"Just a minute, Slightly," Peter pursed his lips, deep in thought now. "He's not officially a Lost Boy yet. He has to earn it, just like Wild Cat and Bear Killer." Peter was, of course, speaking of John and Michael Darling. He was about to continue when he noticed Rebecca. "She's alive!" The twins were the first to rush over. "She is! She is!" "Don't break her!" Cubby pushed the twins aside. Tootles climbed on top of Cubby's head and waved at Rebecca. "Hey, back off! Girlies are delicate, 'member?" NIbs warned the boys.
OOC: What was that?! D< Fine... I'll just go on then. >P BIC: Peter's crow was heard before he was seen coming into the Home Under the Ground. Tinker Bell was immediately on his shoulder the second he'd landed on his chair. The chair was made of tree branches, sawed off by the Lost Boys and Peter, with help from the nature-talent fairies. Peter was friends with all the pixies after all. Draped on the chair was the skin of a brown bear, at the top of the chair's back was a plethra of feathers from all sorts of birds, along with some branches from different bushes. It was an especially decorated chair for the King of Neverland. "Lost Boys," Peter began, very instruction-like, "sound off!" All the Lost Boys lined up and called out their names, one by one. It was very well rehearsed. Peter liked to make them do it every time someone new came to Neverland to be with them. Tinker Bell was glad that Peter was back, and moreso to see that he hadn't been hurt by Hook. She settled, cross legged, on his shoulder and watched the Lost Boys do their introductions (though they'd done them already).
OOC: Yay!! :D Tis this color! Plum. The bottom of the second to last column of colors.
OOC: Nooooooooooooot until you do David. xP
Hiromi had turned to leave when she saw Haruhi's wave. She paused and considered going over to Haruhi; she'd never requested him before. He seemed like the nicest most sincere, and appeared to be the least busy at the moment. Gathering her courage, she made her way over to Haruhi. OOC: Oh, it's so tiny...
Oh, that one is so good. I love how they kept closer to the ideals of Sir James M. Barrie's original Peter. Not to mention that the cast is great...
So do you like Peter, too?
Aw, thanks! xD
OOC: Okeyday. That's understandable. ^^ Oh! This is the perfect time for Hiromi's entrance. <3 BIC: Hiromi Asahi, a second year at Ouran, was walking the halls of Ouran when she realized she was in the wing of the third music room. She stopped outside a set of double doors and looked at them a moment. Her bag held at her side, she lifted her other hand to check her wrist-watch. There was still some time left. Her mind made up, she opened the doors to music room number three. Hiromi took one step inside the room and then second guessed her decision. Everyone seemed to be having a fantastic time. But there was no smile on her face. She tucked a loose strand of her red hair behind her ear and lowered her eyes to the floor. Perhaps she should go -- she didn't know what host she wanted to visit anyway.
Tamaki had to admit to himself that they were right. It was his idea in the first place (and a good one too). But that wasn't going to stop him from having fun with Haruhi. This was his club and he was going to enjoy it to the fullest. "I don't have time to argue with you about this," Tamaki shrugged off the matter as elegantly as he could. With that, he went back to his table and laid on the cheesey, princely act to the girls waiting. OOC: What do you think of the OC? =D
You didn't yell "Surprise!"??? You are bad people indeed.
OOC: Thanks. By the way, I'm just about done with the OC. =) This bio is huge! BIC: Before he was given a chance to answer Haruhi, Tamaki was swept away by the twins. Tamaki frowned at the twins. It was a disatrous swoop of fate that they were in the same class as Haruhi, and it vexed Tamaki greatly. "You're not the ones to be talking," he retorted, arms folded. "You two are all over each other. And besides, a daddy can dote on his daughter as much as he wants to. My little girl needs better attention than the kind you give her." OOC: Okay! Here it is! Name: Hiromi Asahi Age: 16 Gender: Female Year: 2nd Bio: Cute on the outside with long, waving red hair and shining green eyes, this girl has a fun loving attitude on this inside. She enjoys walking her shiba inu, Misaki, on the weekends, reading books, playing video games, and visiting the hosts. Unlike most girls, she’s not obsessed with the hosts. She goes for enjoyment, or to be cheered up when she’s down. She hasn’t chosen a favorite host yet because of her lack of visits, but she is leaning towards Kyouya. Hiromi liked how down-to-earth and technical he was, it was a nice balance to how she was. Hiromi had a nice life – two parents who loved each other and her, a good school, great friends. Hiromi thought she had it made, thought she would graduate and take over her mother’s business, but then her parents began to fight. She knew it was not her place to eavesdrop, so whenever they began their quarrels, she’d leave the house. Hiromi didn’t know what the reason was, but her parents split and she ended up with her father. Her father is not a rich man, but he is kind. The two spend plenty of time together, but they have not talked of the divorce once. It has only been two weeks since the court authorization. Nowadays, Hiromi only visits the hosts to forget about her troubles for a little while. However, she has turned to Host Hopping. Depending on her mood when she enters Music Room Three, she chooses a host. If she’s feeling super down, she’ll go to Hunny to see his cute, smiling face; if she’s feeling quiet and in need of only company, she’ll go to Mori; if she needs to hear someone blabber about how pretty she is, she'll go to Tamaki, and so on. Hiromi depends on the Host Club probably more than she should and definitely more than they know. Appearance: She wears the girls’ uniform at school, but outside of school she enjoys wearing skirts with leggings and various tops, usually all with logos of bands or video games. She most often keeps her hair tied back, mainly because of all the “mermaid” comments she get; but when she does wear it down, it flows nearly to her waist. She wears a pair of star stud earrings nearly every day, along with a bracelet with a moon and sun charm – she’s never answered anyone who asks why she wears them all the time.
