Could someone plzz tell me who the Rep systeme works.There have been times that i wanted to give rep but i don't know how.
also isn't that boring.I mean the whole couch potato thing?
lol ohh that's why.I'm used to other people when they put that ..... in the end it usally leads to an hour problem lol.
really that's it lol.
is there something else....
anytime.How's everything besides school.
well again congrats.
wow congrats.In what subject if you don't mind me
yeh our school had today off and yesterday was a half day.Did you atleast enjoy today?
whoa you had school today?
lol and yeah it's not so good.But it's also not fair i had this teacher for math 3 years in a row(no i didn't fail she teaches almost all of the...
School is alright although i got into a argument and the teacher won't let me back in class until i apologize lol.Just like i told Axel Red Hot...
I'm alright thnx for asking.
Uhh ok?Still the language was uncalled for(not that it really matters).
Excuse me you must be joking.Plus what i said doesn't even consern you.
ohh my bad lol.I should have know you would have done it.Well for whatever it's worth sorry.
Dude there is something wrong try logging out and then back in.It happens to me i log in and there's like 4 people.Even tho people who are supposably offline are messaging me.Then when i log back in there are 20 more people!!!
Alright alright i feel this topic has come to an end so again this time for real i'd like to thank everyone weather you were against or with me.I'd like to thank evryone who participated in this topic!!!
Ok well from now i'll take my time. I know i'm trying soo hard to make it like i'm not judging people.But i always end up judging people anyways.Plus i didn't start this topic to judge people but i'm doing it anyways.Great now i fell terrible lol.
@LilBueno Yaoi has no they but people who aren't even alive with people who are.They will do anything it's redonkulous lol.Really. @[giegue_gyiʎƃ‾sɐƃʎıƃ҈ ҉҈ ҉҈ Yeh i know there is other kinds so maybe i'm mixing them up.Maybe i really only have a problem with AkuRoku but i'm bringing that problem into everything that's like it.Wow even i think that messed up.So basically i have a problem with AkuRoku but i'm allowing it to affect well yaoi and what not. sorry for the spelling mistakes i'm trying not to take to long while writing.