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  1. Garxena
    OOC: Alright. I've got some time tonight. This week should be my last week of physical theropy (so that'll clear up some time). The only thing I've got to worry about is my Glee (NOT the TV show) audition on the 19th and studying for finals next week. Recap? Please with sugar coated bunny candies on top!
    Post by: Garxena, May 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Garxena
    Oh my gosh! That's so funny! My sister and I were just saying how Monica would be PERFECT for May! =D Aaron as Young Hohenheim is kinda ify for me. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Hmm... I only remember Trina from Black Blood Brothers (just seeing her name in the credits, I don't remember the role she played. I don't think I've heard Kenny Green (consciencely) before. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in their new roles!
    Post by: Garxena, May 16, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  3. Garxena
    "You're both right!" Fawn smiled and gave them both a big thumbs up. "You guys have got a knack for this. Peter told you what to do to get into the air, right?"
    Post by: Garxena, May 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Garxena
    Atreyu didn't want to stay in this situation any longer than he needed to. Lady Goldwin had given him leave, and he was going to take it. It was risky, but he needed to fly again -- and he had to stay on this time. He stayed Keiran the best he could, with difficulty due to the Dragon's raised temper, and climbed on to the Dragon's back. Keiran's massive wings spread as far as they could in their limited space.
    "Thank you, Lady Goldwin," Atreyu said his parting words and then Keiran's wings gave a mighty push, and they were out of the trees. Just to spite the hunter, Keiran let loose an unnecessarily loud roar. He would have shot flames as well if it weren't for Atreyu's request of inconspicuousness.
    Atreyu wasn't sure where to go, and wasn't fond of the idea of making any sharp turns again, so he let Keiran fly straight. They'd be out of Numenor's borders soon enough.

    Boromir frowned. He didn't like the idea of such a Dragon roaming about with a boy. No matter what the situation, Boromir would never trust any Dragon. Adding to his frown was the nameless hunter. Foreigner or not, he should know to address Goldwin with respect.
    Post by: Garxena, May 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Garxena
    Keiran was takenaback by the bow. Atreyu was the only one who'd bowed before him, and that was on one knee with his eyes on the ground. Did that mean this girl had the same respect for him that Atreyu did? Keiran wasn't exactly ready or willing to find out. Atreyu was still the only human he trusted.
    "You're traveling alone? In this land?" Atreyu was confused. Didn't this girl know that there were Dragons about? Could she even defend herself if one attacked her? It didn't look like it from the display Keiran had provoked.
    Post by: Garxena, May 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Garxena
    Keiran looked puzzled. No one had ever spoken to him that way. He growled, irritated with the girl's annoying tone of voice, and small smoke tendrils came from his jaws.
    "Please calm down," Atreyu said to Keiran. He did not want anoter fireball to ravage these trees. Turning to face the girl, Atreyu asked, "Why were you eavesdropping on us?"
    Keiran shut his mouth, but he was still aggitated. His eyes snapped to Trys, wondering if he was going to do anything about this girl.

    OOC: Darn you!
    Post by: Garxena, May 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Garxena
    Keiran's sharp ears caught the voiced thoughts. He bounded over to where it came from and found a girl. She was sitting down and had no weapon in her hands. Keiran slinked closer to the girl, jaw open slightly to show off his teeth. He did not like to be spied on -- Atreyu knew that first-hand.
    "Keiran, stop!" Atreyu hurried over to Keiran, which was not easy on his hurt leg. It was lucky he got there, too, because Keiran looked about ready to see what happened to a human when you set it on fire. Keiran inched ever closer to the girl; he didn't want her making any sudden moves. Atreyu stood in front of Keiran, put his hands on the Dragon's head, and pushed him back. It was only by a couple steps, but at least Keiran wasn't squashing the girl to the tree anymore. Keiran snorted and shook Atreyu's hand off his head. He looked over Atreyu's shoulder to stare at the girl.

    Boromir sighed quietly. Was nothing in this land private anymore?
    Post by: Garxena, May 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Garxena
    "I agree, Lady Goldwin," Boromir said, tearing his eyes away from the Dragon. "There is too much going on now to deal with a situation like this one. Your parents decision will have to come before yours."

