believe me you'll get better even if i have to come there and teach you lol.
i meant you'll get better at the french.You said that you weren't that good at it.So i'm certain you will get good at it lol.
wow that good!!
lol.Plus i'm sure no i'm certain eventually you'll get!!
Both!(my fing message is too short lol this always happenes)
what day are you on on days?
I was born in Los Angeles,california.But i know live in Montreal,quebec!!!
so any plans for today(if i may ask).I mean besides checking your youtube account.
ohh wow i feel bad for you lol.
lol yeh.....
lol true true.That's not to is it raining or anything?
I wish i could send you my microphone through the computer lol.
wow that sounds cool!!!
Actually my cousin was into it.I used to say it was dumb.Like who wants a game with donald and goofy lol.But then when i realized it was more than that i got into it.The main thing that got my attention was......Organization 13.
well i see zack was no help last time i'm asking him for help!!!!.Anyways what are you making a video of?
Why yes i am even tho i don't remember my account and the simple fact that i made 0 videos lol.I'm really too lazy.
ohhh my bad again i'm sorry.So how is it in Europe.
OK!(uhh my message is too short that' why i put that crap in the brackets).
ohh my bad i'm sorry.I was starting to think that you were dumb lol.
Wow you work fast lol.