"Tink and her friend will give you flying lessons!" Peter answered, grinning. He thought it was a great idea. Tinker Bell shook her head profusely. There was no chance that she'd give any kind of lesson to that girl. Fawn punched the air excitedly. She gave flying lessons all the time! It would be fun to give a human lessons too.
Peter waved his hand. "Nah, this was too easy." He folded his arms in thought. Unconsciencly, he rose into the air and sat with his legs folded underneath him. "How 'bout they get first prank on the pirates tomorrow?" Cubby suggested. "Last to go to bed?" Nibs threw in. "First to mess with the mermaids?" Harry and Terry added. Tootles ran around in a circle and pointed to Tinker Bell and Fawn. "That's it!" Peter snapped his fingers and smiled at Tootles. "He's got the right idea!" Fawn looked to Tinker Bell, questioning what exactly it was that Tootles had suggested.
Nibs was the first back, closely followed by the rest of the Lost Boys. They all gathered around Rebecca and David, cheering. Fawn and Tinker Bell were by Slightly and Cubby. Fawn was looking at every detail of the Home Under the Ground, zipping from one thing to the next. Peter was glad to see Tinker Bell was back, and she'd brought a friend, but he wanted to focus everyone's attention on Rebecca and David at the moment. "Lost Boys," Peter's commanding voice rang through Hangman's Tree. "fall in!" They all lined up and Peter continued, "The winners of this game of Treasure Hunt are Rebecca and David. As their prize..." he trailed off. He hadn't actually thought of a prize.
Sometimes I wish they'd made a second one just so I could see more of the cast and their silly adventures. =)
Superman Returns (2006) on AMC. I liked it. I missed the first 40 minutes, but I really enjoyed what I saw.
I will. ^^ In fact, this thread could probably be closed now.
"Oh no, Haruhi; you don't have to trouble yourself with this," Tamaki said smoothly. He could see the traces of a frown on her face and had the feeling that she wanted to get home quickly. The sweet gentleman inside him wanted to let her go home. He didn't mind the mess all that much; it was just cleaning up the plates and cups -- no big deal. After waiting an extended amount of time, Hiromi figured her father was not coming to pick her up. The sun was forming a beautiful golden-red sky, and the clouds were in the just right position to gently absorb and reflect it rays to create a near-perfect sunset. Hiromi decided to let her hair down from its high pony-tail for the walk home. It wasn't very far, but it seemed so when wearing the shoes that she was. She walked outside, bag in one hand and the other blocking the glowing rays of the sun. The breeze was soft and playful, but she kept her hair down as it was not too much of a trouble. She walked the pathway towards the gates of Ouran's front entrance and saw two people sitting together. The Hitachiin twins? They're still here? Hiromi wondered what was keeping them at Ouran so late. Didn't they have a limo or something that took them home? It occured to her that she'd never seen any of the Hosts outside of the Host Club except for passing in the halls or during lunch. She was suddenly awkward for a moment. If she just walked past them, would they ignore her? Or would they pull one of their odd pranks? Hiromi decided to just stop thinking of such silly things and get on with her walk. She stopped by the wall, a modest distance from the twins, to check for passing cars before crossing the street. Just then the breeze changed to a brieft gust, sending her hair flowing behind her. The colors of the suns setting rays shone against the red rue of her hair, making a sheen of orange-red highlights in her long locks, and a matching glow on the yellow of her dress. She held her bangs to the side until the gust died down. The beauty of the short moment was gone when Hiromi set off across the street after a car had passed. She didn't look back at the twins but looked at the sidewalk passing beneath her feet instead. She just wanted to get home quickly and find out why her father hadn't been there.
Tamaki was going to go on a rant of how cute Haruhi had been that day, but the twins got him distracted. "Those little devils! They have no respect for their king! Haruhi!" He whined. "You don't devise plans with them in your classes do you!? They haven't swayed you to their evil side, right?" His royal purple eyes were begging and putting on their best pout yet. It was a pout that was dangerously close to his famous puppy dog eyes.
Don't worry, all of my future stuff will go in that thread (I'm also thinking of putting the stuff that I've already posted [like this] into that thread too). That's why I made it. This thread was made nearly two years ago.
Great news! It's taken this long, but I've finally gotten recording equiptment! I'll be putting up some audio files today hopefully.