    Atreyu sighed and looked at Keiran. He seemed to be trying to make a decision about these people. Atreyu tried to smile for him. Keiran tilted his head, listening to something close by -- voices. A growl rumbled up from his throat, threatening flames.
    "Hey... what is it?" Atreyu followed Keiran's line of sight. What was hidden in the trees that Keiran knew of that Atreyu didn't notice? He was about to find out. Keiran stalked over to the source of the sound, smelling and listening for whatever it was. If it happened to be an animal, he'd happily have it as a snack. If it was something else, well, he hadn't made up his mind of what he'd do with something else.
    Post by: Garxena, May 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Garxena
    "He can help," Atreyu said quickly, going to stand next to Keiran. "Everyone knows we're close to war. It's practically spelled out in the clouds. We can fight for Numenor."
    Keiran's eyes narrowed. What was Atreyu going on about? He croutched back to four legs, tail behind him now and flicking. He was interested in be able to stay, but join a human army and fight their battles? Why should he bother? Atreyu was the only one who cared for him, so Atreyu was the only one he would protect.

    "Your friend doesn't seem to agree," Boromir noted. He was amused by the range of emotions this Dragon showed, and found it interesting to see them all reflected in his eyes.
    Post by: Garxena, May 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
  11. Garxena
    OOC: Don't worry about it, Random Angel; I'm really good at giving recaps. xD

    BIC: Keiran decided to avert his attention from the nameless man so he could look again at Goldwin. He didn't like his options. He liked being with Atreyu and didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to stay if he was going to be killed. It was odd to him, but he wanted to get a closer look at this Lady Goldwin. Croutching low, letting his tail drag on the ground, Keiran walked towards Goldwin. He wanted to know what was so special about her.
    "Keiran," Atreyu tried to call the Dragon back. He didn't want Goldwin to get nervous and hurt Keiran.
    Keiran ignored Atreyu and got so close to Goldwin that their faces were almost touching. He sniffed her once, backed up a couple of paces, and sat on his haunches. His wings were folded and his tail curled around his legs. Eyes innocent and wide, he came to the decision that the only thing he found wrong with this lady was that she smelled of dead Dragon.
    Atreyu smiled. This was what Keiran had done when he'd become friends with Atreyu. Perhaps he was trying to make some sort of peace with Goldwin. Or maybe he was just using his cuteness to appeal to her better nature.

    Boromir still couldn't take his eyes off the Dragon. He had almost drawn his sword when the beast got close to Goldwin. This was all wrong to him. Night Furies were supposed to be killing machines, vicious monsters. But this one acted almost like a common pet.
    Post by: Garxena, May 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Garxena

    Not as epic as I was told...
    Post by: Garxena, May 9, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  13. Garxena
    Here are my character profiles again! =D Take your time, Pezz; I've got finals coming up so I'll be busy studying.

    Username- Garxena
    Name- Aduial Brún
    Race- Cylians
    Powers- Premonitions [of disastrous events or something that directly involves her]; controls the Earth element
    Age- Looks about 18 or 19, but she's really 213.
    Gender- Female
    Side- Good
    Weapon- Bow and arrows
    Background- She grew up in a rather wealthy family with a social standing, but wanted a life that wasn't so high class. She longed to be able to go out whenever she pleased without having to worry about the dangers of the night or impressing people. Fed up with having to maintain such a profile, Aduial decided it was time for her to leave. She talked with her parents (for quite a long time), and they eventually agreed to let her go. Not a month after she'd left, she ran across trouble. It was night in the forest; she was enjoying a calming walk when she was ambushed by Leechers. She was able to fight most of them off, but ended up being saved by a Vampire.
    Appearance- She's about 5'5".

