/tired Sixteen Zzzzzzz
Lightning . Or not Xion Spoiler lives?
Give up? Nevaaah G in a Cmajor
Twenty's plenty, gj
Eighteen Uhm, mods?
Xion Spoiler dies .
Zidane Tribal Dang, I'm getting slow... Tidus
Sorry, didn't see Acy's post, damn! Elovin' Edit: Snow frenchninja'd me I say 1
Booster 8 .
1 Oh wait, mod no post yet
It seems I've finally found something to do here besides lurking: Counting! 4
Eight to nine hours a day. Can't sleep during the day, except maybe during biology class...
Dangeresque TOO?
Dissidia [012]
HandsTENd .
Jack Bloctagon
Hi-five bro
Trinity Limit
Smitty Werben Jager Man Jansen