Tamaki stared at Haruhi a moment, his eyes wide and sparkling, a smile forming on his face. "You're so cute, Haruhi!!" He exclaimed, grabbing her and spinning in circles. The guests were staring at the two of them, some trying to figure out what was going on and others just admiring the cuteness. "Daddy loves you so much Haruhi!" At last, Tamaki set her down, still looking at her with those shining eyes and happy-go-lucky grin.
Okay, this is my thread! Yay! I already posted a separate thread ("Dear Peter") with a recent song of mine, and I'm going to open this thread with another song. I wrote this one for one of my friends as a birthday present. It made me so happy when she read it (she cried and said it was her best birthday present -- I love her!) :D She loves country, so I attempted a country song for the first time. STARS IN YOUR EYES I can feel it... Your heart... on your sleeve Ev'ry day you treat like an adventure Ev'ry day you smile at the shining sun Ev'ry day we know that you are a winner Ev'ry day we just know you are the one There are stars in your eyes [There are] stars in your eyes And I feel it, yes I feel it Your heart on your sleeve Country girl, sing us a song now Country girl, lend us your voice Country girl, create harmonies somehow Contry girl, you make us rejoice There are stars in your eyes [There are] stars in your eyes And I feel it, yes I feel it Your heart on your sleeve Come on now, everyone come listen Come on now, don't you turn shy Come on now, it's your voice we're missin' Come on now, with your songs you can fly There are stars in your eyes [There are] stars in your eyes And I feel it, yes I feel it Your heart Your heart Your heart on your sleeve Your heart on your sleeve EDIT: Thankies to whomever put my threads together! =D
OOC: Okay, I can FINALLY post on this. >< There's still a lot going on, and I'm trying to handle it best I can, but I can only do much at once. Here's a good thing though: My theatre department went to Regions and we made it to state! AND I won Best Supporting Actress! Oh, and I'm just about finished with that OC. I'll post it in a second, or edit this post to put it in. BIC: "Oh, Haruhi, those nasty twins know nothing of personal boundaries! Let me shelter you from them!" Tamaki was next to Haruhi so fast it should have been impossible, his arms outstreched. But he was infuriated by the way Hikaru and Kaoru treated Haruhi like a new toy. At least Tamaki doted on her like a loving, obsessive father. Little did he know just how much he and Haruhi's father did have in common. "Come with me," Tamaki was very aware of the guests watching him, so he put his hands on Haruhi's shoulders instead of somewhere else like he wanted to. After all, with all the eyes looking on, he had to treat Haruhi like a boy.
Hook. What the hell was wrong with those people? Worst movie I've ever seen. I only watched it to kill time before Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I really hate the idea of Peter growing up (along with a lot of other things that happened in that movie).
OOC: ........ O.O ........ T-T ........ That's it. Hannah's going to do David. =] BIC: Nibs gestured grandly in a wide arc with his arm. "Amazing, isn't it?" He was proud to have such a great home to show off. Of course, to someone who wasn't a Lost Boy it all just looked like dirt and more dirt; but the Lost Boys loved it. Peter took off again, eager to see how David and Rebecca were liking Neverland. He'd had his fun with Hook and now it was time to see his boys again and get on to the next game. Now that there were two more people in Neverland, Peter had to decided just exactly what he wanted to do with them.
My life doesn't like me. >< But 'tis nice to see you on.
OOC: Have you not been paying attention AT ALL?! D: Go look. ><
:sweatdrop: Sorry. It's just that the last time someone called it an "obsession" is was meant to be hurtful.