    Username- Garxena
    Name- Aidou Hanabusa
    Race- Vampire
    Powers- Can control heat. He condenses the air around him and then freezes it, forming shards of ice. He can also make the air around an object move faster, creating friction and then a burst of heat. However, the ice cannot remain frozen – neither the object hot – for a prolonged period of time (Aidou isn't greatly gifted with magic).
    Age- Looks about 17 or 18; he doesn't like to give his real age.
    Gender- Male
    Side- Neutral [for now]
    Weapon- None
    Background- He's always gotten by on his looks. He was good looking before he was Changed, and his looks only enhanced afterwards. His charm and beauty usually always get him a quick, easy meal. He hates people that outshine him, but he doesn't usually hold grudges. He lives a life of luxury, paying no heed to the trouble around him. His focus was on his own little world until he met Aduial Brún. Fascinated by her strong will and complete ignorance of his charm, he agreed to help her – and stay with her; but that part was just a promise to himself.
    Appearance- Blond hair, ice blue eyes, fairly muscular, wears black jeans with a slightly fuzzy, navy blue turtle neck shirt. He's 5'10".

    Username- Garxena
    Name- Sameire Alzeire
    Race- Human
    Powers- Shaper
    Age- 16
    Gender- Female
    Side- Good
    Weapon- One broad, short dagger. She always has it with her.
    Background- She is the daughter of King Bryne III and brother to Tristan. She looked up to her brothers greatly, and even had a small, self-imposed competition with Tristan in the dealings of Shaping. She never knew her mother because she'd died in labor. Sameire was devastated when her eldest brother was sentenced to death. She coped with the loss by burying herself in books. She is a quick learner and picked up plenty of information from the seemingly endless library that is part of the castle. When Tristan was exiled, Sameire became very withdrawn and hardly spoke to anyone. When she still had her brothers to live with, she wore dresses and outfits fit for a princess, but once she was alone she wore breeches and loose fitting shirts. Because of the reading she'd done and her own experiences, she'd learned that the world wasn't the perfect place she'd dreamed of. Deciding that she needed to face reality, she practiced her Shaping nearly every free moment that she had between her normal lessons. Some nights, she'd go out into the garden and sit by the roses. As the time passed without her brothers, Sameire became determined to get down to the grit of what Tristan was accused of. She now focuses her time on Shaping and reading. Sameire has a small suspicion about her father's actions, but has no proof to support her theory.
    Appearance- She has short black hair and sky blue eyes. She wears a light fitting white tunic and tan pants with dark brown boots. Attatched to her belt is a sheath for her dagger.

    Username- Garxena
    Name- Benjamin (Ben)
    Race- Summon
    Powers- Teleportation and telekinesis
    Age- Unknown
    Gender- Male
    Side- Good
    Weapon- None
    Background- He is the summon for the sapphire gem. He is very friendly, always has been. He is a master of a few styles of martial arts and possess great strength. In pasts wars, he fought by teleporting behind his enemies and executing a precise attack. Ben, like all other summons, is very loyal to his master. He'd go to the ends of the earth for them - because he also thinks of his master as his friend.
    Post by: Garxena, May 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    Dragonrider. Atreyu kind of liked the sound of that. Had there been Dragonriders before him? Now was not the time to be thinking about those kinds of things, though. He was comfortable with the Numenors answer, but he wasn't at all fine with the other man's answer. But in spite of Atreyu's feelings, Keiran turned a tight circle in the air and then ducked back into the trees. Though his body was large, the Night Fury barely made a sound when he touched the ground. He spit a small, human fist-sized fireball at the man as if to say, "I dare you."
    Atreyu got off of Keiran's back and bowed respectfully to Goldwin, Boromir, and Trys. He still had the bag on his shoulder with the "Dragon treats" in it, and now seemed like a good time to distract Keiran with some pig. Even if it only lasted a second. He took out a strip of the cooked pig and held it out for Keiran. The Dragon sniffed the air and then looked over to find the tasty morsel that Atreyu held. And suddenly, Keiran was like a little puppy begging for food. His tongue stuck out and he licked his lips, his wide eyes watching the piece of pig. Atreyu had to smile at the cuteness of it all. He gave the pig to Keiran, and it was gone in one gulp. Now the Dragon's attention was back to the unknown man. Food was nice, but his safety and Atreyu's safety were more important at the moment, so he was back on guard.

    Boromir couldn't believe what he was seeing. This boy and Dragon seemed to have known each other for a while, and the Dragon seemed very protective of the boy. How did a thing like this happen? It was quite intriguing.

