, reading the Nobody. His gaze went back to the keyblade wielder before him and closed his eyes. He remained silent as he uncrossed his arms, snapping his fingers. Lucrix demonstrated his power in a similar manner to his partner, but rather than have his weapon drawn, he simply summoned a vine of thorns that charged towards Robyn rather than answer her.
Lucrix appeared beside Iahaxnuys. He read the Nobody's lips and nodded, and before Iahaxnuys told him to, Lucrix threw up his hood, now only revealing a dark slit. His face was entirely hidden. Unlike Iahaxnuys, Lucrix didn't summon his weapons. The Nobody looked at his partner and nodded, remaining silent. He threw out his arm as if to say, "lead the way."