Lucrix heard Xena's bravado, but he shrugged it off. So long as she was cooperative, he had little to worry about. Lucrix continued on his way, searching for Xikru and other convenient volunteers. He, himseelf, was mentally steeling himself for his surprise meeting with Maleficent.
Lucrix considered the request. He knew her to be an opportunist, as well as a loyal member of the Organization. After a few nonexistent heartbeats, Lucrix spoke, his deep voice devoid of emotion. "I could use an extra hand to get this operation going... your first mission is to herd the Wielders to Agrabah." He explained. "Have them assist Aladdin in protecting the Princess, tell them that Maleficent is involved. Do not kill them, and if possible, gather some data for me." Lucrix closed his door as he walked past her, pausing a couple feet away. "Do you have any questions?"
Lucrix arose from his throne and approached the door, rezipping his high collar as he pulled his cowl over his head. His face was completely hidden once again. He waved his hand before the thorns, which receded into nothingness. He then unlocked the door and gently opened it. He stood before the jamb, blocking Xena's view of his room. He stood there, silently, reading the young woman as he awaited her to say something.
I can't wait to see what's in store for the future.
Lucrix bowed gratefully, but only for a moment. He then rose and entered the Dark Corridor. He reappeared in his own chambers, still locked and reinforced shut. He sat in his highback throne across from his bed, sitting comfortably as he threw back his hood and unzipped the high collar to reveal the lower-half of his face. His expression seemed devoid of emotion, almost as if he weren't there at al. Thoughtful... or perhaps lifeless. Lucrix began to steel his mind for the coming operation.
His plan is to use Xikru as a decoy, to make Maleficent think the Keyblade Wielders are on the offensive. At the same time, Xikru's direct involvement will also accelerate their plans to form Kingdom Hearts (just like the old Organization using Roxas). All the while, Lucrix is going to ally with Maleficent until the near completion of Kingdom Hearts. That just about sums it up. On a side note, Lucrix is very creative/mobster.
Lucrix is so good with words :P
Lucrix did not bother the point. He had many more plans, so he decided to act on them. "Why don't we just play with Maleficent then?" He asked, his voice flat and empty oncemore. "Her involement will accelerate our plans by fifty-three percent. We just need Xikru to antagonize her, to focus her attention on the Keyblade Wielders... not to mention Xikru himself could help form Kingdom Hearts." He explained, pacing. "This will force Maleficent into a corner. She'll have no choice but to join us... especially if we have the right people to strongarm her. Yes, she'll plan a coup, but by that time, she would have long outlived her usefulness..." Lucrix concluded ominously. "Of course," he added. "It is ultimately up to you."
Not again -_-
Lucrix stepped forward to close the distance between him and the First Seat. "Since we are talking about the Heartless..." Lucrix began, his dark, hollow voice resonating within the room. "I firmly believe that we should try making an alliance with them." Lucrix folded his arms across his chest, turning his eyes upon Xena. "For example... I believe we can convince Maleficent to join our cause." The way Lucrix was talking was strange... ominous. It was as though he was asking to be the one to talk to her, to convince her. The very idea seemed to please the often-emotionless Lucrix.
Lucrix glanced at Xelyk, tugging at his own hood as to make sure his face remained in shadow. "To put it simply... my advice was sound. Were Xikru had gone, he would surely have killed them before we could accomplish anything. They need to be stronger. Which brings me to my business here..." Lucrix explained, as though he were some automaton. "I could perhaps use you for my next mission." He added, as though calculating the success rating of the next mission were he to go alone.
Lucrix entered his chambers, closing, locking, and securing his door. Thorns and vines kept the door in place to such an extent that it couldn't be open from the outside. Lucrix, satisfied by his handiwork, began to remove his robes. The robe was then cast on to a rack as the Nobody approach his mirror. It was eerie, for the albino was quite feminine in appearance despite the obvious male anatomy. His long hair fell to knee-length, the sides fell slightly below his chest, and the front was parted to reveal his fine, near feminine face. His eyes were almond-shaped and slanted, making him seem like a sad, innocent child. However, he was slightly over six feet in height. The youth approached the mirror, his alien eyes gazing at every finely toned part of his own body. He noticed slight discoloration at his waist, a little above the belt-line. He also noticed the scorch mark on his shoulder and some minor burns across his torso. It marred his bone-bleached horrifically. With a shake of his milky mane, Lucrix bandaged the wounds after soaking them in a strange silvery liquid, and then covering those bandages in dry ones. He redonned his cloak and fled his chambers via Dark Corridor, appearing in the shadows of the chamber that possessed Xena and Xamsdek. He waited for their business to conclude as he willed the dark passage closed.
Ah, I see.
lol, now to let everyone else have fun. Edit: Anyway, I'm gonna be less frequent now. I only wanted to finish the boss battle so Lucrix wouldn't die off and so the RP wouldn't be held up. Also, out of curiosity, what're the perks of a having an increase of rank?
"I would have to have a heart to be upset," Lucrix replied, shrugging away Iahaxnuys hand. He continued his way out. "On the contrary. You did exactly as I have predicted... you presented me with a window of opportunity." Lucrix explained cryptically, leaving behind his companion.
lol, why thanks :P
Lucrix is truly a diabolical ******* :P
Nice :P lol, it's complicated with villainy. I kinda feel bad now '>.>
Lucrix glanced at Iahaxnuys. "I made sure the job was done. I gathered enough sufficient data to further our goal." He explained, walking past Iahaxnuys. "If you'll excuse me." He concluded, leaving Iahaxnuys behind.
lol, Kurama is my favorite character. Especially when he's Yoko Kurama :D Oh, and thanks ^^" Edit: Also, I feel incredibly evil. Too evil... I think I (Lucrix) am/is overestimating Brady and Robyn...