Narnia: The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Teehee, I can't wait for the third one to come out! :D
OOC: Doh! >< You kept that post up?! If you don't post that old man soon, Peter's just gonna leave. =D BIC: Tinker Bell stamped her foot on air. She'd been so close! Two short jingles from her said, "Not true." Her stuck-up attitude shone through to everyone, even though practically no one could understand her. She waved off Slightly before he could even start to scold her; she didn't want to hear it from him. All of the Lost Boys came scurrying out from their hiding places. There was a great deal of commotion as each hurried to introduce themself to David. Curly was quietly observing the boy's reaction to this. Nibs stood next to Slightly. "So she tricked us again...?" He was very disappointed in himself, and the others for that matter. Peter had gotten so angry with them the last time they'd let Tinker Bell get the better of them. That last time it had been... a mother for them! Perhaps this new girl, if she indeed wasn't Captain Hook's monster, was to be their new mother! "It's really nice to meet you all," David began warrily. It took a moment, but the Lost Boys got the message and shut their traps. "But she's not a 'flying creature.' She's my friend. We came here with Peter. Captain Hook was giving us trouble, so Peter stayed behind to distract Hook while Tinker Bell led us here -- or was supposed to anyway." "Then you are the new boy," Cubby exclaimed, slamming his fist onto his palm. It was pointing out the obvious, but that was just what Cubby did. Tootles frowned. He didn't like the new boy so far. He sounded like a... grow up. Tootles stuck his tongue out at that thought. "My name is David," the boy replied. "Is there somewhere we can go where she'll be able to lay down?" "The hideout!" Harry and Terry said, bouncing once again. Terry continued, "We can take them, right Slightly? Peter was the one that brought them here, so they must be allowed there." Harry took over saying, "But we'd have to blind fold them. Can't risk Hook finding out where we are." "I think that'd be okay," Curly spoke up. "Peter will be able to meet up with us there."
Music is a very big part of my life. I don't know what I'd do without it. There are movies, TV shows, books, SONGS that describe how amazing music can be. I'm involved in my school choir, musical theater; I sing at home all the time, it doesn't matter what I'm doing. Music to the world is a great factor of society. Songs tell stories. They express emotion. There have been many songs about former Pres. Bush and how incompetent he was. There have been songs about the hurt that war causes. There have been many, many songs about the joys of life and love. Yes, I think music will continue for a long time. I hope music never leaves our world.
Cookies and tea? xD
"Stop!" David yelled without thinking. Subconsciously, he knew that it was the Lost Boys firing the projectiles, but he didn't think to call out to them directly. He stood in front of Rebecca. "Tinker Bell, help us out." Tinker Bell frowned and folded her arms. She liked David, that much was true, but she still did not like Rebecca at all. Grumpily, she flew back to the Lost Boy's in their hiding places and flopped onto Slightly's shoulder. She told him to call off the Lost Boys, grudgingly.
Yup! That's EXACTLY what I mean. xD
OOC: Yeah, we're just that good. =D (But Hook's not. lol Stinky codfish. xP) Post 60!! BIC: Tinker Bell stood up and dusted off her bottom. Hearing Rebecca and David coming closer, she got a brilliant idea. Her glow flashed back to yellow-green. She spoke to Slightly, telling him to stay there and loose their weapons at the one she flew above. Pleased with her devilish plan, she hurried away, leaving a distinct trail of pixie dust. The fairy flew to the children, stopping but an inch in front of David's face, making him come to a dead stop. She rubbed her tiny nose against David's much larger one. She was glad to see that he was unhurt. Then she flew in front of Rebecca and, with one hand on her hip, she shook a finger very sternly at the girl, scolding her for putting David in danger. Without waiting for a response from Rebecca, she flitted up and hovered abover her head. She stayed their, arms crossed over her chest, for a moment and then looked to the Lost Boys and pointed enthusiatically down at Rebecca. "Tinker Bell, what's wrong?" David asked. Nibs looked to Slightly. What was he supposed to do? Tinker Bell had spoken to Slightly, not him -- he wouldn't have understood anyway. The girl standing next to the boy didn't seem like a flying monster to him.