Peter jumped out of his chair and followed Rebecca, still in the air, to his room. He pushed aside the bear-skin that was a makeshift door and grinned widely. There was the treasure, glowing dimly from the relfected light off the faces of the coins. "You did it!" He congratualated her. He flew out of Hangman's Tree and high enough into the sky so that he could yell to all the Lost Boys. He crowed loud and clear and announced, "Lost Boys! Rebecca found the treasure! Back to the hideout!" "Aw, they got to it first," Cubby frowned. He thought he and Slightly would win for sure. "Oh well," Nibs sighed. He tried his best, but next time, he'd just have to try harder. He was excited to have another Lost Girl in the group though; he missed having fun with Jane. "No way!" Harry and Terry exclaimed. They set off at a run for Hangman's Tree, wanted to see if Peter was telling the truth or just trying to mess up their searching. "Let's go, Tootles," Curly picked up the littlest Lost Boy. "This means that Peter might make them Lost Boys now... or Lost Girl and Boy."
"Haruhi!!" Tamaki's cry errupted once all the guests had left. He ran and tried to glomp Haruihi, thinking she needed consolment from her tough day of being a Host.
"You'll have to think like a Lost Boy to find it," Peter smiled. "And have fun like a Lost Boy." They were the same words he'd spoken to Jane and she'd been the one to find the treasure that time. Maybe they were good luck words.
It hadn't helped much, but Hiromi decided to let it be at that. "Thank you, Haruhi," She stood up and said good-bye to Haruhi. It was hard to not feel the eyes that watched her leave. It was odd, but it felt as though everyone's attention was on her. Once outside of Music Room Number Three, she walked at a pace that could have been a jog if it was any faster. Tamaki, with the air of a king, stood up and gestured to all the guests to get their attention onto him. "My dear ladies, I'm afraid it's that time of day again: the Host Club must close it's doors. Oh, but don't despair," He placed his hand on the cheek of a girl who'd sighed sadly. "We'll be here for you again next time." He slid his hand slowly down her cheek bone, causing the girl to nearly faint. Tamaki smiled a handsome smile that was really a reflection of all his charm.
"Of course I did! Hook's treasure!" Peter replied proudly. "That old codfish didn't even notice when I took it!" Cubby kept up with Slightly as best he could. He was excited to finally win a game -- and the most challenging one! "Let's follow," Fawn quickly zipped after the two Lost Boys. She knew Tinker Bell could keep up with her, neither were Fast-flying pixies.
"I can't tell you!" Peter said in a sing song voice. He was enjoying this. They were so close! "Aw, they really want to win." Fawn put on a pouting face and looked to Tinker Bell. "Come on, let's help." "It wouldn't be fair to the other boys," Tinker Bell pointed out. "But... they don't have to know." Fawn squeeled happily and told Slightly and Cubby. "Go look in Peter's room! But don't tell him we told you!"
"If I told you, it wouldn't be fun," Peter smiled, putting his hands behind his head. He knew none of the Lost Boys would dare go into his room and so that was where he'd hidden the treasure chest. It was right there, in plain sight, next to his little tree-trunk chair. "But I guess I could give you a clue... It's shiny!" Tinker Bell shook her head no. And it wasn't a lie. She hadn't seen Peter hide anything, but she had seen him place Hook's treasure in his room -- and that wasn't really hiding it. "Oh, you're lying!" Fawn exclaimed. She had a knack for telling when Tinker Bell was lying. "Tell me where it is; I won't tell them." "No fair!" Cubby complained when Tinker Bell whispered the treasure's location to Fawn.
"Treasure Hunt," Tinker Bell explained to Fawn. "It's one of Peter's favorite games." "Oooh, sounds like fun!" Fawn clapped her hands. "What kind of treasure is it?" She asked Slightly and Cubby. Cubby was just staring open-mouthed at Fawn. He'd never understood a fairy before, but he could understand her. Peter sighed; he wasn't going to stop the two from searching, so the game was pretty near over. That is, if they could find the treasure, they were so close and yet so far. Peter had put it somewhere that no one went but him.
"How do you know that?" Peter frowned. It was no fun when someone used their brain to solve the puzzle. He liked how the Lost Boys just ran around and looked everywhere. "Who are we going to ask?" Cubby questioned. He didn't know many of the fairies and he deffinately could not speak with them. Peter was the only one who was able to talk in their language. "Once we get to Peter, I'll give him a piece of my mind," Fawn announced proudly. She wasn't even watching where she was flying, and ran straight into Slightly. "Ow! Hey, watch where you're--" She stopped when she saw how big the person she ran into was. Fawn, being an Animal Talent, could be understood by all beings. "That's Slightly; Peter's second in command," Tinker Bell informed Fawn. "I wonder what they're doing."
"Back so soon?" Peter asked, a trouble-making tone in his voice. He wanted to make sure that they didn't find the treasure. The game wouldn't end until someone did, and he liked long games. "Go idea! I'm sure someone saw Peter hide it!" Cubby agreed. He was glad Slightly was so smart.