    Atreyu put a hand on Keiran's shoulders. He looked to Goldwin and respectfully addressed her, "Your Majesty, my name is Atreyu, and this is Keiran -- my Dragon friend."
    Post by: Garxena, May 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Garxena
    "I'm sorry!" Atreyu apologized to Goldwin. He knew it was risky to do this, but what choice did he have? He should have left with Keiran when he had the chance. "But I--" he was interrupted by Keiran's irritated grumble. "Calm down, please," he said quietly to the Dragon. Then louder to the others, he continued, "I can't make him come down until he know that I'll be safe, and himself as well." Atreyu's heart was pounding. What was he doing? Had anyone ever tried to negotiated with two of the best Dragon-hunters for the safety of a Dragon? This was completely reckless.
    Keiran's eyes narrowed as he stared at Goldwin. He did not like the lady's body language or tone of voice. What's more, that man still had his sword drawn; and the other two ment looked about ready to fight as well. Why wouldn't Atreyu just let him fry the bunch of bullies so they could get back to the peace they had before? It would make things so much easier. And Keiran wanted more of that pig Atreyu had earlier.

    Boromir caught the look in Keiran's eyes and whispered to Goldwin, "My lady, perhaps it would be wise to agree to these minor terms. The Night Fury looks on edge. We may end up barbequed." He hand was still on this sword, despite his own words. Better to be cautious than killed.
    Post by: Garxena, May 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena
    OOC: then I shall end it!

    BIC: So everyone had an epic battle and lots of people died. these people included: Hannah, Edward, Bee, Jinx, Van Helsing, D, and Dracula. But Lestat survived. He laughed at everyone's dumbness and then went on his merry way to find Louis and play the bouncy-bed game.
    Post by: Garxena, May 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Garxena
    Keiran's tail wrapped around Atreyu and tossed the boy onto his back. Just before the warrior's sword reached the unlikely duo, Keiran beat his wings and was in the air, just above the tree tops. Atreyu steadied himself on Keiran's back and looked down. Below him, he saw their unknown attacker, and someone else. Another two men, and Lady Goldwin. Atreyu's heart sunk. He recognized one of the men as the Dragon-hunter Boromir. With Goldwin and Boromir there, it meant only one thing for Keiran: death.
    He heard Goldwin's word and frowned in puzzlement. But then he understood what she meant. She must have thought that Keiran had him there against his will. He wanted to say something to her, but what to say?

    Boromir's eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of someone flying on the back of a Dragon. "Lady Goldwin, I believe this changes the situation...."

    "We'll only come down if I'm given your word that this Dragon will not be harmed!" Atreyu called down to the people below him.
    Post by: Garxena, May 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena
    OOC: didn't this die?
    Post by: Garxena, May 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Garxena
    The only reason Keiran didn't bite the man's arm off was Atreyu's hand on his neck. Atreyu had his other hand on his onw sword, hanging from his belt. Keiran was done giving warnings, just itching for Atreyu to back off. He didn't want to have Atreyu close to him when he attacked; he could hurt Atreyu by accident.
    "Please, Keiran," Atreyu begged quietly. "If you kill him, you'll only be hunted down faster."
    Keiran shok his head to get Atreyu's hand off him. When Atreyu still didn't move, Keiran shot another blast of fire. This time the flames exploded right in front of the man's feet. If he wasn't caught on fire, the heat would be near unbearable, especially in that armor of his.

    "With the boy?" Boromir repeated. "How is that even possible? This is a Night Fury we're talking about."
    Post by: Garxena, May 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Garxena
    "Stop!" Atreyu hurried to his feet, pushing past Keiran's restraining tail. "Look, whoever-you-are, I dont care who you are or why you're here, but you need to leave. Just get away from us now, and Keiran might let you live." Just as Atreyu said this, Keiran stood up and spread his limbs in a fight-ready stance. This Dragon knew what a sword was, and only trusted one when it was in Atreyu's hands.

    Boromir followed Goldwin's lead. When he saw the destruction, his nerves heightened. He'd never seen the damage done by a Night Fury's fire, and now that he had he was even less enthusiastic about facing one.
    Post by: Garxena, May 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home