Speaking of... your forgot Thorns for Lucrix's power. Also, can the Keyblade Wielders do a time skip? I'm actually eager to see what's going to happen on their side of the story '>.>
Lucrix stared at the boy, the glow of his own eyes fast fading to emptiness once more. A new member... he thought, mildly intrigued. The youth looked familiar. Lucrix shrugged the thought away. The Superior, no doubt, would explain everything. He followed Xena after the youth vanished, remaining silent. After entering the Round Room, Lucrix did not remove his hood, nor did he unzip his high collar. He simply took his seat, closed his eyes, and waited patiently for Xamsdek to commence the meeting.
Aww... sorry to hear that. I'm alright. You?
Hey. Did you sleep well?
G'night. Sweet dreams.
*twitches* Uh-huh. Good show. Hrm... I'm running out of things to talk about.
*sigh* This is becoming an annoying trend -_- Yeah, yeah. I'll get right on it.
I get to move around and stuff. It's the physical requirements that nearly beat me. I may be slender, but it ain't by choice. I got little to no...
Not really. Factory work is redundant. As much as I hate it, I'm better off with it until I can get myself off the ground. Lol, I can't do it...
A soda fountain factory, I think. I also believe it's for Pepsi. Edit: I just started there, so I really don't know.
Rawr. *drinks the tea happily* I work at a factory with a too-difficult-to-pronounce/remember-name.
Aww... I didn't mean to sound so mean :( *pats head*
My foot... I have to work a menial job, learn how to concentrate, and slowly save up money just so I can live the life I want.
Uh-huh... and how am I unfair?
*ponders* hrm... only if you tell me how I'm mean.
You tugged on my shirt while I was walking away. *Glares and crosses arms*
*crawls away* It's your fault.
*falls back on Nikki-dono* @.@
Alright then, don't answer my question... *sulks and walks away*
Lol, how am I mean?