Yup! I'm all caught up!
My vote goes to LilBueno. ^^ (I've always wanted to interrogate him. >3)
I heard it said Tai-dus in Final Fantasy X and X-2, but in Dissidia they said it Tee-dus. But I think Tai-dus actually sounds better. ^^
It makes me sad.... =[
I will kill your icky spelling when I see you. ><
Ah, I see. That makes more sense now. And I do agree about the race thing; it is getting a little old. I just thought that it was a little weird how the two worked together.
One day I will kill you. One day. >3
So I went to the library the other day and found Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella. I noticed that it's a Disney movie as well. So I got it to see what it was (which is very good by the way). But what I was wondering was why they hype about Princess Tiana being Disney's first black princess. She isn't. This live-action Cinderella was. What's up with that? Seriously, give Brandy some credit.
One hundred percent yes! I can't focus on my homework unless I'm listening to music. But that's just one aspect. I'm a singer. I'm in the choir and theater at my school. I make up little jingles to help me memorize things (like vocab or math formulas or the Gettysburg Address). Music is a big part of my life, it helps with everything.
What is with your atrocious spelling?! D=
"Have at thee!" Peter cried, swinging his dagger into Hook's sabre. He was aware of the pirates gathering around -- their sneers and shining blades were hard to miss. Metal clanged and sparked as Peter's and Hook's swords connected and chanced. Peter's feet hadn't left the deck thus far. He remembered the last time he'd given his word not to fly and he was hoping for something like that to happen again. But the boy and pirates were on deck this time, not in the rigging. Peter could always jump overboard, but he knew not how to swim. Was he afraid of the crocodile? Of course not! The crocodile had no taste for an overzealous boy, not to mention that it loved Peter for giving it the treat of Hook's hand in the first place. ~-~-~-~ Tinker Bell sat on David's head, getting comfortable in his golden-yellow hair. She was still very sour about things not going her way. But she'd think of something else, sooner or later. Tootles took his order seriously. He picked up Rebecca's feet and walked proudly behind the twins, who were each carrying one of her arms. But being so small, Tootles could only hold the girl's lower half barely an inch off the ground. To help him out, Curly picked him up. The chain of boys carrying the "sleeping" girl was quite a sight to see. David reached out, landing his hand on Cubby's shoulder. "Alright, I'm ready." Nibs had to contain a laugh. If they'd know what it was, or had one, the Lost Boys would have taken a picture with a camera. Harry, Terry, Rebecca, Tootles, and Curly would probably never be in the same position again. The Lost Boy's third in command looked to Slightly. There were many entrances to the Home Under the Ground, so Nibs asked, "Which way shall we go?" He thought it best to use the main entrance, but one never knew if the Indians were about -- and they knew where how to get into the Home Under the Ground. It would be terrible if the Indians captured them whilst they had Rebecca and David with them. Before Slightly could answer, Cubby interjected, "The underground tunnel near Crocodile Creek." He had also thought about the Indians, and they didn't know about that entrance.
Heh heh... I did pick up a Death Note. But then I figured out it was just a notebook with "Death Note" scrawled on the front. Apparently math notes deserve to die. LOL Anyway, I'm sure I'd pick one up if I found one. I can't ever see myself killing someone, but you never know, do ya? I'd look through it, see what what written in it, try to find a name of belonging. But, finding none, I'd take it home. I'd do some research on what was written in it already (Google the rules). Depending on what I found, I'd go from there. I'd tell my sister about it, that's for sure. But I wouldn't go spreading word around on what I'd found. I think I might even try it out. O.o Kinda creepy to think about being responsible for someone's death; but I'd make sure that it was someone who the world could do better without. But then... who am I to make that decision? For a Shinigami? I think I'd want someone funny. Someone who could be serious too, of course.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Spoiler Maes Hughes and Edward Elric Death Note: Spoiler L
It made me see what was so violent about The Lion King. When I was little, my parents would edit it. O.o I went back and watched it and was like, "Holly hell... slow motion b-tch slappin'."
Oooh! I LOVE Ursula's song, "Poor Unfortunate Souls." It's so evil. xD
OOC: We're gonna have to do something. If we want this to continue, we need a new BeeBee. Asterisk, if I'm correct, has left the site. Ne'er to return. D,=
I iz zo zmart. :D
Thanks, Lestat. Beatrice replied, though there was a small part of her that was hurt. "Jinx went to Dracula and Van Helsing," Michael answered Edward. Hannah swore. "Let's just go. There's enough blood here without adding ours to it." OOC: How's that for a post!? >D
I learn new things every day.
I know, right? :D